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VI told to brace for Trump-Era fallout

- Skelton-Cline said Trump’s America spells trouble for VI
US President Donald J. Trump (in photo). Former government consultant Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline has issued a stark warning to the Virgin Islands, urging authorities and residents to prepare for the inevitable consequences of President Trump’s policies. Photo: MSNBC
Commentator Claude O. Skelton-Cline has cautioned that the ripple effects of Trump’s administration are already evident, and the Virgin Islands must brace for significant socio-political and economic disruptions. Photo: Facebook
Commentator Claude O. Skelton-Cline has cautioned that the ripple effects of Trump’s administration are already evident, and the Virgin Islands must brace for significant socio-political and economic disruptions. Photo: Facebook
With most of the territory’s food and essential goods imported from the US, commentator Claude O. Skelton-Cline questioned whether the Virgin Islands had sufficient contingency plans in place. Photo: VINO/File
With most of the territory’s food and essential goods imported from the US, commentator Claude O. Skelton-Cline questioned whether the Virgin Islands had sufficient contingency plans in place. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI— Former government consultant Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline has issued a stark warning to the Virgin Islands, urging authorities and residents to prepare for the inevitable consequences of US President Donald J. Trump’s policies.

Speaking on the latest edition—January 28, 2025—of Honestly Speaking on ZBVI 780 AM, Skelton-Cline cautioned that the ripple effects of Trump’s administration are already evident, and the Virgin Islands must brace for significant socio-political and economic disruptions.

‘ICE is out everywhere’

The ever-candid Skelton-Cline did not mince words when addressing what he sees as a lack of ethical leadership in the White House.

"Of course, you can see what's happening since the election of President Donald Trump, Whether you like it or not, or we like it or not, he's the president, and we saw a slew of executive orders signed within hours of his arrival in the Oval Office.”

Pointing to Trump's aggressive immigration policies, warning that their effects extend beyond the US mainland and into the Virgin Islands, he informed listeners, "just travelling to St Thomas this past weekend, we see ICE is out everywhere. And what is that? ICE—the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency—is actively rounding up persons they deem to be in the US illegally; This is not just a US problem. It affects us here in the Virgin Islands as well.”

National Security

Addressing national security concerns for the Territory, the commentator warned that Trump's policies could drive a new wave of migration to the Virgin Islands, suggesting: "One of the national security deficiencies in this country is how porous our borders are.”

He further qualified his position.saying, “That (porous borders) is both our benefit and our challenge as an island nation; We don’t have a Coast Guard. Customs lacks the resources to effectively do what needs to be done. And now, we must ask ourselves—what mitigating factors do we have in place for the inevitable influx of migrants?”

Skelton-Cline, as such, urged policymakers and national security officials to consider the impact on already stretched resources, including housing, water supply, and education adamant, "We can't be overrun; There's only so many desks in classrooms. There's only so much housing stock. There's only so much water. This is our home, and we must be wise in how we handle what’s coming.”

Harsh Reality; We cannot be heartless!

Despite his warnings about the potential strain on the territory, Skelton-Cline did reiterate the need for compassion, acknowledging that migration is often driven by desperation.

“People only leave their homes in search of a better life. Our own foreparents did it—whether to Cuba, to the US Virgin Islands, to other parts of the Caribbean. They overstayed their 29 days, not because they were criminals, but because they were seeking opportunities and now, as we see these policies take hold, we cannot be heartless. We must remember our own history.”

He was vehement however, in cautioning against celebrating Trump’s hardline stance without understanding the human cost. "When we see things like this happening, we can’t just sit back and declare, ‘Oh, Trump is serious.’ No! There is a moral compass that must be maintained. There is a scale that must balance. We must have empathy and understanding.”

When the ‘US sneezes, we catch Pneumonia’

Beyond immigration, Skelton-Cline posits Trump's presidency could also have far-reaching economic and geopolitical consequences for the Virgin Islands saying, "The United States sneezes, we get pneumonia. They get pneumonia, we dead!”

With most of the territory’s food and essential goods imported from the US, the commentator questioned whether the Virgin Islands had sufficient contingency plans in place.

"What happens when the US faces its own internal implosion? When they begin to fight amongst themselves? What are we doing to preserve our food security, our trade relations? Are we looking to the UK? Because the UK has its own dilemmas, its own racial tensions, its own political uncertainties. We cannot afford to be caught unprepared.”

According to Skelton-Cline, "People of the world, and people of the Virgin Islands—if you're not woke, you better get woke; Pay attention to what's happening in the earth. Don’t think because it’s not you today, it won’t be you tomorrow," he cautioned. With this in mind, he suggested "We are one disaster away from tragedy. We must prepare—mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. We must prepare as families. We must prepare as a country. We have to prepare."

33 Responses to “VI told to brace for Trump-Era fallout”

  • WTF (29/01/2025, 15:23) Like (19) Dislike (17) Reply
    Are you any different to Donald Trump?
    • Stop the hysteria !! (29/01/2025, 18:31) Like (30) Dislike (5) Reply
      We act as if Trump has never been president before, despite his policies remaining largely unchanged. The reality is, if the Territory saw no significant impact during his previous term, it is unlikely to see one now. In fact, we may even see a decline in human smuggling. The BVI serves primarily as a transit point—most migrants are not looking to stay but to reach the U.S., where even menial jobs offer significantly higher wages. In contrast, low-skill work in the BVI does not provide the same financial incentive. So while vigilance is always necessary, panic is unwarranted.
    • Well Well (29/01/2025, 18:33) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      Is this the same man who was bigging up Trump? Cause he were saying the Trump es better than Biden.
    • Only Trump can save us (30/01/2025, 03:50) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
      You all have no idea the destructive plan W.H.O. Bill Gates and China is cooking up. 5 times worse than Covid.. Bill Gates with China's help is buying up all the fertile land with water wells all over the world for farming they will become maters again bringing back slavery, dictates what we eat and how to get us very sick spend all our monies to get cure and eventually die. Trump will disrupt and destroy their plans and save humanity.
      • Hysteria in the other direction (30/01/2025, 10:46) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
        You are now trafficking in hysteria and delusion in the other direction. Bill Gates is one of the few billionaires who has seriously reflected on the human condition and actively sought to improve the lives of all people, particularly the poor and disenfranchised. I have no animosity toward Trump, but to assume, even for a moment, that his motives are purely altruistic is to ignore reality. There’s a reason he once said, 'I love the uneducated'—he has common sense policies that will get the Country back on track from far left lunacy but to amke him some savior is a bridge too far.. Critical thinking, not unquestioning devotion, is what keeps leaders accountable.
    • Jumbirbeed (30/01/2025, 13:03) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Yes he different. Check the facts without asking.
  • smh (29/01/2025, 15:42) Like (61) Dislike (5) Reply
    This is ridiculous. Every country enforces its immigration laws and deports those who enter illegally. If you want to be in the U.S., follow the legal process.
  • HMMM (29/01/2025, 15:58) Like (37) Dislike (3) Reply
    How is it unethical to send people back to their homelands? If our people are in a foreign country wreaking havoc and breaking the law, it's a failure on our part. No one shoùld be obligated to tolerate bad behaviours from not their own. If you are a guest in a country, you should respect and follow the law. You shouldn't be rewarded for breaking the law.

    If anything, I say we need to prepare for the mass crime wave coming when these hardened criminals turn their delinquency on us. We also need to follow suit and start deporting the illegal immigrants that are here. If we have to deal with miscreants and BS they should at least be our own.
    • @Hummm (30/01/2025, 11:52) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      I wish I could like your comment 1000 times!
    • Waterducks (30/01/2025, 13:12) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Deport them where to England? Most illegals living on brucking down boats walking aroind with dogs behind them.
  • Kill The Prophet (29/01/2025, 16:09) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    Look how long I have been warning about this same scenario and what have I gotten in return except the most wicked evil abuse possible. If I were to detail the incidents people would swear that I am lying but BVI has a dark and evil history that we must come to terms with. There is no way that we can just go on as if we are squeaky clean with so much dirt under the rug. Bankie Banx says it beast..."we're on a one way street and there is a dead end ahead." A lot of people who used to be laughing ain't laughing no more. Some still high on the thrill of money and power and are blind to reality. Look at the way things are moving in this country we are not prepared for anything. Our political representatives simply cannot get out of the I Myself and Me gear there is no understanding of our place in the scheme of things. You can't eat your money wake up and smell the coffee. When the repayment of the 100million dollar loan kicks in with a turbulent economy how will we survive. " Hungry men like angry beasts fuss and fight there will be no peace." Skelton Cline is right "We are one disaster away from tragedy."
  • black (29/01/2025, 16:22) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Yup that's correct you woke joke. This is what we are doing waking you up from your wokeness.
  • Fake News. (29/01/2025, 16:32) Like (25) Dislike (6) Reply
    The BVI and the Caribbean economy will boom and prosper during president Trump term. You all need to stop judging, watch, wait and see.
  • William Shakespeare (29/01/2025, 16:42) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    set of people in BVI that are on documented
  • Wonfdra (29/01/2025, 17:24) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    On the circulating list of Trump's deportees the indication of a total of 5 from the BVI.
    It would be a gesture of sincerity and good intent,if the BVI would obtain the names if the 5 and take the initiative to assist in their deport..
    The BVI should be seizing the opportunity to shine a light of compliance and assistance considering so far it's record of dissuading and preventing the influx of illegals into the USVI bia the BVI,is half hearted and practically nonexistent
    Being in Trump's non coop countries would be a destruction in totality for these VI.
    • @Wonfdra (30/01/2025, 11:55) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Indeed! But would it not ALSO be great if the USA/USVI could assist be stopping the illegal influx of illegal guns and ammunition out of their borders and into the BVI!
  • Non nuclear (29/01/2025, 17:31) Like (14) Dislike (19) Reply
    Trump winning is the best that could have happened to us. No bracing for a nuclear fall out. Phew! He manifest everything he wants by talking big including peace. Andrew was similar but screwed up after warning the people of a hungry fox trying to get in the hen house. The fox weaseled its way into his. Now unfortunately our leader is too quiet to manifest the change what he wants. Im holding faith for a 180. How can he not consider trump a role model when he talked his way into being the greatest president twice?
  • This man (29/01/2025, 21:17) Like (4) Dislike (15) Reply
    He ain’t know better look at his prices for his food over there killing ppl and talking bur he child of God
  • c (29/01/2025, 21:23) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Fallout? Businesses will be booming here even more with Trump.
  • Tatoo (29/01/2025, 21:29) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    This is the first csc spoke about something that makes sense to me. Please, I am looking at the message not the messenger. The messenger is definitely a questionable character.
  • Trumpian (30/01/2025, 07:04) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Loving the comments. I’m happy Trump didn't win last time because he is perfect for 2025. Those Democrats officially gone MAD.
  • No fan of Skelton-Cline (30/01/2025, 07:23) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Read these scriptures: Jeremiah 50:9, Job 12:23, and Matthew 24:9. Yes the BVI will feel what is going on in the USA. It is more than ICE. All families in the BVI have family living in the USA. The World Health organization is another executive order that was signed. Do you realize what that mean. what we depend on daily, tourist. We saw what happened with Covid. When he finds out that the BVI is not a US Territory wait and see what happens. Whose money are we spending right now. Be careful BVI. Let’s just pray for everyone in his part. I am not a fan of Skelton-Cline but our parents parents did go to other islands for a better life for their families. I am sure they were not treated the way we are presently treating people now. Let’s be careful, we never know where we will end up.
  • FACIAL EXPRESSION (30/01/2025, 07:45) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Of trump - is saying )> did you say there's a fugitive down there ? / city SLICKER )> hey bro , you ain't gotta worry yoself bout me , ???? did the moonwalk outa DETROIT years now , so i ar-ight a , so do you ting
  • home boy (30/01/2025, 07:48) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply
    I don’t know, but in the BVI we got some foolish people, how can some of you say Trump winning is good for the Caribbean, don’t you see that the South American country’s and Caribbean countries have a big meeting about Trump, most countries is talking on about getting closer to China, this fool Trump don’t respect people of color,didn’t you see he did not invite no African country’s to his inauguration, you silly people who are supporting this Moran don’t know what the hell you are talking about.
  • oh lord (30/01/2025, 09:16) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    Oh Lord help us...this man gone crazy again
  • Hello McFly (30/01/2025, 09:21) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    This man crazy, the majority of the US elected Trump and he is doing what he promised. We need to get on board or we gonna miss the train
  • Karnage (30/01/2025, 11:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am in my home country prospering. Only thing I fear from Trump is his stupidity in the event of another pandemic.
  • Best comment (30/01/2025, 11:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I vote for HUMMM as the best comment! Could not with the sentiments expressed more!
  • Big Up (30/01/2025, 12:18) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    BVI the place in the world why them over the ilegally? come home dude we miss ayo
  • Doll (30/01/2025, 14:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where's @Maria Varlack. She did advise us a couple of times as being without proper documentation in the US and having to sleep at homeless shelters, etc etc. Hopefully, she/he took my advice a couple months ago about seeking help at the UK Embassy. If not, here's your chance Maria, turn yourself in voluntarily to ICE and you'll definitely be home before Valentine's or Easter. We can't wait to welcome you back and i mean that. I hate hearing of people sufferring whether in their Country or another man's. The Bible teaches us to he our brother or sister's keeper. Lets love and care for eachother. Donald Duck has a job to do but our Lord knows best and he bever gives us more than we can bear.
  • Tired of ayo (30/01/2025, 14:58) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Anybody that don’t understand the gravity of the situation and think because we not a US territory never read a history book or did well in school. We’re officially heading to a Great Depression pt.2 and wwIII
  • Norris Turnbull (30/01/2025, 15:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who died and made Clauge Cline an expert? Ain't nobody coming here from the USVI. Just watch

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