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VI people must take non-partisan approach against UK direct rule– Grenada PM

- Dr Keith A. Mitchell says people of territory must be able to solve their own issues in the 21st century
On the heels of condemnation from the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) as it relates to UK direct rule in the Virgin Islands (VI), Prime Minister of Grenada, Dr Keith A. Mitchell has called on the people of the territory to unite against any likelihood of direct rule. Photo: Internet Source
Demonstration against the possible imposition of direct rule by the United Kingdom (UK) on Monday, May 2, 2022. Photo: VINO
Demonstration against the possible imposition of direct rule by the United Kingdom (UK) on Monday, May 2, 2022. Photo: VINO
Virgin Islanders are opposed to direct rule by the United Kingdom. Photo: VINO
Virgin Islanders are opposed to direct rule by the United Kingdom. Photo: VINO
Virgin Islanders are opposed to direct rule by the United Kingdom. Photo: VINO
Virgin Islanders are opposed to direct rule by the United Kingdom. Photo: VINO
CASTRIES, St Lucia– On the heels of condemnation from the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) as it relates to United Kingdom (UK) direct rule in the Virgin Islands (VI), Prime Minister of Grenada, Dr Keith A. Mitchell has called on the people of the territory to unite against any likelihood of direct rule.

Dr Mitchell, the Chair of the OECS virtual meeting on the subject held Monday, May 2, 2022, said: “We don’t understand why the British in the 21st century would be making decisions similar to what they did years ago in other countries, which were not supported,” according to a video posted by Grenada media house WPG10 on Facebook. 

The PM's statements came while scores of Virgin Islanders demonstrated in Road Town against the prospect of the Territory being ruled from London and he added that is not in the interest of the region that colonial decisions are being made by the UK.

PM Mitchell also said it would be unwise for the UK to have that 'Direct Rule' sort of conclusion to their Commission of Inquiry (CoI), especially in the 21st century. 

VI should solve its own issues- Dr Mitchell 

Dr Mitchell, therefore, called on the people of the VI to adopt a non-partisan approach to UK direct rule and said that both Opposition and Government should be in consultation on the subject.

He said the "Virgin Islands People should be able to solve whatever problems" they have with their own premier,” he said.

Dr Mitchell said the OECS has indicated that they will also provide an advisory group of members to help the political organisation in the VI deal with its issues and the way forward.

“They should be allowed to deal with those issues within the country as a whole, with the support if they so wish, of the advisory group from the OECS,” Dr Mitchell stated.

The [British] Virgin Islands is an Associate Member of the OECS.

29 Responses to “VI people must take non-partisan approach against UK direct rule– Grenada PM”

  • Nope! (03/05/2022, 10:27) Like (48) Dislike (9) Reply
    • Yes (03/05/2022, 14:33) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
      You don’t know how to clean your own house when it’s dirty yo get people to tell you how to clean your own house?
    • @nope (03/05/2022, 16:47) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
      Hope when your work permit gets revoked it will be the same tune. Our locals will need the jobs many of u have. Can’t wait!
      • @@nope (03/05/2022, 21:15) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        you still don't get it? the businesses and jobs are tired of what's been happening and continue to relocate elsewhere.
  • Okk (03/05/2022, 11:00) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    Sit down. When they treating us her bad. None all don't come out and speak
  • WOW (03/05/2022, 11:44) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Whites came out??
  • Spin Doctor (03/05/2022, 11:46) Like (36) Dislike (4) Reply
    This is all getting spun up by people in power that are running scared.
    The UK is not looking to colonize or steal all the natural resources it is having to step up and get the BVI back on a level standing again. London is repeatedly saying 2 yrs and at the earliest time frame possible once everything is fixed that a New Democrat voted government will take back control.
    The government is in such a mess and who knows who else will be arrested but it has to be done, basically rip it all up and start again.
    We ALL know the corruption runs deep and won’t be fixed unless this happens.
    Talk of colonist control is BS, NDP & VIP have done this to us all.
    • @spin (03/05/2022, 14:38) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      Preach brother. I second your views. But, the VIP, NDP didn't do it alone. We stood by and let them. It's up to us, after all this BS is over, that we not let it happen again on our watch.
  • UKM (03/05/2022, 11:59) Like (30) Dislike (14) Reply
    Keith A. Mitchell of Grenada, Why the hell you and other Caribbean Islands are sticking your nose in the BVI business, do you have any idea what the people of the BVI have been through in the 20 years? If you do and you are supporting a no taker over rule you are no better than the last or present government. With most of you been independent you have no one to answer to, but thank god we have someone to look over us. Just leave us alone you are no help to us, most of you leaders are against UK rule because you all are just as corrupt as our governments.
    • Bree (03/05/2022, 13:22) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
      They are interested since many of their citizens live and work here. The monies earned by these citizens are remitted back to their home countries which in turn build their economies. It we go under UK rule some of these same citizens may be out of out of jobs and have to return home since they may not be able to care for themselves here in the VI. They may possibly become ward of the state base on the age and I don't think most home countries are prepared to deal with that.
  • from here (03/05/2022, 12:40) Like (12) Dislike (10) Reply
    Sir please am asking you kindly go and have a seat and keep out the BVI affairs please a begging yuh Where was all these crab inna barrel when your friends them was treating the people of this country bad WHERE was you sir ? .....please mine yuh business and leave us alone the bvi need cleaning up but not from your friends we need UK to clean it up enough is enough
  • Rubber Duck (03/05/2022, 13:09) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    The US once invaded Grenada because of drug based corruption. If BVI wasn’t British it could have happened here.
    • Hmmmm (03/05/2022, 15:43) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ Rubber Duck. please go read some history. That was not the reason the US invaded Grenada.
    • @Rubber (03/05/2022, 16:16) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
      Stop spreading lies. The US went to Grenada to rescue medical school students.
  • E. Leonard (03/05/2022, 13:18) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    The VI is at its lowest ebb, its darkest moment and at its gravest hour. The position in which the VI finds itself is disappointing, and embarrassing. It is in crisis and out of every crisis emerges a leader, e.g., Theodolph Faulkner, Noel Lloyd, etc. And in this crisis, a leader must step forth and lead the territory out of the abyss.

    Nevertheless, Virgin Islanders, the people, not politicians nor the UK, must solve this problem. Virgin Islanders, past and blame game aside(the time will come for that), must come together cooperatively and collaboratively own the problem and craft problem solving solutions to fix this urgent and important crisis. Addressing this crisis must be PRIORITY 1 for the people. The VI, the people must pick itself and like a Phoenix rise from the ashes. As such, suggest as a start applying the 5 Why problem solving approach.

    The governing principle in both the UK and the VI is democracy (a people-centered mode of governing) not autocracy. Thus, democratic principles/processes should apply in addressing the problems in the VI. As noted elsewhere, there other administrative means of attaining the desired outcome for the VI other than suspending the constitution. Let democracy thrive.
    • Sambo (03/05/2022, 18:24) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      @E. Leonard, you make some strong points but asking the BVI people/sheep to come together and unite to solve this crisis is hopeless. BVI people are wedded hopelessly that they are inferior to colonialists and would move mountains to follow them like sheeps off the cliff. Any effort to convince them that they are equal is like a dog chasing a car and catches up with it. Then nothing happens. The same thing with BVI people on this issue. Their beliefs and judgement are clouded when it comes to colonialists. Fellow Blacks well that is another story. Best to leave these people alone and let the colonialists take away their rights, freedom, etc and return them under the yoke under colonialism. They are happy like Sambos under slavery, colonialism and now neocolonialism. BVI people are living in the the 16th Century but we are in the 21st Century. You are asking and hoping that a leader emerges. I’m not that optimistic.
      • @Sambo (03/05/2022, 21:28) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
        that's highly insulting to our Caribbean forefathers who would be horrified at what has gone on and how many people enabled it, including by ignoring it.
        No freedoms will be taken away at all, will they? It's an utter false narrative. If anything, there's a better opportunity for much needed projects to happen. It's our people who denied us a high school. 11 year olds in 2017 are now nearly through and still no school. That should have been one of the first things but our governments - NDP and VIP turned away the expertise and funding, that was coming without strings, at the expense of our children and our future prosperity. It has been useful to them though hasn't it? They would not want too many enquiring, thoughtful, wise minds, now would they....
        • Sambo (04/05/2022, 07:30) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          @@Sambo, it is people like you who are insulting to our foreparents who were brutalized, raped, dehumanized, etc, and knew that the slave masters, colonialists , etc were evil beasts and yearn for freedom. Many of our forefathers fought gallantly for freedom, for the right to vote, etc, but snobs like you want take us back to grand old days of colonialism. The colonialists believe in social ordering, blacks were mentally inferior, and they had divine role to serve whites. Whites floated the lie that blacks were inferior and their greatest fear is black advancement, for it is exposed their lies. You are brainwashed believing that blacks in BVI can only progress if Whites lead. That is truly a Sambo, not an Uncle Tom, attitude. Some of our greedy fellow citizens behaved like buffons copying the behaviour of White folks. And don’t tell that white folks are virtuous angel. You probably believe that. Get some racial pride and confidence. Sambo out!
      • Smh (05/05/2022, 07:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I agree with you. Like sheep to the slaughter they are willing to let Uk rule them hoping for a better future with them.
  • JohnyMalecon (03/05/2022, 13:22) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is a bit much to expect that Dr. Natalio Wheatley will be able to single-handedly implement the recommendations of the COI, bring back ethical governance, eliminate cronyism, and prosecute the crooks and criminals. BVI residents and politicians have simply overestimated the importance of BVI in world affairs. This is a populations of around 30,000 people and 14000 voters, the equivalent to a small town in a large country. When the EU is concerned about anonymously owned companies used for tax dodging and money laundering, the BVI, which has had considerably income from facilitating such companies, cannot simply thumb its nose at the rest of the world. That is not the way things work. While the rest of the world may enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean as a movie franchise, the BVI nest of pirates needs to be fumigated, and it would take a civil war for the BVI to do this alone without help from the major powers.
  • K (03/05/2022, 13:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Kieth keep out of foul party you are ñot welcome let england handle there party we don't need your simpitcy please
  • @Bree (03/05/2022, 14:39) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    I’m struggling to understand what you have written but as a UK citizen that has lived and worked in the BVI for nearly 20 years, I can tell you that I have never sent my money earnt in the BVI back to the UK. What I have done is invested my money in the BVI and paid into a pot that I will possibly never benefit from. I have no status here so please think on that.
    • DEDE (03/05/2022, 21:04) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Let me explain what Bree is saying. Most Caribbean Expats that live and work here, have families back in their home country. Every month they send some money to them to help cover their living expenses such as child support, rent/mortgage and just everyday living expenses. Many governments through out the region depends on these monies coming in to help the economy. By your own words you do not do this but others do. In terms of returning home to their native country, some may not be prepared for this and could possibly be a burden on their home country. It has happened before. So I can see why he has some interest in what happening here.
  • DOWN ISLAND (03/05/2022, 18:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    wunna see who backing the great one BVI the down island people who wunna want put out and stamp out
  • Eldread (03/05/2022, 18:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    • @Eldread (04/05/2022, 08:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree... this isn't about the UK coming in here and taking over. It's the last thing they need... but you are mistaking if you think they intend to move anything apart from mountains to keep their banking structure in place. They are here to calm this situation down because it is bad for business. Just like any other government would do... well the ones that don't try and sell their country down the river.
  • O,boy (05/05/2022, 20:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Delusional church playing CRIMINALS....all a dem.Seriously its normalized...from time..shameless set of crab.

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