‘VI need not wait on UK to determine future’- Skelton-Cline
Pointed out a situation where the UN General Assembly resolution has called for the complete decolonisation of Mauritius and the Chagos Islands from the British, the UK has instead chosen to protect its interest in the territory even at the expense of international law and fundamental human rights.
According to Skelton-Cline on the Tuesday, July 9, 2019, edition of ‘Honestly Speaking’ on ZBVI 780am, oftentimes, territories are up against “principalities and powers and wickedness in high places,” referring to the Crown, and this he says the VI and other OTs must be aware of.
Building VI
“We need not wait to see what happens to the UK to determine our own future, we ought to be spending the time now investing... the efforts, the energy in building our own institutions,” he told the listening audience.
According to the man of the cloth, the VI can start by, strengthening existing institutions and putting checks and balances in place, “ensure that we become a self-standing people with greater autonomy in these Virgin Islands.”
Further, he said the territory must think about its future under the UK, “Even as we contemplate our own destiny, our own emerging maturity to who we are going to be as a people.”
Stay Vigilant - Skelton-Cline
Since early 2019, the UK has been putting pressure on OTs, proposing sweeping changes in areas such as removing belongership status, legalization of same-sex marriages and the implementation of the public beneficial ownership registries.
Skelton-Cline charged, “We [VI] have to get ourselves in the mindset… it's important, we keep our head in the game [and] stay alert, stay vigilant as to what’s taking place.”
5 Responses to “‘VI need not wait on UK to determine future’- Skelton-Cline ”
Claude. You sit your s***t down. Ayo people want to t***f without scrutiny.