VI neck deep in waste crisis- Hon. Pickering
“The Virgin Islands is neck deep in this waste crisis. We produce more solid waste more than we have ever. At the current rate we will outgrow the combined capacity of the new incinerator in just a few short years,” Dr. Pickering said while delivering remarks at the opening of a 2-day seminar on Greening the Economy on February 22, 2012 at Treasure Isle.
Concern was also expressed about the management of waste water and according to Dr. Pickering, it is extremely important that “we absolutely must be aware and if we are concerned about living and passing on these islands we have to take strong actions now to rewrite the storyline”.
Meanwhile, Premier Dr. D. Orlando Smith said his Government is committed to facilitating the growth of a diversified economy where entrepreneurs are encouraged and assisted to become enviropreneurs. “The protection of our environment and of our biodiversity offers us some stiff challenges but it also offers opportunities for innovators to become involved in the rapidly growing eco-sector of our economy. Five years ago, Green VI did not exist but now it collects used glass products and makes beautiful jewellery and art from items that we used to throw away. Twenty years before that our national hero, Noel Lloyd, began using discarded metals to make sculptures of found art.”
Premier Smith also said his Government was extremely optimistic about the future and about what can be achieved with the help of international resources like those made available under the auspices of initiatives such as BizClim where the public and private sectors are assisted to partner more effectively around environmental and other initiatives. “We know that both the United Kingdom and the European Commission will work with us to help us to achieve our goals for sustainability and I welcome the opportunities presented by this workshop.”

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