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VI looking to Ghana, Philippines & Cuba to fill nurse shortages in 2023– Hon Penn

A cuban nurse observing a pediatric patient at the Dr. Faustino Pérez Hernández Hospital. Photo: Trabajadores
Hon Malone made the announcement during yesterday’s November 15, 2022, Eighth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly in response to questions from Opposition Member, Hon Carvin Malone (AL). Photo: HOA/Youtube
Hon Malone made the announcement during yesterday’s November 15, 2022, Eighth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly in response to questions from Opposition Member, Hon Carvin Malone (AL). Photo: HOA/Youtube
DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI – In an effort to fill nurse shortages at the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) in 2023, the [British] Virgin Islands will now be turning to new countries for nurses, Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) has revealed.

Hon Malone made the announcement during yesterday’s November 15, 2022, Eighth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom. His statement was in response to questions from Opposition Member Hon Carvin Malone (AL).

According to Hon Penn, securing adequate technical and professional staffing for the BVI Health Services Authority continues to present a challenge as the VI still has to compete with the rest of the world to not only recruit but also retain well-trained and motivated staff.

“Several countries have resorted to offering significant inducement, including increases in compensation and benefits, and immigration incentives in order to recruit from the market, that has shrunk considerably since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

He said in response to those complex challenges, the BVI Health Service Authority has therefore put a number of steps in place, including entering into an agreement with the Cuban Health Authority for the extended deployment of a limited number of positions, specialists and nursing staff for the next year.

New Markets being explored - Hon Penn 

“New markets for nurse recruitment are actively being explored, including Ghana and the Philippines, as nursing shortages are the most pressing concern at this time,” he related.

Hon Penn detailed that retention initiatives are also being reviewed by the BVIHSA Board for all clinical and allied health staff to ensure that trained staff can be retained while operating within the budget limits.

Hon Penn added, “and staff training arrangements are being expanded in collaboration with HLSCC to provide ongoing professional development opportunities for allied health professionals and other technical staff in order to build capacity among existing staff.”

In response, Opposition Member Hon Malone said he supported the initiatives to retain, train and seek staff for the VI’s health sector.

29 Responses to “VI looking to Ghana, Philippines & Cuba to fill nurse shortages in 2023– Hon Penn”

  • born here (16/11/2022, 11:11) Like (4) Dislike (29) Reply
    Ndp doesn't like locals
    • @born here (16/11/2022, 14:23) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
      You sound so retarded, there were a bunch of doctors and nurses who left the BVI because all our ministers were playing the fool.
      On the other hand, we have a bunch of trained doctors and nurses who we don't want to pay properly, so they vacate their post to seek better opportunities under the NDP and VIP.
      We want good services but don’t intend to pay for it? I guess only the board members are entitled to get rich around here?
    • the rock (17/11/2022, 04:47) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      Inside the hospital is inn depural condition, down to.the very sheets thr patients lye on
  • Burn out (16/11/2022, 11:26) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Yes please come quickly snd look at the benifits that the BVIHSA has fir it staff 1% fir all the yrs of service work done dont have a heslth plan for the staff hour treated as like the person on the streets no vocation improvement from year 1 to year 25 no pay increaces in yrs lowest and all are paid at a different rate so come fast help the BVIHSA to see their workers as HEROS and not PAROS
  • ? (16/11/2022, 11:34) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    When is the next election?
  • Hd (16/11/2022, 11:38) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Cheap labor
  • Hymm (16/11/2022, 11:40) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
    We need to utilize the local nurse/s we have here and treat they right.Put packages/better offers to keep them according to their qualifications. The problem with Dr.D. Orlando Smith hospital is management.
    • Grand Puba (16/11/2022, 13:22) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Hymm.How many local nurses work at Peebles? Or on island for that matter. I await your response
  • Hmm (16/11/2022, 11:47) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    While you doing that you better get some trained doctors to replace the majority of them working at the D. Orlando Hospital. I have never experience such incompetency from doctors like those in all my life. If people in the community were to write about their experiences and expose them and put them to open shame.
    • You get what you pay for (18/11/2022, 12:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Where is that same energy for the private sector? You sit for three hours waiting for an appointment you booked weeks ago. You don't say a word, you sit there like the ignoramus you are. When they make errors and you drag your ridiculous-self to the hospital, you are reluctant to say who engaged in the medical malpractice that forced you to come to the incompetent hospital. If they had the luxury of saying we cannot assist you, please go elsewhere, they would have a sterling record too! I think all the staff at the hospital should walk out and let the morons who have the most to say take care of themselves.

      Fund the hospital the way you fund the private sector and you can have anything you want! By the way the majority of supposed providers in the private sector are general practitioners practicing beyond their scope, but you are too ignorant and lazy to actually find out who you are accepting care from. Make sure you don't get sick!
  • Really (16/11/2022, 12:09) Like (30) Dislike (13) Reply
    Wake up sheeps..You don't find that funny.. All over the world they forces health officials to get the vaccine,the weak and gullible took it and now they are too sick to work. The unvaccinated doctors was forced but stayed strong and left. This agenda 21 is way beyond your comprehension so just get ready for depopulation by half by 2023. Which is the year skull and bones. I feel for many but am proud of many. Stand Up for your rights although agenda 2030 is a sustainable development goals which is you'll own nothing and be happy. Mitch went to Egypt and he didn't fight for us. What a sellout or just a book smart idiot.
    • Looking on... (17/11/2022, 05:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      All you did was put a set of words together that sound good in your head.... oh next time you use sheep in the plural ,please leave out the S . There's no such thing as "sheeps"
      • Really (19/11/2022, 04:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        So you really think I care about words it's the message that's important. Your definitely an idiot so stay out my comments you useless eater. You probably was one of the first to line up for the mRNA biotech weapon vaccine. Do you know what mRNA means airhead??? It's an gene editing vaccine so why would you switch your DNA by using the crispr technology which cuts your DNA in half and it adds the luciferase dye in your DNA. I bet you can't comprehend that but you can talk about sheep. Do you even know what 70% percent herd immunity means wow idiot you definitely are in that category because you are dumb. They mock your dumb a.. and I just sit back and laugh
    • Strupess (17/11/2022, 12:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      U sound sooo stupid!! Brain washed MS!
  • justin (16/11/2022, 12:14) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    hospital can check the supermarket in purcell might find a few
  • hmmm (16/11/2022, 13:30) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    what happen to the ones we sent away to train a few years ago?
    • @hmmm (16/11/2022, 23:47) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      And they are not going to come back. Can you blame them?
    • justin (17/11/2022, 04:40) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      the leaders of the country do not care about us: you go out and study come back home no job or they want to pay you pocket-change

      The folks from outside will work for the pocket change because of the rate of exchange: come here 10 of them live in one apartment

      we also have situations were government pays large sums of your tax money those consultants or companies from overseas.....there have to a change in the system: good leadership matters
  • Great move. I support it.. (16/11/2022, 14:00) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Send home some of those lazy ones, who always sick. Always late, with bad attitude and pay those people who really want to work less and get more done. Just today I was there ar the hospital and the phone ringing ringing ringing no one answer it and they won't busy, it rang out, so I got concern and said why you all ain't answering the phone it could be an emergency, these people are not serious, too much 15th and 30th workers.. I support this move. .
  • Down West (16/11/2022, 14:07) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    @Hmm. You so correct. Incompetency running wild at this establishment. Just had my own experiences with them at that place and believe me it’s ridiculous. As an individual you need to have the faith of Moses , Jacob and the other godly people to be able to cope in that place. Never seen anything like this before. The late Mr. S. Connor used to ask, “who to blame?”
  • maybe (16/11/2022, 14:52) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Maybe they should follow the police commissioner and put out a video on the numerous wrongful deaths in the hospital, wrong treatment, medical negligence law suit, even videos concernig matters of ongoing investigations, edit it so the doctors do not look like they know what they doing. Make the hospital look bruk down. While we at it, we can ask for people everywhere to send donations to the hospital, like those feed the children commercials.
  • Not all nurses are bad (16/11/2022, 14:59) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
    I have recently had medical treatment in the D. Orlando Hospital and I cannot complain with the services provided at all. I was admitted to the 4th Floor and from the time I was admitted to the time I was released there was nothing but excellent services on the part of the Doctors and nurses (from the Head Nurses to Junior nurses) (most of them foreign Barbadian, Vincentian, Phillipino). Even going into the surgical ward excellent services were provided.

    I cannot speak for others but only for myself, since persons experiences may differ based on the ward, services and treatment provided, but I can say without a doubt that the nurses and doctorss who treated me provided exceptional services.

    I think if Doctors and nurses are treated better and incentives are given, more would remain in the territory and provide the services needed.
  • Boy…. (16/11/2022, 15:13) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    This country is officially gone…
  • hypocrites (16/11/2022, 18:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hypocrites I say. You are the same people who don't want foreigners to come here.
  • move (16/11/2022, 21:10) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I will support this move when you all compensate all the workers who are over worked and under paid. You all can find money for everything else and continue to muzzle the ox. I see a set of burnt out health workers who continue to be work under this type of pressure one of these days they will crack and you would wonder if that is the same person you knew. Pressure burst pipe.
  • No Vision (16/11/2022, 22:19) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    No why would you recruit these third world nurses when we already have hell with pay with the ones that are here already???several bad experience with nurses who can even properly locate a vien to draw blood, sticking patients in all sorts of odd places on their arm. I have blood taken at Eureka and it a peace of cake. So please Hon. Penn, stop talking foolishness to score points and offer scholarships to the 12th graders to choose a career in nursing and also sent those that need a refresher course on how to draw blood from a patient.
  • How about fixing the clinic? (17/11/2022, 07:53) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Virgin Gorda Clinic is still closed! The district rep said it is full of mold...fix it!
    All the politicians want these new buildings. New $1 million construction projects. Just CLEAN the clinic. That will not cost anywhere near $100,000 for a bid. The Virgin Gorda people need medical care!
    Nice to see they want to hire some people, but where they going to work? If it is Tortola, the VG people might end up died before they get care. For sure we be poor by having to take a day off work and pay a ferry to get there!
    We need new blood. Call an election!
  • Look closer (17/11/2022, 08:26) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The rest of the Caribbean has good nurses. Did you ever think to look a little closer to home or are the other island nurses not good enough for this country? SMH
  • wellsa (20/11/2022, 04:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the hospital needs a make over no standard everyone doing what they want management is terrible

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