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VI citizens must guard democracy fought for by ancestors – Dr Wheatley

- As territory celebrates 1949 Great March & Restoration of the Legislative Council Holiday
Citizens of the Virgin Islands (VI), particularly those who are decedents of the great men & women who stood up for their rights in the 1949 Great March & Restoration of the Legislative Council in the VI, have been tasked to remain guardians of democracy in the VI. Photo: Facebook/File
On Sunday, 24th November 1949, Theodolph H. Faulkner, Isaac “Glanny” Fonseca, and Carlton deCastro led over 1,500 Virgin Islanders to a march through the streets of Road Town to the Commissioner’s Office, in protest of issues significantly affecting the quality of the lives of Virgin Islanders. Photo: Internet Source
On Sunday, 24th November 1949, Theodolph H. Faulkner, Isaac “Glanny” Fonseca, and Carlton deCastro led over 1,500 Virgin Islanders to a march through the streets of Road Town to the Commissioner’s Office, in protest of issues significantly affecting the quality of the lives of Virgin Islanders. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Citizens of the Virgin Islands (VI), particularly those who are decedents of the great men & women who stood up for their rights in the 1949 Great March & Restoration of the Legislative Council in the VI, have been tasked to remain guardians of democracy in the VI.

This is according to Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) in his messages to the people as the territory celebrates the 1949 Great March & Restoration of the Legislative Council Holiday today, Monday, November 27, 2023.

Demanding fundamental human rights 

“Many of the rights privileges and comforts that we enjoy and take for granted today would not have been possible were it not for the efforts of the brave men and women who stood up to mighty powers and demanded what are now more widely recognized in modern terms as fundamental human rights.”

He reminded that the movement came over the deplorable standard of living on the islands, poor governance by the administrators, and the social injustice of the day, “They championed the cause that Virgin Islanders deserve to have a greater and more meaningful participation in their own governance, a situation that had been deteriorating to abysmal, since the Legislative Council in the Virgin Islands was shut down in 1901.” 

In his message to the people,  the premier reminded that as the VI celebrates the return of the legislature and remembers the 1949 Great Match as well as hold up the memory of great leaders, the people must also remember they also remember to carry the vision for future generations, and they must not falter. 

“The people of the Virgin Islands, we must be guardians of the democracy that our ancestors fought for, we must not allow it to slip away from us. Let us not forget what Faulkner, Fonseca, de Castro, and 1500 matched for when our democracy is threatened and even in the midst of our negotiations for a new constitution.”

VI people descendants of great heroes - Premier 

Dr Wheatley continued, “Let us not drop the baton that was handed to us in an advanced position. At the end of the day, whatever happens, our unique identity, culture, and heritage must be protected, and our people must truly be rendered better off.

On Sunday, 24th November 1949, Theodolph H. Faulkner, Isaac “Glanny” Fonseca, and Carlton deCastro led over 1,500 Virgin Islanders to a march through the streets of Road Town to the Commissioner’s Office, in protest of issues significantly affecting the quality of the lives of Virgin Islanders.

“So, as we celebrate my dear Virgin Islands people, let us celebrate the fact that we are descended from great heroes, people who are gifted with strength, courage, and perseverance. Let us recognize and celebrate all the great things we have achieved as a nation because they chose to stand up. And let us celebrate the confidence that they inspire in us to continue aspiring towards great things,” he reminded. 

21 Responses to “VI citizens must guard democracy fought for by ancestors – Dr Wheatley”

  • tom (27/11/2023, 11:56) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Good information premier
  • Common Sense (27/11/2023, 12:03) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    So, what are you actually saying, a week or so ago you and other BVI Government ministers were shaking hands with British government personnel in the BVI London office. Do you want to be British, Independent, or, have the best of both worlds. Time you held a referendum of the people seeking their decision upon being British, or, Independent.
    • @ Common Sense (27/11/2023, 17:05) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
      Hell no to a referendum!!!! the vip ran on a mandate for independence they won so bring it on fast
  • smfh (27/11/2023, 12:06) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    what the forefathers fought for you trying your best to give away.

    the problems they experienced we are facing now. is what they experienced ....just in this case is local against local

    in another article it was quoted - It is our understanding that the Virgin Islands leader Dr Wheatley is expected to leave the Territory on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, and will be at the conference until Wednesday, December 6, 2023.

    Really, he using tax payers money and there is no definitive word on when he actually leaving and returning to the territory.

    So if he at the conference until the 6 is he returning to the VI or he going somewhere else?

    Didn’t he just return from Monaco or new York . what work has he accomplished since from monaco and don’t we have the COI to implement. WTF.

    All he doing is making speeches and travelling , nah . They saying the VI must be around the table to do what … not fixing the f^&^&king problems here but in every meeting around the globe …..this is messed up……
  • HeHe (27/11/2023, 12:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    you get a high in doing s**t and then pretending these are the issues you want to fix .... you not like them, they were serious folks and you better stop smoking that s**t or else you will end up worse than when you started my bro

  • jf (27/11/2023, 12:44) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    I lost faith in Natalio Wheatley
    • @ jf (27/11/2023, 19:19) Like (1) Dislike (18) Reply
      Vino you must actively discouraged these UK operatives with their scripts and not post these nonsense
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (27/11/2023, 12:54) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Much more than before the people of the BVI needs urgent help. Fervent and faithful prayers will move at least some the mountains of deception coming next general election in the BVI, beginning now is better than then to come.
    Words of praise that tickle the mind of the unwise sound plausible in the ears of those that lack discernment of true intentional motives in play by the VIP Administration lead by the current Premier.

    Countries whose Gross National Product extincted trillions of dollars, and whose population is over a billion President may not attend the Dubai Climmit Change, and other factors meetings. They would instead sent a minister of a lower degrees to represent their Country's best interest, but such practices are not the norm in the Selfless minds of our Top political leaders of the BVI, a country with a budget of less than four ($400M) hundred million dollars estimated for the coming year 2024.

    How in this world will the youths, and Other demographic survive in these times of hardship when cold-hearted political leaders lavishly spent their with little to show for their unnecessary venturous lust?

    Many of our citizens and are riding on their high horses victoriously while the majority suffer under the whiplash of poverty, yet continue charming them with words of hope from the lips, but whose heart are not with them in their suffering, as prices raise and their meager minimum wage stretching to the breaker point.
    Who will rise up among us to defend the fatherless, the future generations? The question remains who.
    Just in case you have forgotten, remember all humans are charged (accountable for their actions, and something the actions of others under theirs.

  • Fed Up (27/11/2023, 13:01) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    VI get ready for a change in leadership
    • @ Fed Up (28/11/2023, 06:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The VIP is messing up especially it's head Natalio but there is no way, no way, that a NDP voter can honestly stand up and say “The NDP have done a great job”…. It’s impossible, the track record of the NDP speaks for itself! FOR ITS 8 YEARS IN OFFICE
  • Incorrect (27/11/2023, 13:01) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    No Sir, the politicians 'must guard democracy fought for by ancestors,' they are the ones making the decisions which have brought the Virgin Islands to where it is today. Don't try and pass this responsibility onto the citizens.
    • GateKeeper (28/11/2023, 08:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Incorrect, I take issue with your take that the politicians are responsible for guarding the constitution and democracy. No, the people are responsible for safe guarding of democracy. The Virgin Islands ( VI/BVI) [Brtish]is a representative democracy, ie, meaning that the people elect people to the House of Assembly (HOA) to represent and protect their interest; it is a a democracy, not an autocracy, totalitarian, dictatorship. Per the VI 2007 constitution, a general election is held every four (4) years to elect 13 members ( 4 At Large, 9 District) to the HoA. Electing members to the HoA, does not mean that the people give up all their power to the politicians. Instead, the voters give the politicians just the power needed to govern in the best interest of the country and its people. Virgin Islanders must disavow themselves of the notion that politicians have the power to do whatever they want , when they want and how they want, etc. If that were true, why every four years politicians humble themselves begging for our votes?? The politicians have the power the voters give them. Voters are responsible for the false notion that politicians have all the power, for they go to the polls and then disengaged until the next election. This gives the politicians the idea that they can do what ever they want., We must get fully engaged if we want better outcomes. Politicians are about self-interest, not so much public interest. Let’s stop complaining about the the politicians and take the needed actions, ie, reward the top performers and kick the dead weight to curb.
  • FIRE (27/11/2023, 13:14) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    We want to hear from someone who does be here most times, not one who disappears every two weeks. Delilah is never to be trusted again after turning against the will of the people.
  • GateKeeper (27/11/2023, 13:21) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Democracy is not self-sustaining and is under fire everywhere “, including here in our homeland, the Virgin Islands (VI) [British], an Overseas Territory of the UK and one of a few remaining non-self governing territories. Where is the cradle of democracy and what is it? Athens, Greece, is the cradle of democracy and it (democracy) is regarded as a widely ideal system of government that provides a political and social structure within which people can live happy, fulfilled, and responsible lives. Yet former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill quipped,: “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.”

    Democracy is define as a system in which action is take by, for, and of the people. At one point the “people” talking about was not the descendants of Slaves in the VI. Virgin Islanders had few, if any, basic human rights and freedoms. Commissioner John Augustus Cockburn Cruikshank (1946-1954) did not governed but ruled consistent with Colonialism, ie, racial superiority, exclusionary, special entitlements and privileges, etc. The trailblazers of the Great March of 24 November 1949, ie, Theodolph Faulkner, Glanville Fonseca, Carlton de Castro and the 1500 marchers, acquire some democratic rights and freedoms for Virgin Islanders. However, we got comfortable and didn’t protect the gains, ie, our constitution is under suspension in reserved, hanging over the VI and its people head like the Sword of Damocles. We are doing our forebears an injustice and ungratefulness by not fully taking the baton and pass it on the next generation.

    As the Premier noted: “The people of the Virgin Islands, we must be guardians of the democracy that our ancestors fought for, we must not allow it to slip away from us. Let us not forget what Faulkner, Fonseca, de Castro, and 1500 matched for when our democracy is threatened and even in the midst of our negotiations for a new constitution.”

    I leave you with this from Sir Winston Churchill: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.”
    • Undercover Observer (27/11/2023, 23:10) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Indeed, democracy is under fire universally. It takes vigilance, work, constant engagement to keep a democracy. Democracy disengagement gets easier when residents do stay engage led in the democratic process. The VI constitution is a dependency-model constitution, giving the UK government veto and unilateral power over devolve power, eg, suspending the constitution through unilateral action . Clearly, the current constitution have many undemocratic practices. Making assumptions about a democracy is dangerous and costly. Virgin Islanders, all Virgin Islanders, must stay engaged today, tomorrow and the day after .
    • Common Sense (28/11/2023, 11:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Churchill also commented on the British government hierarchy :
      The old doddering peers are there, the cute financial magnates are there, the clever wire pullers are there, the big brewers with bulbous noses are there. All the enemies of progress are there. The weaklings, the sleek, smug, comfortable, selfish individuals. Did the COI not point the same thing out locally.
  • WOW (27/11/2023, 13:28) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Oh yes but they are fighting for it in the wrong direction. After listening to Dr A. Smith giveing the reason and history for the Geat March of 1949 i am very very surprise at BVISLANDERS.
    BVISLANDERS should be challenging the Governor more on a point of Law.
    He and his friends are allowed to violate People's rights under the constitution and keep getting away with it.
    Get up stand up and stop fighting the wrong people.
    If you all are not careful the BVIs will be right back into the times of Pre- 1949.
  • struuuppps (27/11/2023, 14:07) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    pure old talk, you dont give two friggggs

    out of the abundance you will not suffer lack ...........gosh is sooo many...........get help and get it fast please for your own good before you ruin the country your children have to live and grown up in..............
  • Norris Turnbull (27/11/2023, 15:29) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    No matter how many of you try your best to slice it, dice it & cut it, the bvi will get its independence in the next 5 to 10 years if that long!!!!!
    • @ Norris Turnbull (27/11/2023, 17:08) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Brother so long ? The white man will have us all in jail by then with fake charges, just ask Myron
  • Go Siddung (27/11/2023, 18:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    stop with the nonsense body wants to hear you anymore you are a fake f@@@@k.

    fix the problems that you know wrong ... fix what you hear people saying is wrong....

    I sat and listen to someone narrate a story about jetting around the world
    I sat and listen to someone say they getting paid for although not here
    I sat and listened to someone say they getting money to pay for houses
    I sat and I heard everything and was befuffled and then I am told its 'gossip'.

    those are some of the madness that going on go fix them.......YOU WILL NOT REST EASY

    and you want to talk as though you is freedom fighter GTFOH

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