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VI asphalt plant now operational; road patching teams deployed- Premier

Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr. the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has called a day of progress, the local asphalt plant being put into operation and thus, the production of asphalt ongoing at the government owned facility in the VI. Photo: Facebook
Premier Dr Wheatley while giving credit to Minister of Communications and Works, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) said the plan will now help in addressing challenges with the VI roads. Photo: Facebook
Premier Dr Wheatley while giving credit to Minister of Communications and Works, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) said the plan will now help in addressing challenges with the VI roads. Photo: Facebook
Ahead of today’s operation, Virgin Islands (VI) Director of the Public Works Department, Mr. Jeremy W. Hodge in late August 2023, said final diagnostic checks were conducted on the asphalt plant. Photo: Facebook
Ahead of today’s operation, Virgin Islands (VI) Director of the Public Works Department, Mr. Jeremy W. Hodge in late August 2023, said final diagnostic checks were conducted on the asphalt plant. Photo: Facebook
FISH BAY, Tortola, VI – Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr. the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has called a day of progress, the local asphalt plant being put into operation and thus, the production of asphalt at the government-owned facility in the VI.

Premier Dr Wheatley in a statement today, September 16, 2023, while giving credit to Minister of Communications and Works, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) said the plant will now help in addressing challenges with VI's roads.

“The Minister of Communications and Works and his team have worked hard to provide the equipment necessary to maintain our roads,” he said.

Dr Wheatley added, “This asphalt plant is now operational, and already, teams are deployed to patch and make our roads more driveable. This is a critical part of the overall plan to improve our infrastructure. I was proud to push the button and release the asphalt that will assist in providing better roads.”

Planted tested ahead of operations 

Ahead of today’s operation, Virgin Islands (VI) Director of the Public Works Department, Mr. Jeremy W. Hodge in late August 2023, said final diagnostic checks were conducted on the asphalt plant.

The Director thanked the entities including the British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) and the Department of Information Technology for their assistance in setting up the asphalt plant and for ensuring that it was configured to be connected to the internet thereby ensuring that issues could be easily identified and rectified once detected.

35 Responses to “VI asphalt plant now operational; road patching teams deployed- Premier”

  • Another way (16/09/2023, 16:55) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
    Asphalt patching never worked. Fill the holes with concrete with a top lawyer of asphalt while tbe concrete is still wet.
    • BUSY BEE (18/09/2023, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Too true! The Hon. Mr. Rymer seems to have something against making actual repairs. "A slap of asphalt and good to go for another couple months."
  • HMMM (16/09/2023, 17:07) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    Stop patching the roads and get and expert to have these roads be fixed properly. ... wasting tax payers money... when patching roads or building road tar needs to used. Yall need to stop fix roads the way you doing....
  • Good road (16/09/2023, 17:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh now let’s get in on
  • NezRez (16/09/2023, 17:49) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are slow, but we are NOT dead. Can't wait to see this project move straight ahead. Good luck to us getting our roads renewed so we can drive safely like we are supposed to do.
  • Tvip (16/09/2023, 17:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now that we have the capability to patch can someone come to Hawks Nest and fill the the separation on the road in the center. Already 1 car has fallen into it and caused an accident. Down on the flat at a curve. Very dangerous.
  • Patch work (16/09/2023, 17:52) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    Premier still there in a Facebook post talking about restructuring roads with PATCHING.

    The moomoofication continues SMH!
  • D8 (16/09/2023, 17:58) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply
    This plant was purchased so dam long so why wasn't it up and running to fix the bad roads from long ago. Something seems to be wrong with Kye's management skills of a Ministry.
  • bvibuzz (16/09/2023, 18:01) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    These bad roads and big pot holes can lead to sustained life-threatening injuries in serious vehicle crashes on these deplorable Roads! Time for action now with the new asphalt plant
  • The Street (16/09/2023, 18:02) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    The street has reported this asphalt plant is sitting in Skelton Concrete back yard for a few years now. Is the government paying for the use of the space? If so, why wasn't it placed on one of the many vacant land spaces government has? Is it because of the close close close relationship of a minister with someone why the spot was selected? The street is reporting the people needs to know.
  • P.w.d (16/09/2023, 18:08) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    No offense it's a good thing for this plant to be working. I hope everything works out well . But y are you sitting there for a photo opportunities why not give the praise n glory to the hard working men of PWD they deserve it
  • good (16/09/2023, 18:13) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I just hope these men are being paid hazard pay along with an increase in salary. Asphalt production is very hazardous n harmful to the health of those that surround the plant
    • @good (16/09/2023, 23:11) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Good, government has a moral obligation to provide and ensure a safe and healthful workplace/working environment. The safety and environmental department should provide guidance on the safe operating of the plant.
  • WHAT!!!! (16/09/2023, 18:22) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Complete waste of time and money. Putting cold asphalt in a hole of dirt and not compressed down with a roller will wash out in the next heavy rain. Its not rocket science but seems to be beyond government comprehension.
  • Mr. Premier (16/09/2023, 18:46) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    I hope you are paying this young man or woman whom ever is operating this plant $50,000- $60,000 a year .
  • So disappointed (16/09/2023, 19:58) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    We don’t need long term patch work. We need a comprehensive plan for better constructed roads. Stop allowing property owners to run sewage into the street (the blue house that is opposite to the East End/Long Look Community Centre is a prime example). Stop wasting tax payer monies and do the jobs that you were hired to do. I am tired of the rhetoric and picture opts. Where are the long term solutions????
  • Road Engineer (16/09/2023, 20:10) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Reconstructing roads by patching is an oxymoron. It is nice after years that the government asphalt plant is operational it will save on asphalt production and delivery cost. But just laying down a coat of asphalt is not the fix for failed roads. A smooth layer of asphalt on a failed is at best temporary.. As E. Leonard consistently noted the permanent fix for a failed asphalt road is reconstruction. I concur with that view. The roads need to be redesign, reconstructed with proper drainage from the subgrade up to the riding surface. The vertical and horizontal curves needs to be design. Patching is not the fix but if it is going to be done, let’s do a couple of things 1) have survey tech shoot some line and grade, particular a proper crown and cross slopes, have proper grades to facilitate runoff from the road. 2) ensure repaired areas are saw-cut and subgrade prepared and proof rolled.
    • @Toad Engineer (16/09/2023, 22:27) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      @Road Engineer, let’s not confused these guys with basic technical terms like like crown, cross slope, saw-cut, horizontal curve, vertical curve, proof rolling, etc. I’m surprise you did not mention testing temperature of asphalt for the proportional % of the mix. Lol. All we need right now is a break for our vehicle front end, suspension which are screaming for a break, even if the road repair is short-lived.
    • E. Leonard (16/09/2023, 23:03) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Road Engineer, concur with your assessment. Indeed, the proper fix for a failed road is reconstruction. Just paving a failed road without fixing the subgrade, base , and subbase is throwing good money at bad. The failures will show up again in short order. Wonder if Public Works performs routine pavement condition index (PCI) on its roads. PCI is numerical index between 0-100 which helps to determine the condition of a pavement segment. It is vital in road management, ie, prioritizing road conditions ( which roads urgently needs repair and which ones can be delayed), determining the extent of resources, budgeting for road repair and reconstruction projects.
      • @E.Leonard (17/09/2023, 11:21) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
        @E.Leonard, you and Road Engineer don’t need to be confusing the boys with these basic technical terms and processes. Public Works is so less it can hardly patch a pothole. Let them just patch the roads so that my pocket book and car can get a break. Clearly, this guava crop cannot improve the serviceability of our roads.
  • Progress (16/09/2023, 20:31) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is good news hope I can drive on smooth road , guys who doing patching not just throw down the stuff an left for vehicles to press please put the correct amount in holes where necessary, been doing patching an either not enough was put in hole or to much
  • please (16/09/2023, 20:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can yall please come virgin Gorda and fix these ridiculously high speed bumps please ? HELP US ?
  • Fisher Price (16/09/2023, 20:46) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Toy town production
  • WO (16/09/2023, 22:22) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why they never talk about the DUMP
    FIX IT
  • WeeyePee (17/09/2023, 00:23) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    VIP, the patch and go government.
    • Actual (17/09/2023, 08:27) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Actually, Throw and Go is a method of filling potholes. Notice , I did not say repair a pothole.
  • kk (17/09/2023, 05:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well it have a big hole that not a pot right in the police station is it a souvenir ar what no way in the world you sèe thìs its a shame coming around that corner u definitely can't avoid it if there is aan coming traffic
  • Native Tongue (17/09/2023, 07:16) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Dam if you Do, Dam if you Do not in this Virgin Islands.
  • @ good (17/09/2023, 10:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The government has no morals . Once the Government can use you get what they want they make a bunch of false promises to get you to work . Then never come through with the promise. So I don't kno who fooling you . That's y the teachers n almost every single civil servant is ready to strike
  • hmm (17/09/2023, 16:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    These cats are just throwing asphalt into holes in the road..not even rolling it or preparing the holes in any way. First set of rains and all of that washed away and polluting the sea. What a frigging waste of time and money. Years ago the roads in the BVI used to be done properly now its just a pitiful embarrassment wit these cats smh
  • The Patcher (17/09/2023, 18:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Funny how he used the word road patching lol why are we still patching roads in 2023??? We should be paving the whole BVI, not just a few feet of road on Tortola and VG.
  • ndp (17/09/2023, 20:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • LoveBVI (18/09/2023, 08:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Love the BVI, but man it roads are some of the worst of the Caribbean Islands around! I been visiting the Islands for over 30 yrs and for the past 8 yrs it getting ridiculous worst it’s time for the Government oficial to take of it and maybe Pave most of it, instead of Patching.

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