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VI asks UK for grant to assist persons unemployed by COVID-19

- Premier Fahie said aim is to pay unemployed persons at least a minimum wage
The Union Jack flies outside the United Kingdom (UK) Parliament in Westminster, London. The Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) is requesting a grant from the UK to assist persons in the Territory who have been made unemployed as a result of the pandemic, Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Photo: Forex News Shop
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1), in a statement to the Territory on Saturday, March 28, 2020, said the United Kingdom can rest assured that all monies granted to the Government for the purpose of paying persons made unemployed due to COVID-19 will be put in an accountable and transparent system. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1), in a statement to the Territory on Saturday, March 28, 2020, said the United Kingdom can rest assured that all monies granted to the Government for the purpose of paying persons made unemployed due to COVID-19 will be put in an accountable and transparent system. Photo: VINO/File
The people of the US Virgin Islands are to receive some $1,200 directly through income tax rebates, with the money arriving in a matter of weeks, following Washington’s $2 trillion coronavirus relief package that will benefit all Americans. Photo: VINO/File
The people of the US Virgin Islands are to receive some $1,200 directly through income tax rebates, with the money arriving in a matter of weeks, following Washington’s $2 trillion coronavirus relief package that will benefit all Americans. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) is requesting a grant from the United Kingdom (UK) to assist persons in the Territory who have been made unemployed as a result of the pandemic, Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Most of these unemployed persons are expected to come from the private sector as some businesses have had to lay off workers or have been unable to pay employees during the shutdown of the economy to mitigate the introduction and spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1), in a statement to the Territory on Saturday, March 28, 2020, assured that Government is using this time to work on the pressing issues that are of concern to the people.

“We are working on our economic strategy and are using different avenues of revenue streams for our people.”

Unemployed should be paid at least a minimum wage

He added that the Virgin Islands is now seeking a grant from the ‘Mother Country’, the United Kingdom, to help mitigate the effects of the economic fallout.

“In past announcements you would have heard that the United Kingdom is willing to help the Overseas Territories, known as OTs. I have put forward to the Governor that as an OT the BVI is requesting that all of our unemployed as a result of COVID-19 at for a certain period be paid at least a minimum wage from a grant from the United Kingdom.”

The premier did not disclose the amount being requested or the amount of persons that may be eligible to benefit from the grant being requested.

“As a Government, we trust that the Governor is able to assist BVI with accessing these funds to match what the BVI is making available to its unemployed population as a result of COVID-19.”

According to Premier Fahie, the objectives are to ensure that the monies that come from the UK directly reach and touch and affect the lives of the people positively, and will not be lost through all kind of technical bureaucracy.

“The United Kingdom can rest assured that all monies granted to the Government for this initiative will be put in an accountable and transparent system for the people of the BVI to benefit from directly.”

US Virgin islanders to get $1200 directly

Over in neighbouring US Virgin Islands, the people of that Territory will receive some $1,200 directly through income tax rebates, with the money arriving in a matter of weeks, following Washington’s $2 trillion coronavirus relief package that will benefit all Americans.

Under the stimulus plan signed by President Donald J. Trump on Friday, March 27, 2020, most US adults are to receive a $1,200 coronavirus aid payment.

For married couples filing taxes jointly, the payment is $2,400. Payments phase out for individuals with adjusted gross incomes over $75,000 ($150,000 for couples). Anyone making over $99,000 would not get a payment ($198,000 for couples).

Small and large businesses and local government can also expect federal assistance help staying afloat amid the COVID-19 outbreak, said USVI Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett.

Additionally, there is a $500 allotment per child under 17.

22 Responses to “VI asks UK for grant to assist persons unemployed by COVID-19”

  • Anonymous (30/03/2020, 07:24) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
    You all will wait on that!! if it was to extend Hmp it would have been done sent
    • Hmm (30/03/2020, 07:34) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      @anomyous no faith? The world lacking faith
      • @ Hmm (30/03/2020, 07:45) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        There is a very fine line between fact/fiction When U get the money then U spend it, in the meantime continue keeping the faith
        • At @hmmm. (30/03/2020, 08:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          Only one thing change for us ( we sont have a job no money coming in) All the bills remin the same...
  • Binocs (30/03/2020, 08:08) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Such a disgrace, so what happen to social security, why can’t they pay people something, does one have to wait until 65 or until death? Come on I consider this sickness, this is the time to give out a little of what we’ve been paying for years. What is wrong with that?
    • @sad (30/03/2020, 08:31) Like (36) Dislike (2) Reply
      They passing all kinds of bills. They need to pass a bill concerning the amendments of the Social Security Act and the Social Security Regulations to cover this EMERGENCY unemployment due to sickness - COVID 19 - until they get unemployment properly set up.

      These leaders think they smart but is not them alone went to primary school. We out here use common sense. We don't have to have MBA PHD or DOC.
    • Hog Tail (30/03/2020, 08:48) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      i agree
    • .@ sad (30/03/2020, 09:03) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
      You would be less sad, if you knew and understood the purpose of Social Security.
      In the meantime, try to learn personal responsibility . Its never too late.
    • @Sad Great point (30/03/2020, 09:04) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Only Ronnie could have get those boss ladies in SS handle, thats ruff punch not easy to handle....Sometimes nicest , compassion and empathy is more important and Godly than acting tuff

      • Retirement (30/03/2020, 11:57) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        If social security is raided for this then more social security would have to be deducted from employees pay checks to replace what was taken.Future retirees should not be shortchanged bcause Gov treated their contributions like welfare or a dole.
  • hmm (30/03/2020, 08:54) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Nice try..Thats almost sounds like a no but we tried.. Wht happen to social security..?..This is when they should pitch in and show people some care and love...
  • To @ sad (30/03/2020, 09:37) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have learn personal responsibilities, I am referring to the article which reads to aid unemployed people, I am fully employed but what about those who are not ? Now is not the time to be selfish a lot of people living pay check to pay check , can’t even eat a proper meal now you tell me where to have personal responsibilities, not because you can manage a lot of people can’t. My humble opinion.
  • HMMM (30/03/2020, 09:43) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    UK themselves need all the help they could get
  • Mufeng (30/03/2020, 10:10) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    If the UK was to offer that grant. Most of those monies would never reach the hands of those who needs it most. Go ammend the SSB Law and give the people some of their money. They work hard for it over the years and pay their dues. We're watching with eyes wide open.
  • Just saying (30/03/2020, 11:00) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    This government is working but the road block is Gus
    • Blimy (30/03/2020, 13:14) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Gus purpose is be there for the blame when your elected Gov fails to be responsible,sensible and accountable.
    • I AM (30/03/2020, 15:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The somebody to blame is Gus. Every vountry need somebody to blame.
  • imagine (30/03/2020, 13:13) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Up to now they still ain’t took the U.K. offer for the hurricane relief loan, said they can manage, but now want beg for money now a virus appears and did NOTHING to the infrastructure of the islands?
    • imagine (30/03/2020, 15:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Then on top of that they went and muck up with the Uk installed man heading RDA .
      Allyo better start suckin salt.
      If they now want that loan money with UK giuarantee,,ha,thngs tanked since that offer. The World economy mash up.
    • Reply (31/03/2020, 09:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Do not take the uk loans it’s a racist trap
  • tretretrete (30/03/2020, 15:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tings salty sah
  • facts (31/03/2020, 09:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The faster the bvi seek independence the brighter the future will be

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