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Vanterpool Group to purchase Quito’s Hotel & Restaurant

-Businessman Mark H. Vanterpool makes announcement @ opening of new Rock Cafe restaurant
Businessman and former 4th District Legislator in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA), Mark H. Vanterpool has announced that he intends to purchase Quito’s Luxury Inn as part of his family’s investment group. Photo: Facebook
Mr Vanterpool added, however, that the purchase will be on condition that his bank finds the money to finalize the deal and said he loves the hotel and restaurant and believed it has a high standard. Photo: Internet Source
Mr Vanterpool added, however, that the purchase will be on condition that his bank finds the money to finalize the deal and said he loves the hotel and restaurant and believed it has a high standard. Photo: Internet Source
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI – Businessman and former 4th District Legislator in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA), Mark H. Vanterpool has announced that he intends to purchase Quito’s Luxury Inn and Restaurant as part of his family’s investment group.

Mr Vanterpool made the announcement tonight, December 12, 2023, at the grand opening of Rock Cafe by Pusser's on Virgin Gorda.

“I’m signing a document tomorrow, I was to sign it today, but I was too busy. The Vanterpool family group is buying Quito’s… If you heard that before, it’s no longer a rumour, it’s true we’re buying Quito’s Hotel and Restaurant,” he revealed.

Mr Vanterpool added, however, that the purchase will be on condition that his bank finds the money to finalize the deal and said he loves the hotel and restaurant and believed it has a high standard. 

Mr Vanterpool during the ceremony said his family group will continue to invest in the Virgin Islands because he believes in the territory and its product.

Our News Centre will bring more details as it becomes available. 


47 Responses to “Vanterpool Group to purchase Quito’s Hotel & Restaurant”

  • WTF (12/12/2023, 20:11) Like (167) Dislike (13) Reply
    How you make this much money while you were supposed to be looking out for our interests in the House?
  • hmm (12/12/2023, 20:13) Like (87) Dislike (6) Reply
    Where alll this money coming from?
    • @ lol (12/12/2023, 20:37) Like (18) Dislike (35) Reply
      white foreigners comes here and your mouth shut
      please ask the others your same question
      • @@ lol (13/12/2023, 11:42) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
        White foreigners don't serve in the house of assembly. Were these sources of income declared on the Register of Interests?
    • @lol (13/12/2023, 15:39) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ask tem Head Coach schoolchildren say
  • Lb (12/12/2023, 20:15) Like (40) Dislike (5) Reply
    Too big too fast will almost always amount in a collapse. If they fix nhi anytime soon then watch out below!
  • Citizen (12/12/2023, 20:18) Like (34) Dislike (14) Reply
    Once it is a local helping another Local, we alright with that. Thank you Sir.
    • @citizen (13/12/2023, 07:59) Like (31) Dislike (4) Reply
      Thanks for what.?
      He didn't performance at all for 20yrs when he was In the House of Assembly!!
      • chuppes (13/12/2023, 14:58) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
        @Citizen grammar is not your best suite. What does his performance have to do with purchasing the company.
  • (12/12/2023, 20:47) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    This is MOTION
  • Sure (12/12/2023, 21:10) Like (39) Dislike (0) Reply
    He and his brother them been setting themselves up in the background, from long...hmm. Barry say you will hear!
  • keep going mark!!!! (12/12/2023, 21:13) Like (29) Dislike (14) Reply
    Mark own one of the biggest supermarket Franchise in the BVI for the last 20/30 plus years. you don't think he will have 2 dollars to his name? smh you people are so weird! you are motivation for us young people coming up!
  • Wow. Nice. (12/12/2023, 21:41) Like (43) Dislike (4) Reply
    Great move. Good investment. A good manager and that place is a gold tree. . Mark got some seriously rich backers. Good going Mark..
  • annudda2cents (12/12/2023, 21:58) Like (30) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Vanterpools and their group, and the Romneys and their group are making moves while the rest are in their slumber. As a once famous rapper said, whilst y'all struggle and strive they pick which Benz (or Rovers) to drive.
  • resident (12/12/2023, 23:12) Like (49) Dislike (3) Reply
    I honestly want to be happy for a local but all I could think of is the high prices in the supermarket and the low wages of his workers plus the muck up he made as a legislator.
  • hu dalley (12/12/2023, 23:16) Like (32) Dislike (4) Reply
    Pier or nhi money?
  • rattie (12/12/2023, 23:35) Like (21) Dislike (37) Reply
    When the white man doing a lot of purchasing no one says a word leave mark alone you jealous haters
    • @Rattie Yattie (13/12/2023, 11:22) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
      I am in no way shape or form jealous of anyone, I was taught that as a child and still follow that lesson. But I will say this much, you talking about the White man purchasing, can you blame the White man? You all sold out your land to the White man for a fist full of dollars that is done. I hope the White man take over the whole Island which is going to happen.
    • Kokane (13/12/2023, 11:29) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      The white man can legally trace all his funding most the time.
      • @ kokane (14/12/2023, 06:28) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply

        Stop tell lie ja**** and the former co****** got rich while here and we know the corruption

    • @rattie (13/12/2023, 16:25) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      A bit off subject. There is this big ugly house up Porter Ghut where the owner sold the land and the house to his ex after he was advised not to do so. Now he is up and down living pillow to post and selling food at the side of the road. A whole lot of you know the story down Sea Cows Bay. LIKE THEY SAY, karma is a B AND KARMA DOES NOT NEED A ADDRESS OR ZIP CODE TO FIND YOU WHEN IT GET READY TO SCRATCH DOWN YOUR BACK
  • Watch. Out (13/12/2023, 01:45) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    There is MORE in the mortar—than the pestel

    Barry say you will hear
  • father (13/12/2023, 07:33) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Poor Quitos
    • pete (15/12/2023, 19:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      it is local charm that brings visitors, not corporate gentrification.
  • on the condition (13/12/2023, 08:48) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    that the bank finds the money……..
  • the man (13/12/2023, 08:59) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    Flaunting his wealth big time.
  • New BVI Investment Club?? (13/12/2023, 09:36) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    I want to say Yea!! BUT watching the Virgin Gorda Yacht Harbor mess makes me cautious.
    When everything is focused on making a buck there is always problems (the word 'investment' bugs me here).
    Quitos is a pretty magical place. Lots of credit to Quito himself (and his wife's help!). Hope Mark keeps the focus on local music and caribbean down to earth styles. We don't need more St Bart's stuff here
  • pat (13/12/2023, 09:39) Like (0) Dislike (13) Reply
    So no one asked where these white people get their money from eg the former police chief leave mark alone we support his efforts
  • WEW (13/12/2023, 12:50) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    Look what he's done to Pussers. What a shame
  • Swinging (13/12/2023, 13:12) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    2 new supermarkets, Rock Cafe, Quitos Inn, Surfsong, Whelk Point, apartments in Mount Healthy ALL IN A FEW MONTHS. Seems legitimate!
    • @swinging (13/12/2023, 15:37) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      you might have forgotten a few more purchases...going close to $50 million in purchases over few years..anyone from FIA or Governor's office watching?
  • Don’t pay (13/12/2023, 14:13) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    I hope when he’s out here buying out all this companies
    He ups his employees pay check as well.
  • The thing is (13/12/2023, 14:19) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Everyone is trying to reach billionaires status. That millionaire status played out. So if you ain’t get to millionaire status, thank the Universe for what you got and keep it moving A million dollars is not a lot of money, you can’t build a upgraded chicken coop on a million dollar budget.
  • Crooked (13/12/2023, 16:39) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    So called politicians enter politics bankrupt and end up millionaires after being in office, not just here but in every country. They are all corrupt.
  • Chuck (14/12/2023, 00:22) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bank of asia
  • Fooled You Again (14/12/2023, 08:10) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Vendors!, Employees, when will you learn, You will never get paid (in full)....and gets away with it again and again. This is also evidence why every elected or appointed official should be required to provide a financial statement of their assets.
  • simple (14/12/2023, 08:46) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Spend It! (14/12/2023, 10:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Need to “spend” that $$$$ before the big trial next month..

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