Vanterpool Group to purchase Quito’s Hotel & Restaurant

Mr Vanterpool made the announcement tonight, December 12, 2023, at the grand opening of Rock Cafe by Pusser's on Virgin Gorda.
“I’m signing a document tomorrow, I was to sign it today, but I was too busy. The Vanterpool family group is buying Quito’s… If you heard that before, it’s no longer a rumour, it’s true we’re buying Quito’s Hotel and Restaurant,” he revealed.
Mr Vanterpool added, however, that the purchase will be on condition that his bank finds the money to finalize the deal and said he loves the hotel and restaurant and believed it has a high standard.
Mr Vanterpool during the ceremony said his family group will continue to invest in the Virgin Islands because he believes in the territory and its product.
Our News Centre will bring more details as it becomes available.



47 Responses to “Vanterpool Group to purchase Quito’s Hotel & Restaurant”
Ask yourself, "Why did we had a Commission of Inquiry again?"
please ask the others your same question
He didn't performance at all for 20yrs when he was In the House of Assembly!!
Stop tell lie ja**** and the former co****** got rich while here and we know the corruption
Barry say you will hear
When everything is focused on making a buck there is always problems (the word 'investment' bugs me here).
Quitos is a pretty magical place. Lots of credit to Quito himself (and his wife's help!). Hope Mark keeps the focus on local music and caribbean down to earth styles. We don't need more St Bart's stuff here
He ups his employees pay check as well.