Values, norms & underdevelopment
True social and economic prosperity lies in the values and morals of a society, not in its financial and natural resources. Governments that believe that their countries’ histories, cultures, traditions, values, ethics, and norms, do not impact national prosperity, are simply delusional.
Nigeria is an economic model that highlights that fact. Nigeria is a study on what to avoid in managing a multibillion dollar economy. The country’s national value system has allowed for the theft of over a trillion dollars from its coffers over the past three decades. Much of this cash lies in foreign bank accounts and property in the world’s major cities.
It is “mind numbing” thinking of the depth of Nigeria’s corrupt governance model. It is a lesson to all peoples and nations of the consequences of national apathy and national inertia when confronting “pure evil.”
Nigeria is the classic top down society. The head truly wags the tail. Nigerians are deferential and silent when it comes to the “BIG MAN” at the top. The Big Man is able to get away with murder.
But a caveat is appropriate. Nigerians are not corrupt peoples. Nigeria is the most ethnically diverse country in Africa. It is also a country of two major religions: Islam and Christianity. This unique feature of Nigeria is said to make the country ungovernable. However, this Writer believes that it is used as an excuse for the country’s failures by its “intelligentsia.” Most countries are an amalgam of diverse peoples and cultures, albeit Nigeria’s diversities in religion and ethnicity are greater than most.
No, Nigeria’s failure is NOT the result of its complex and diverse demography. Nigeria’s failure as a nation state is a result of its critical social and economic institutions that have been destroyed. This “terrible crime” has been committed by a leadership culture that has foolishly adopted greed and corruption as its Modus Operandi.
Greed and corruption are twins. It is the decades of Nigeria’s greedy, lustful, corrupt, and visionless leadership that has led to the present collapse of the country. Nigeria’s leadership culture could be correctly described as “irresponsible, thoughtless and imbecilic.” If Nigeria does not reverse its twisted values sets, the situation will get even worse as terrible as that may sound.
And why do many physically resource poor countries such as Bermuda, Finland, Japan, and Portugal, have much higher per capita incomes and a greater social infrastructure than physically resource wealthy nations such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Libya, and Nigeria? Why are these resource poor countries much wealthier and more socially prosperous?
The answer is very simple. The former have forged a greater moral foundation, and stronger moral core. Their lack of resources has caused these countries to learn the “hard way” not to take anything for granted. They have learned from history. They have had to be inventive and innovative. They have had to make do with very little. They have learned to create wealth from nothing. Good ethics and civic responsibility is written into the national DNA.
Countries WITHOUT a wealth of resources, and that succeed in developing strong institutions, and building prosperous societies, have learned the lesson that “honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom, and that the greatest expression of power is found in compassionate and thoughtful governance.”
These countries possess a culture of integrity that has created an intelligent resourcefulness that in turn has placed their economies and national institutions on a solid platform. This is a platform made up of the wholesome values and the moral principles that truly lead to “the Promised Land.”
Their governing cultures drive a value system where virtues such as honesty, compassion, integrity, good governance, and a good work ethic are prized. Their societies and economies are built on a solid rock. The latter, on the other hand, hold on to the deception that their natural resources alone will carry them to El Dorado. In the latter, honesty and integrity are frequently viewed as “weakness.”
Now, a country’s values are rooted in the history, culture, civics, and traditions of that society. Expecting prosperity in a country without linking that prosperity to the country’s cultural, moral, and historic narrative is building prosperity on sand. The values and norms of the majority of a country’s population drives everything else.
Successful western economies are historically based upon the Rule of Law. The Rule of Law guarantees the integrity of a country’s civic, social and economic institutions. Most developed countries have a political culture where every subject and citizen abides by the Rule of Law no matter their wealth and status.
The trajectory of history proves the progression from anarchy and feudalism, through to republican democracy, and the Rule of Law of developed western states. There is a belief held at the heart of these societies that no one is above the law.
The belief in the rule of law has driven the social and economic culture of these countries starting in the early 1900s. Foreign investment, capital growth, and economic and social prosperity, in countries with long and abiding traditions of democracy and law have historically been far higher, than in countries with an absence of a democratic culture, and where autocratic and corrupt governments rule.
China appears to be the exception to that rule. China is a Dictatorship. It is a one party state ruled by a single strongman. It is also the second largest economy in the world. However, recent developments in the Chinese economy, including the state’s attempt to engineer the stock market against the forces of a global market economy shows that even China cannot beat countries with long and abiding democratic traditions, tolerant cultures, and social infrastructures ruled by laws that no one man can prevail against.
One of the reasons Donald J. Trump is so unpopular with a subset of the US population is that he is a strongman type with authoritarian leanings. Trump Supporters believe Trump will shake up society and bring about change, especially in Washington DC.
However, Trump is also feared for a tendency to “trample” on the rights of minorities. Ironically, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin- if one reads social media streams- are very popular with a subset of the Nigerian population. What is it with Africans who love strongmen and dictators? The same type of leaders who have delivered misery, mayhem, and death to the Continent: is there something in the African psyche that loves self-flagellation?
It is imperative that Trump supporters do not forget that the the cultural dominance of western society is based upon values and laws that establish equity, tolerance, compassion, and security. Dictatorship, authoritarian rule, and corrupt governance on the other hand, leads to “misery, hunger, conflict, and death.”
To be continued…
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