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USVI: Man injured in early-morning gunpoint robbery in STT

An armed robbery occurred in the early hours of Saturday, April 13, 2024, in the vicinity of the Starz Hotel in Contant, prompting an urgent response from local law enforcement. Photo: VIC

CHARLOTTE AMALIE, ST Thomas, USVI — An armed robbery occurred in the early hours of Saturday, April 13, 2024, in the vicinity of the Starz Hotel in Contant, prompting an urgent response from local law enforcement.

According to the [US] VI Police Department, patrol units were dispatched to the scene at approximately 2:48 AM on April 13, following reports of the incident. The victim reported that two black males emerged from a vehicle, assaulted him, and robbed him at gunpoint.

The assailants allegedly pushed the victim to the ground and struck him on the head with a firearm. They then forcibly removed his chain, searched his pockets, and took his wallet. After the attack, the suspects fled eastward in an SUV.

The victim was promptly transported to the Schneider Regional Medical Center for medical attention. He sustained multiple injuries during the assault, including a contusion to the head, bruising to the chest, lacerations to the inner lip, and injuries to his left palm.

The VIPD's Criminal Investigation Bureau has taken over the investigation of this case. 

Anyone with information about this crime is urged to come forward and contact the Criminal Investigation Bureau at 340-774-2211 ext. 5574, call 911, or provide anonymous tips to Crime Stoppers V.I. here

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