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UPDATE: RVIPF confirm Riteway Pasea bomb threat a hoax

-Police investigations continue with a view to identifying the ‘culprit’
November 6th, 2015 | Tags: RiteWay bomb threat Pasea Simon Potter evacuation
The Police have confirmed that yesterday’s November 5, 2015 bomb threat at Riteway Shopping Centre in Pasea was a hoax and that they are searching for the person who made the call. Photo: VINO/File
Everything was back to normal around 2pm following a bomb threat at Riteway shopping centre in Pasea sometime after noon today, November 5, 2015. Photo: VINO
Everything was back to normal around 2pm following a bomb threat at Riteway shopping centre in Pasea sometime after noon today, November 5, 2015. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The Police have confirmed that yesterday’s November 5, 2015 bomb threat at Riteway Shopping Centre in Pasea was a hoax and that they are searching for the person who made the call.

“The RVIPF responded yesterday to a report of what transpired to be a hoax call made by telephone to the premises of Riteway in Pasea,” the RVIPF said in a press release today November 6, 2015.

“As a precaution, the premises were evacuated for a short time whilst the risk was assessed. Shortly afterwards, Officers and security staff reopened the site, having satisfied themselves that no real threat existed,” the press release said.

According to the Police, the caller made no mention of a bomb and no such device was found. “No persons were injured during the incident and the store quickly returned to normal. Police investigations will continue, in order to identify the culprit.”

See previous article published on November 5, 2015:

Bomb threat @ Riteway in Pasea

PASEA, Tortola, VI- Information reaching Virgin Islands News Online is that there was a bomb threat reported at the Riteway shopping centre in Pasea earlier today, November 5, 2015.

It is not clear who received the report and what it specifically entailed but, according to reports, the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) was called in.

The incident took place sometime after noon. The building was evacuated.

Police Information Officer Diane Drayton confirmed the incident but did not release any details.

Managing Director of Road Town Wholesale Trading Limited, Mr Simon Potter referred this news site to security personnel Mr Julian Donovan, who could not be reached up to post time.

Virgin Islands News Online will provide more information as it comes in.

38 Responses to “UPDATE: RVIPF confirm Riteway Pasea bomb threat a hoax”

  • Yes (05/11/2015, 16:12) Like (39) Dislike (4) Reply
    These police cant even find a hooker in a whore house muchless a bomb.
  • no don't tell me (05/11/2015, 16:13) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is it the competition?
    • idk (06/11/2015, 01:24) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Must be because of those high prices killing people..especially those chicken for forty odd dollars a 10lb bag.
  • chad (05/11/2015, 16:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Vino you working..
  • look here (05/11/2015, 16:18) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    prices too high!
  • HMMM (05/11/2015, 16:22) Like (20) Dislike (18) Reply
    If someone call my business and I answer the phone about Bomb threat. I will just give them a few curse and insulting words and hang up my phone. Strtuuppeess. Where they going get Bomb from. I won't even call the police.
    • depends (05/11/2015, 17:19) Like (8) Dislike (15) Reply
      I agree with you but it also depends on which ethnic group they are affiliated with. One particular group in the BVI are generally good people but could pull that off quite easily.
      • be watchful (05/11/2015, 20:30) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply

        From what I can see, no one in that particular local group is capable of this type of activity. But what I have also seen from history is that once their numbers grow to beyond about 20% of the population, they become more bold, and their true colors start to show. At that point, if the capability is not here, then they will sponsor someone to bring it here.
    • ha (05/11/2015, 17:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • is (05/11/2015, 18:12) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      U sound so stupid we live in a modern world..
    • U so silly (05/11/2015, 18:57) Like (35) Dislike (5) Reply
      The Internet age we live in anything is possible. And lit it be known am a bomb specialist. The easiest deadliest bomb is the fertilizer bomb. Check oclohoma city. Timothy Mcvay
  • wize up (05/11/2015, 16:50) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply
    Isis or Taliban, lets see who will take responsibility
    • @ wize up (05/11/2015, 17:50) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
      The NDP
    • Yes (06/11/2015, 01:27) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
      That rude short white man they have there going cause more than bomb threat. His work permit needs to be cancelled. He's nothing but a rude racists.
      • Elijah (08/11/2015, 19:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        yes, rude and racist, liar too. Andyman settng the stage for a Xmas robbery ,just like the previous one which he had the man was making collections from the store .Andyman causing too much confusion at riteway
  • .... (05/11/2015, 17:12) Like (27) Dislike (0) Reply
    Their prices are exploding as well.....
  • ...... (05/11/2015, 17:24) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    No no no..... I have a better one... Their prices are Life Threatening.....
  • one eye roster (05/11/2015, 17:52) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yea the dark days are back in the bvi
  • Voter Too (05/11/2015, 17:58) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    It is Guy Fawkes Day today so what do you expect.Talking about Isis and Taliban dont doubt that a few might be here in the VI among us. At least it aint All Fools Day. Happy Weekend everyone
  • what (05/11/2015, 18:05) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Andy boy start doing gooood
  • Ja rules (05/11/2015, 18:29) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    The security was tired so they call the police to take over while the take a rest
  • burn a fire (05/11/2015, 18:54) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Because of the rain we cant celebrate Guy Fawkes night.
  • chad (05/11/2015, 21:44) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    is a hoax some one looking a day off
  • ------------------------- (05/11/2015, 21:51) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Mafia would be proud if they orchestrated this whole fiasco.
  • fool (05/11/2015, 22:23) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Anybody can get fired. Then calling bomb threat and close the business down for spite..People who want to blow up a building wont be calling. That will incresae the possibility of them getting caught...with a good investigater any telephone phone call can be trace. Even if its unknown once you have a date and time.
  • CID (05/11/2015, 22:26) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Which fool will call if they really put a bomb.?
    • wize up (06/11/2015, 09:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ CID; ask Isis they do it every day; the big question is if the caller remember to block his/her number before making the call....In all honestly you can't take these calls for granted, the BVI now have all kinds of crazy people live in it
  • VG-1 (06/11/2015, 05:59) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bomb What! these people watching too much television. They need to find something constructive to do.
  • Madness (06/11/2015, 10:37) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Reminds me of BVI High days. How many times during the yr somebody use to call in bomb threat nxt you know we evacuating the campus. For us as kids back then we were too glad to get out of school & go home but now as an adult when you really think bout it is a serious thing because God forbid somebody does plant a bomb we doom. We don't have bomb specialists so the only thing I see that would happen is wherever it is it will have to blow because truth be told who really wants to run the risk of being blown to bits when you have to clue what you dealing with & how to go about handling it. Police are police & that's it, hell everyday crimes they can't solve is handling bomb they know nothing of? We need to take these things serious because the same how that person thought up to call in a threat is the same how somebody else could actually pull it off
  • Lily Ann (06/11/2015, 11:27) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The only Bomb RTW needs is a bomb to blow up them redic high prices they have there....
  • man (06/11/2015, 15:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Somebody wanted a day off as i said before
  • wtf? (06/11/2015, 17:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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