UPDATE: PS denies animals being starved at Paraquita Bay

“As far as we know, no, animals are not being starved,” said Mr Smith-Berkley when contacted by this news site.
The Permanent Secretary acknowledged that he was aware that there was an animal that had died at the location but repeated that to the best of his knowledge, animals were not being starved to death.
When asked whether he felt the animals that appeared malnourished might have been neglected, Mr Smith-Berkley said he would not be able to respond to this issue.
In response to a question regarding whether someone was assigned as a caretaker to check on the animals being kept at the location, Mr Smith-Berkley related that the caretaker of the animals was "ultimately the Department of Agriculture".
He also informed this news site that the animals on site were usually animals brought there after being reported as stray animals that may have been wreaking havoc on other persons property at some point. Owners are usually expected to uplift these animals after some period of time.
According to the PS, The Department of Agriculture reportedly has an ongoing programme, which he felt was common knowledge, to collect animals that have been reported as stray animals and keep them until they are collected by their owners.
See previous story posted February 22, 2013:
Animals left for dead at Paraquita Bay Farm?
PARAQUITA BAY, Tortola, VI – Animals have seemingly been left to die on land allegedly belonging to Government at Paraquita Bay.
This news site has been reliably informed that at least one cow has died on the pasture. Its death was reportedly caused as a result of the animal’s lack of access to adequate vegetation on the land left for it to graze.
Several animals were previously seen on the plot of land where the animal met its demise but most of these have since been relocated to another plot of land with thicker vegetation.
At the location where the animal died, the vegetation consisted of little more than dirt and a few plants.
According to a source, the area previously had horses as well as cows but it remains unclear where the horses, which also reportedly appeared to look gaunt at the time, have since gone.
It is unclear what purpose the animals are serving and how often they are being checked upon.
Those now grazing in an enclosed pasture are also reportedly less in number than the animals previously located on the other section of land.
The animals are also reportedly entrusted to a caretaker who was not around at the time of this news site’s visit to the farm.
Calls to the Department of Agriculture were not immediately successful.


53 Responses to “UPDATE: PS denies animals being starved at Paraquita Bay ”
Well well, the well gone dry - Bi Water please come to the animals rescue
Genesis 1:30
And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.
Proverbs 12:10
Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.
This is reprehensible!