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UPDATE: Police hunting gunman in Bath & Turtle robbery

-Man reportedly escaped with $250 in day's earning
Police in the Virgin Islands (VI) are on the hunt for a lone gunman who pounced on the Bath and Turtle Restaurant on Virgin Gorda last evening June 8, 2024, taking cash and escaping on foot. Photo: Internet Source
Information coming into Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) is that shortly after 22:00hrs last evening, June 7, 2024, armed bandits pounced on the Bath & Turtle restaurant in Spanish Town, Virgin Gorda (VG). Photo: Internet Source
Information coming into Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) is that shortly after 22:00hrs last evening, June 7, 2024, armed bandits pounced on the Bath & Turtle restaurant in Spanish Town, Virgin Gorda (VG). Photo: Internet Source
SPANISH TOWN, Virgin Gorda, VI – Police in the Virgin Islands (VI) are on the hunt for a lone gunman who pounced on the Bath and Turtle Restaurant on Virgin Gorda last evening June 8, 2024, taking cash and escaping on foot.

Police in a press release said initial findings indicate that a lone gunman escaped on foot with only $250 from the day's earnings, after the robbery which occurred shortly after 8:00 pm.

"Anyone who may have seen a suspicious person or has any information about this incident is urged to contact the Crime Stoppers line at 800-8477 (TIPS) or, if overseas, at 1-284-800-8477."

Police said alternatively, persons can reach the RVIPF Intelligence Unit at 368-9339 with information that could help advance the ongoing investigation. 

Our News Centre will bring more information as it becomes available. 

See previous story published today, June 8, 2024

Armed bandit pounce on Bath & Turtle Restaurant 

Information coming into Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) is that sometime around 22:00hrs last evening, June 7, 2024, armed bandit pounced on the Bath & Turtle restaurant in Spanish Town, Virgin Gorda (VG).

Sources from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) have since confirmed the armed robbery at the restaurant.

Up to last evening, the source added that officers were deployed to the scene for investigations.

Our News Centre will bring more information as it becomes available.

26 Responses to “UPDATE: Police hunting gunman in Bath & Turtle robbery”

  • Maria Louisa Varlack (08/06/2024, 12:56) Like (5) Dislike (26) Reply
    i was 20 years old when i invested $12,000 in college tuition fees at valencia community college in orlando florida. i was 24 years old when i obtained an associate degree from hamilton lavity stoutt community college. i was 34 years old when i invested $15,000 in college tuition fees at seminole community college and i was 42 years old when i obtained a practical nurse diploma from mildred elley and now i am approaching 60 years old and i am trying very hard to obtain a bachelor degree in nursing and now everything that i have worked hard for has been destroyed and ruined and devasted. i slept outside on the sidewalk and on the streets of orlando florida and no one cared about my human life or about my personal belongings. material things can always be replaced but my college tuition fees and my educational goals has been messed up. i am not a us citizen. i was born in the british virgin islands and now i am unemployed and without a job or any type of employment for 7 to 10 years. i cannot return home to my place of birth road town tortola british virgin islands because my birth place does not have anything to offer me either.
    • Sorry to hear this! (08/06/2024, 15:01) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      Maria, all is not lost. Can’t you get a job in nursing where you are? It’s a waste to invest so much into your education and not put it to good use. Blessings to you!
    • As above (08/06/2024, 15:09) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      What a sobering thought from this well educated person.
    • Curious, Confused, Conflicted (08/06/2024, 17:37) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      This young lady seemed to be bouncing around institution trying to acquire that coveted degree in nursing. Sound as if she is giving it the old college try yet still struggling. Yes, any of us can get homeless. Any of us can become unemployed. Nevertheless, something is not adding up. Why is it taking so long to graduate ? Why is she not an American citizen, did she want to become a US citizen, has she applied? There is a shortage of medical workers, have she applied? Why is she homeless, has she contact the social agencies for help?
    • @Maria Louisa Varlack (08/06/2024, 21:19) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      Sounds to me that you had everything except the knowledge of God. You put your faith in things man created and told you it is what you needed to be promoted in life but promotion doesn’t come from left nor right it comes from above. If you have such a wealth of knowledge, using it to apply biblical principle should sling shot you into a position way ahead of your peers but ultimately the choice is yours. With that being said, this is going to hurt but the truth is the world really doesn’t care about you or your problems like that. If your homeless in the streets of the USA where you are not a belonger then you might as well find yourself back home in the bvi and take up a job at the hospital. I’m sure with your credentials and no need of a work permit you will have something given to you but you can’t go in there demanding what you must be paid after posting your sad story to John public.
    • WOW (08/06/2024, 21:28) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Y’all get this person some help for their mental illness please and thanks.
  • See (08/06/2024, 13:53) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    We are becoming the scum of the Caribbean because of lazy dirt bag young people and leaders that don't care ... So long as they get their first class. flights for make believe work trips
  • @Maria Louisa Varlack (08/06/2024, 14:23) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    Unbelievable! Your story has changed too many times so i cannot offer you any help. Who knows you might be a Nigerian scammer giving us this odd story. Thought you said you got scholarships to those Colleges and if memory serves me right HLSCC isn't that old of a College. There are plenty of Homeless Shelters in Florida please ask for help. Unfortunately, the Sandy Lane Clinic is filled to capacity. Perhaps, you can contact your family using this medium just provide their details such as names and last knlwn addresses. We will try our best to locate them. However, at this time we cannot provide you funds to come home as you might be scamming us. Good luck and godspeed!
  • ??? (08/06/2024, 15:37) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply

    I don't understand you M***A V*****k. Girl we grew up together as neighbors. I don't see why you can't come home. Create your own business in the home care industry caring for the elderly or disabled people.

  • pat (08/06/2024, 16:44) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
  • smh (08/06/2024, 17:15) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    More police more crime nothing being solved
  • Concerned Resident (08/06/2024, 17:32) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Can nobody talk about how we get out of this situation. What are we doing to help our young people. They have nothing here but poor leaders and no chance of any help towards a proper job or career. I fear we have more of this to come.
    It won’t be infustructure the cruise ships will be worried about it will be the crime rates and fear. This will kill our tourism!!
  • @concerned resident (08/06/2024, 20:01) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The young people need proper role models , Proper morals, proper peers, Proper parent's

    Believe it or not the next generation of youths idolized drugs, alcohol,sex, violence and street life. Listen to songs the youths are listening too, specifically the dancehall artist. The lyrics of those songs literally preach guns drugs and gang violence.

    Look at the hand signs your child throw up when taking pictures (middle finger up or down) some of them are gang signs and some are from rappers

    Look at how the young people are dressing when they go out

    We as a community have to frown on these behaviours and lifestyle so they can feel ashamed. Humans like to be social and try fit in so they will follow the groups that mostly accepted amongst their peers

    A lot of these single parents household don't help either. Women and men need to choose better and be more responsible.

  • (08/06/2024, 20:53) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Festival coming poker run coming music fest coming outside is a bill
  • dead dog (08/06/2024, 21:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Goverment said yours are the feature
  • Voter6 (08/06/2024, 22:16) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    • @Voter6 (09/06/2024, 10:18) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      That would be a question if that were the problem but it is not. What we are seeing in our society is the result of students coming back faithfully to serve their country but being shunned from doing do because of the powers that be. They find use of themselves elsewhere by leaving the country so this leads to brain drain. Let the imbeciles run the place. End of.
  • @Maria Louisa Varlack (08/06/2024, 22:33) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Keep the sob story. You wanted to be a strong indepemdent woman who aint need no man. Where your husband. Its all a problem of your making woman
  • Sunday Morning Ferry. (09/06/2024, 02:33) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is there a CCTV at the Ferry Dick in VG? If not, it needs one.. Track the Criminals moving from Island to Island after their criminal acts.
  • ccc (09/06/2024, 04:17) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
    The uk police officers are here to lock up innocent locals who are anti racist and against oppression they are not here to fight crime
  • lodger (09/06/2024, 07:03) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    So you can afford to be on internet?
  • Yes? (09/06/2024, 09:46) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Maria Louisa Varlack Who cares
  • @ CCC (09/06/2024, 16:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • skuntington (09/06/2024, 16:55) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    what is crime a byproduct of again? desperate times call for desperate measures
  • bbc (09/06/2024, 20:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    you will get some action from the police now

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