UPDATE: Lennox F. Da Silva charged for murder of wife

Dead is Skerika Nelson, a hair dresser and native of Jamaica. She was reportedly stabbed to the neck at the couple’s Greenland apartment sometime before 9:00 PM on June 10, 2017.
“Yesterday evening, Police were called to the scene of a domestic violence incident. Officers found a woman unresponsive in her apartment with an apparent stab wound to the neck. She was pronounced dead at the scene. Da Silva was subsequently taken into custody,” a police press release this afternoon, June 11, 2017 stated.
Da Silva has since been charged and is scheduled to appear in the Magistrate’s Court tomorrow afternoon, June 12, 2017.
“Detectives are grateful for the information already provided by members of the community in relation to this case and would be appreciative for any additional information as they continue to collect evidence in this case.,” the press release also stated.
Persons with an eyewitness report or with information are asked to contact the Major Crime Team directly by calling 368-5682 or the Intelligence Unit at 368-9339.
See previous article published June 11, 2017
UPDATE: ‘Ocho’ reportedly killed wife in presence of children
- Woman identified as Sherika Nelson, a hair dresser
GREENLAND, Tortola, VI- The murder of hairdresser and Jamaica national Sherika Nelson in a Greenland, Tortola apartment on June 10, 2017 was reportedly witnessed by two children, said to be under the age of ten.
Police are said to be questioning the woman’s husband, St Vincent and the Grenadines national Lennox Da Silva, in relation to the territory’s 6th homicide for the year.
According to reports reaching this news site, the two children who allegedly witnessed the killing belong to the couple.
Neighbours of the couple told this news site last evening that one of the children, a girl, ran to them, saying “Ocho ‘jook’ mommy in she neck with a knife.”
‘Loud arguments & tumbling’
According to another neighbour, they heard “loud arguments and tumbling” which went on for about 15 minutes in the apartment of the couple. That was followed by loud screams from the woman.
It is further said that ‘Ocho’s’ son climbed out the house via a back porch and was rescued by neighbours below. The child reportedly told his rescuers "he kill she…"
Another neighbour living directly opposite the family reportedly ran over after hearing screams coming from the apartment of the couple. He armed himself with a broom stick but by that time ‘Ocho’ was at the door.
The neighbour reportedly said "I hope you ain't do she nothing and he responded softly saying he ‘don't know.’"
It is said that the woman’s husband waited calmly on the steps of the apartment building where he resided for the police to arrive.
It was previously reported that the victim’s head was severed; however, this news site can confirm that this was not so.
It is also being reported that the suspect, Lennox Da Silva aka Ocho, was shot by gunmen in an apparent robbery back in Jamaica back in 2014 when he visited Nelson, whom he later married.
See previous story published June 10, 2017
Man allegedly chops wife to death in Greenland
A woman was reportedly hacked to death by her husband in Greenland, on the East End of Tortola this evening, June 10, 2017.
According to reports, the alleged perpetrator, identified as Lennox Da Silva aka “Ocho”, a St Vincent and the Grenadines national, has since turned himself over to police; however this could not be confirmed.
Reports reaching this news site are that the woman’s head was severed.
The victim is said to be a Jamaica national.
Police have since confirmed they are investigating a killing on Tortola.
“Police attended the scene of a homicide of a female this evening at a home in the Greenland area. Further details are not available at this time. Investigations are ongoing,” Police Information Officer Diane Drayton stated via press release.
More details to follow.



169 Responses to “UPDATE: Lennox F. Da Silva charged for murder of wife”
We all need to step back and figure out what can we as one people weather black white Asians or whom so ever can do assist in preventing matters like this to become the norm. So it doesn't matter if it's a knife,machetes or guns it's all senseless killing and must be address.
Deport yo k**t!!!!!!!
Das all you could say?Look at the situation and say something else you fool!!!!!
Life you sound so fricking jokey, then ifbyiu see or know something why don't you go to them, why wait till they come to you. You the one making yourself an @$% here
John u is an @$% u need to come hereand see how many times we try to am her live on the in color your not it my nabour ok
All the facts point to an incompetent police department, from the top to the bottom.
What the he!l is wrong with you?
The man who was being played, ended her saga and will now retire for the rest of his life with benefits, at the expense of foolish BVIslanders.
But the fact is someosome is dead.. Can he give her back life ... heck no.
The news say he did it in front of two young children...
Only God knows what these kids are going through now... and in years to come..
Nothing could justify what he did.. It is just evil. Plain and simple..
We all have choices in life.. And what we choose is what we become .
One eyed Giants of the BVi.
So my taking here is that we employ no more expat vincy into the BVI.
I agree with you kid. But these J&*%$£"s in positions of authority will do nothing. The whole place is just comical. Nobody is being held accountable for anything. So situations like these will continue to happen because these savages will be allowed to enter our Virgin Islands. And the Police will continue to be unresponsive and incompetent at best. Native Virgin Islanders don't live like this. These animals that we are allowing into our country are changing it for the worse.
I blame Immigration Dept though to cause they full of F. Just what kind of jokey system is there that it doesn't alert when someone hasn't leave the country when they suppose to. Just exactly how does the system work
Will they be deported?
Even if they born here, they are not islanders nor belongers.
I have little sympathy for these so called mothers who knowingly place their children in situations like this..Nothing the police could have done to.prevent this common predictable cultural behaviour of this Vincentian male. The deceased quite possibly could have moved away or made the effort ,or could have curtail her cultural habit of ad*****y. The victim in this is the VI and its too generous people. The Gov needs to exercise diligence in protecting the economy and character of its people.
Look at that hug. ..Ocho boy you had enough reasons and time to run...Sorry..
When we the island people go home,whose gonna cook for some of you locals food,build ur houses,clean the hospital,who going to do the jobs that's u lazy @%$ locals can't do....I am a vincy and proud of the country I am from.every country had their faults BVI ain't perfect Lazy a&$*%
If I was the Government of the BVI, the innocent woulda suffer for the guilty ones. No more MALE Vincentians to come here. No more female Jamaicans who not on Govt. contract or has some substantial post to come here. Ah say, weed out some who here and on permit and send them to tail home. They bring their bad behaviours here and then soon it will be part of our society. As a matter of fact, Immigration and Labour need to clean up the place and send a message --whites, Spanish, phillipenoes, and the flybynights, clean them out. Pappa Ralphie said, when you go in a man's place behave yourself. Send unna home.
At 40,000 population, the VI murder rate per capital is 15 per 100,000. Or at a population of 30,000, the murder rate per capita is 20 per 100,000. The numbers may be worst for the VI population is much less than 100,000. The increased murder rate adversely impacts quality of life and economic growth, development and sustainability. Foreign direct investment is the life blood of the VI economy. But a high crime rate is a deterrent for investors, putting the VI at a competitive disadvanatage.
Moreover, there is a root cause(s) to every problem(s). As such, there is an urgency to finding the root cause of the increasing crime and dedicating the resources and action to arresting it. Crime arresting task force needs to be commissioned.
On all Saint Vincy..too much chopping up and killing from them.
No body want ur u*ly a%&.....
I was severely played and used by her dealing in Jamaica; and her marriage to Lennox took place in secret without my knowledge during that time, and I found out a few weeks after she had migrated to live with him.
My investigations during that time discovered that she had a long history of playing or using men to get whatever she wants, while making them believe that she is interested in them. She eventually pushed me to the limits of publicly disgracing her on Facebook a few years ago, outlining everything deceptive and wicked about her that I have experienced or discovered.
My take on her killing is that she did something to Lennox that got him very really angry after he finally discovered what she had been hiding from him; because she is well know out here for living a life of a web of lies and secrets. She always told me that what I do not know won’t hurt me. I say that because when she just migrated, I use to call her on his phone that she was using; and he called unexpectedly one night to question me about what kind of woman she is and what had she done to me; and I did not hesitate in giving him the full details of her history and pathetic things she had done to me and others.
Finally, she called me a few days after my birthday in April to wish me happy birthday; and we had a wonderful conversation about our past issues and she seemed to have realized her wrong doings and was making efforts to change her ways.
I believe that one must face the consequences for their evil ways, especially when they continuously refuse to listen and change their dirty or wicked ways. She is also like the energizer bunny that keeps going and going and going in pushing the most nonchalant of persons over the edge with her pathetic evil plots and ways.
I have also emailed Det. Insp. Joe Goff a much deeper explanation of what I know about Sherika Nelson; and included documents such as Letters to Embassies (USA, Canada, & Britain), Letter of Report to the Jamaican Police, Posters disgracing her on Facebook, and audio recordings of my report to the Jamaican Police who ignored my report while insinuating that I was reporting her because she left me.
In Jamaica, only women are given rights to report abuses or offences committed by men; but whenever men report a woman, they are immediately taken for granted, mocked, and ultimately ignored.