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UPDATE: Dr Sandra M. Besson appointed new Accountant General!

Dr. Sandra M. Besson has been confirmed as the new Accountant General of the Virgin Islands. According to her passport, she is a Virgin Islander. Photo:
Mrs Kharid Fraser, the wife of Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser RA, was forced out of her post of Accountant General following the 2011 elections that saw the National Democratic Party (NDP) coming to power. Following her forcing out, there have been two acting Accountant Generals- Ms Anna Rabsatt who was also forced out by government and Anguillan national Ms Kalleesha C. Mendie. Mrs Fraser was regarded as one of the most professional and competent Accountant Generals, however in April 2013 Premier and Minister of Finance Dr. D. Orlando Smith announced her retirement. Photo: Facebook
Mrs Kharid Fraser, the wife of Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser RA, was forced out of her post of Accountant General following the 2011 elections that saw the National Democratic Party (NDP) coming to power. Following her forcing out, there have been two acting Accountant Generals- Ms Anna Rabsatt who was also forced out by government and Anguillan national Ms Kalleesha C. Mendie. Mrs Fraser was regarded as one of the most professional and competent Accountant Generals, however in April 2013 Premier and Minister of Finance Dr. D. Orlando Smith announced her retirement. Photo: Facebook
The Treasury Department is under the portfolio of the Minister of Finance. It is responsible for the Accounts of the Virgin Islands’ Government and making payment for services rendered by Government. The Treasury Department is headed by an Accountant General who reports to the Financial Secretary. Photo: VINO/File
The Treasury Department is under the portfolio of the Minister of Finance. It is responsible for the Accounts of the Virgin Islands’ Government and making payment for services rendered by Government. The Treasury Department is headed by an Accountant General who reports to the Financial Secretary. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Just as was first and accurately reported by Virgin Islands News Online on August 8, 2013 Dr Sandra M. Besson had now been confirmed in the post of Accountant General of the Territory. This was announced in a press release today, October 8, 2013 issued by the Government Information Services (GIS).

His Excellency the Governor, Mr. William B. McCleary, CMG, CVO, after consultation with the Public Service Commission, has confirmed Dr. Sandra M. Besson to the post of Accountant General for a period of three years, effective October 7, 2013. 

Dr. Besson, who is a Virgin Islander, holds a PhD in Accounting and Finance from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom (UK); a master’s in Business Administration from Wright State University in Ohio; and a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of the West Indies in St. Augustine, Trinidad.

In addition, Dr. Besson is a fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and an associate of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.   

In the past, she has served in the capacity of Political Accounts Officer for the Government of the Virgin Islands in London where she conducted research and analysis on the UK and European Union (EU) policies and current events, which impacted the Virgin Islands and other Overseas Territories. 

Dr. Besson has served as Deputy Director for Financial Services Institute at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College and has worked with Harney Westwood and Riegels both in London and the Virgin Islands. She was employed with Maritime Life (Caribbean) Limited, Ernest and Young, and Carl Ng Mon in Trinidad.

The Accountant General Dr. Besson will serve as the Government’s Chief Accounting Officer operating under the direction of the Financial Secretary, in accordance with the Public Management Finance Act (2004 and amendments) and the Public Management Finance Regulations (2005). 

She is also responsible for the overall administration and activities of the Treasury Department and is expected to provide appropriate accounting arrangements for each of the Departments across Government.

She is also responsible for Government’s accounting standards, systems, policies, procedures, controls and risk approaches to ensure the safeguarding of all public monies and securities. 

The Treasury Department aims to continue the development and implementation of accounting systems and standards; improvement of accounting and reporting on all financial transactions of the central Government necessary for policy and decision making; and ensuring prompt issuance of cheque payments to clients on behalf of the Government’s departments.

See previous story posted August 8, 2013:

Sandra Besson tipped to be new Accountant General!

-After 2011 elections, both the Accountant General Kharid Fraser and her Deputy Anna Rabsatt were forced out

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Word reaching Virgin Islands News Online from its sources within the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) Government is that Dr. Sandra Besson has been recommended to take up the post of Accountant General of the Territory.

History of political victimisation under NDP

Following the 2011 elections in which the NDP came to power, they were accused of having a hand in forcing out the former Accountant General Mrs Kharid Fraser, the wife of Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser RA.

Mrs Fraser, who was regarded as one of the most professional and competent Accountant Generals, was sent on leave days after the 2011 elections under the claim that she had many vacation days. Once the days were taken, she was reassigned from her Department while the Government of the day, appointed Anna Rabsatt as Acting Accountant General.

In April of this year, the Minister of Finance with responsibility for the Treasury Dr. the Honourable D. Orlando Smith told the House of Assembly that Mrs Fraser had decided to retire.

Dr. Smith also announced the reassignment of the then Acting Accountant General Ms. Anna Rabsatt to the Ministry of Finance, and the appointment of an Anguillan national Ms Kalleesha C. Mendie as Acting Accountant General, displacing two Virgin Islanders. This story was first and accurately reported by this news site.

Ms Mendie was hired by the Ministry of Finance as a Public Finance Consultant to the Treasury Department with a salary of $95,000 a year, including a government vehicle as confirmed to this news site by Financial Secretary Neil M. Smith.

The Minister of Finance, Hon. Smith, claimed that Ms Rabsatt needed to complete further academic and professional studies and it was unclear if she would return to the Treasury.

Dr. Sandra Besson has blessing of FS & Minister

After going through a series of interviews, this news site’s sources close to the process confirmed that Dr. Sandra Besson, who according to her passport was born in the Virgin Islands, has been recommended to the Public Service Commission for the post.

Ms Besson was reportedly among several other candidates who applied for the Accountant General post, including Chad Maduro, Karen Smith-Aaron and Carmen Sully.

According to the NDP source, Dr. Besson already has the blessings of the Financial Secretary and the Minister of Finance Dr. Smith.

Accountant General in waiting qualifications

According to research, Sandra Besson obtained her PhD from The University of Manchester on the topic: “Caribbean Offshore Financial Centres, the International Economy and the Role of Accountants”. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and an elected Associate of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators.

Dr. Besson worked with the firm of Harney Westwood & Riegels for twelve years as an Accountant and Manager. She also was the Political/Accounts Officer of the London Office of the Government of the Virgin Islands during 2007 and 2008.

Before relocating to the VI in the early 1990s, according to information on the H. L Stoutt Community College webpage, she was an Accountant and Internal Auditor with one of the major insurance companies in Trinidad & Tobago and also trained there with the audit firm Ernst & Young.

Dr. Besson was appointed Deputy Director of the Financial Services Institute in March 2011 at the local community college. It is unknown when she will take up her new post of Accountant General of the Virgin Islands.

The Accountant General is a government job with a salary in grade 17 with a range of $62,900-$92,150 per year.

68 Responses to “UPDATE: Dr Sandra M. Besson appointed new Accountant General!”

  • A. Fahie (08/08/2013, 08:55) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
  • liver (08/08/2013, 09:12) Like (10) Dislike (47) Reply
    Horray for the NDP and history of vitimsation. Well done old boys but hope when the table turns you can take the evil you doll out to locals
    • @ liver (08/08/2013, 18:52) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      Tilford listen, the stage is set, move with dispatch, your days are numbered. Don't allow the door to hit you on your way out come 2016
  • Local accountant. (08/08/2013, 09:20) Like (8) Dislike (55) Reply

    Please DR smith. This kinda thing must stop.

    Can't you find a local for these positions? You really don't see anything wrong with this?

    • 4 u (08/08/2013, 10:12) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
      FYI Dr. BESSON is hard care LOCAL!!!!! - check your facts boss!!!! IDIOT!!!!
    • Vinny (08/08/2013, 10:13) Like (15) Dislike (15) Reply
      She IS A LOCAL!!!
      • bvi (08/08/2013, 11:13) Like (9) Dislike (114) Reply
        She is a local with a Trinidadian accent. LOL
      • pay attention people (08/08/2013, 13:29) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
        Dr. Smith also announced the reassignment of the then Acting Accountant General Ms. Anna Rabsatt to the Ministry of Finance, and the appointment of an Anguillan national Ms Kalleesha C. Mendie as Acting Accountant General, displacing two Virgin Islanders
      • uh-uh (08/08/2013, 15:00) Like (0) Dislike (57) Reply
        no she is here for a few years doesn't make you a local...belonger status doesn't make you a local....well to me at least
        • Binocs (08/08/2013, 17:22) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
          She was born in the BVI! You all like born here now you have a born here you still complaining
    • Candi (09/08/2013, 14:43) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Miss Besson needs no work permit boss. Her mom was BVIslander to the back bone.
  • Street Lyfe (08/08/2013, 09:33) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
    Boy the funny thing is a older person was talking about this lady bigging her up and how educated she is, such a down to earth person she is and she is Tigar from East sister.Lastnight just a elder showing man vibas to educate yourself and stop wasting time.I come on this website this morning and i here reading about the same woman.Dr. Sandra Besson congrats and you going live long,all the best and God is Good.
  • long look me come from (08/08/2013, 09:47) Like (5) Dislike (63) Reply
    is she one of us?
  • polo (08/08/2013, 10:07) Like (11) Dislike (23) Reply
    That's what I like about the NDP never afraid to get rid of locals and put their people in posts..they have the help of the DG, Bowtie and FS
    • Peng!! (08/08/2013, 12:14) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
      their ppl.....Sandra aint been in the BVi long enough to side with any political party!!! She is educated, been exposed to a variety of post in the outside world and comes with a lot of experience. We actually need persons who have been exposed or previously in private sector to move things along and change the culture of the Civil Service....Not all civil servants are bad but if we "want to move from good to great" we have to have serious people running the show...congrats dr. Besson we got your back....
  • Ummmm (08/08/2013, 10:55) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    She is a local. Read the story.
  • Nationalist (08/08/2013, 11:01) Like (21) Dislike (91) Reply
    I think I understand now. In order to be considered indigenous or local, you must be born in BVI to at least one BVI Parent and must support VIParty officially. Even if you meet the prior requirements, if your political leaning is any other than that then you are not a local. I understand now, thanks.
    • Yep (08/08/2013, 14:22) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am surprised your comment even got posted but it's nice to see someone with sense.
    • @ Nationalist (08/08/2013, 23:26) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      jeez um bread yu all aint tire chatting cocka may may?
  • ABC (08/08/2013, 11:32) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Will Chad be the next Deputy Accountant General ? Don't put it pass the NDP; they know how to keep it in the family.
  • insider (08/08/2013, 11:41) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
    Vino you all got inside scoop boss... hats off still got you all contacts!!!!! the thing just went from Finance to the HR department and you all have it a ready. I guess that lady will be acting for a long time as her department is filled with leakers!
    • Foyie (08/08/2013, 22:12) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      HR is indeed filled with leakers, actors, actresses, oscars, you name it! The whole d*** staff along with managers need to get the hell out. They are not professional and confidential. Oath of Secrecy! What's that? Everybody business is out in a flash! I soon getting out too!
  • Trstre (08/08/2013, 12:01) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sandra. Congratulations. I know you will do well. All the best!!
  • small head (08/08/2013, 13:09) Like (2) Dislike (40) Reply
    Tortola is heaven and a government job is there aim
  • ndp will pay for this (08/08/2013, 13:27) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    "Ms Mendie was hired by the Ministry of Finance as a Public Finance Consultant to the Treasury Department with a salary of $95,000 a year, including a government vehicle as confirmed to this news site by Financial Secretary Neil M. Smith."

  • radio 1 (08/08/2013, 15:15) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
    how dem say she from T&T..VINO ayo sure she born here? well ayo does be right so if ayo say so tis so
    • cat food (08/08/2013, 17:49) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
      Welcome to reality.... If we all continue to have our babies in the US, very some there will be a new BVI. One that does not speak like a BVIslander, one that does not carry the surnames that are Indigenous to the BVI..... We need to be reminded of the social impact when we do decide to have our kids overseas.
    • south sea (09/10/2013, 03:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Congratulations Sandra! Wishing you all the best.
  • wild thing (08/08/2013, 15:22) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sandra's mother was born right here inna de east as was Sandra but they moved away a long time ago to Trini. No wonder she is so forward thinking and professional. Good choice for Acct General. Now to turn this lacadacial system around!
    • Well (08/08/2013, 16:11) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Have you worked with her, interesting
    • To Wild Thing (09/08/2013, 09:34) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
      It sickens me that people like you go on blog incorrect information. Neither Sandra or her mother are NOT from east end, but when you blog incorrect statements you make people like yourself believe the mess. Stop it!!!!
  • ta ta (08/08/2013, 17:14) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Head them on a wish hunt to see who leak ha ha
  • investigate (08/08/2013, 19:05) Like (2) Dislike (78) Reply
    What happen while she was at the London office? Why they did not renew her tenure?
    • @ investigate (09/08/2013, 08:25) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

      From the article clearly Ms Besson, has quiet a bit of experience under her belt which qualifies her for the Accountant Gen post.
      You people need to learn to give jack or Jane her jacket when it is actually deserving.
      When Mendie's salary was published you people kick up about her not being from here, now we actually have a overqualified local who is leaving the private sector coming in to help straighten out the country's affairs you all making all sort of stupid remarks.
      She is exactly who the government needs, someone that was not selected based on her last name but have the resume to show that she is more than capable to do the job.

      Congrats Ms Besson, please help us get this country out this crisis.

    • west (09/08/2013, 10:40) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      More in the morta deman
  • Real Talk (08/08/2013, 19:26) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I still don't understand why Mrs. Fraser was removed from her position.
    Can someone clarify?
    • @ real talk (08/08/2013, 22:46) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Because she in a vip and ndp is in
    • @ real talk (08/08/2013, 23:19) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Why don't you go ask her? She has been working at the International Finance Center (IFC) a week after she went on leave from her post as Accountant General. I guess the sources near to the NDP failed to broadcast that piece of informaton....... But hey, things do get overlooked from time to time.
      • Real Talk (09/08/2013, 20:32) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        She was sent on leave it was not a choice of hers and they clsimed she was competent and professional.

        So my question now is; Why would they remove a professional, competent person from their post (non contractual) and put another professional, competent person in the position?
  • FED (08/08/2013, 20:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    While I do not like how they treat Fraser and Rabsatt, the women is qualified and can do the work ooh and she is born here!
  • Str8Nose (08/08/2013, 21:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What about the Deputy Post? Will that become a confirmed post of anyone?
  • How (08/08/2013, 22:56) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Kudus to ndp on this choice
  • Accent (09/08/2013, 09:36) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
    What the hell her accent has to do with anything. Maybe if some of you small minded LOCALS travel and try and get proper education then your ghetto accent would change. Its good that she has a decent accent and not the kinda crap that comes out of some of your mouths!!!
  • @ Street Lyfe (09/08/2013, 09:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Unless something happens where your true identity is posted, sick people like you would not stop spreading false information about people. What the hell do you know about Sandra. All the information you put about her being from East and having a brother is incorrect. Your sick a$$ need a life. Get your facts straight before you defame people and have others believing you. That boy is not her brother, no he is not but you gone on posting sH!+
  • Online Now (09/08/2013, 10:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This ignorance is far more damaging to the BVI than anyone working here from outside!
  • Straight-jacket finances (10/08/2013, 00:34) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Our Territory needs a firm hand on the Treasury, and I trust that Dr. Besson will not bow to partisan politics, and that she will conduct business as a professional with integrity would. I wish Dr. Besson all the best in her new post...

    A warm welcome home to you, Dr. Besson.
  • real peps (11/08/2013, 11:16) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply

    just like every job in the b.v.i where it has qualified people they only give the kiss @$$ them friend and them and who the ndp can get in there pocket for a kick back lot of underhanded things goin on with tha goverment time will tell think you in heaven but you realy in hell.

  • mvw (08/10/2013, 20:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    vino you on top of your game with accuracy
  • Best news report (08/10/2013, 20:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • big girl rules (09/10/2013, 03:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP finally got somebody in based on merit and not cronyism and wiho voted for um!
  • Dr Who (09/10/2013, 07:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So she was born here, who are her family here? I guess the birth & death registry will confirm. It really doesn't matter to me because am a COME YA but I am sure it will quell the suspicious minds of the BORN YAHS.
  • The truth. (09/10/2013, 12:56) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The simple fact of the matter is that Virgin Islanders believe that they are entitled to jobs here because they 'barn here me son'. The simple truth is that Virgin Islanders are already a minority who think the world owes them everything because their ancestors were slaves over one and a half centuries ago. This culture is failing because the people have failed it. Greed, anger, racism, hatred......all the things which define a Virgin Islander, will eventually lead to them being merely a sad episode in history. Then and only then will people who realise the beauty of these islands begin to run things. The sooner the better.
  • 1 (09/10/2013, 18:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    VINO you are always right
  • Know better... (10/10/2013, 09:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congratulations Dr. Besson.
  • matti (11/10/2013, 14:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Seems old to me why cant we get a younger person.

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