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UPDATE: 'Dag' Samuels to be laid to rest on October 21

- Viewing & Service to take place @ Methodist Church in Sea Cows Bay
Track and Field Coach Xavier 'Dag' Samuels will be laid to rest on October 21, 2017 following viewing and service at the Methodist Church in Sea Cows Bay, Tortola. Photo: Dean H. Greenaway aka 'The Sportsman/Facebook
The late Xavier 'Dag' Samuels, seen here flanked by world class hurdler Kyron A. McMaster (left) and President of the BVI Athletics Association Steve Augustine. Photo: VINO/File
The late Xavier 'Dag' Samuels, seen here flanked by world class hurdler Kyron A. McMaster (left) and President of the BVI Athletics Association Steve Augustine. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The funeral for popular and respected track and field coach, Xavier 'Dag' Samuels is scheduled for October 21, 2017, according to information reaching Virgin Islands News Online.

Mr Samuels, who was the coach of world leading 400m hurdles athlete, Kyron A. McMaster of the Virgin Islands, lost his life due to injuries sustained during Hurricane Irma on September 6, 2017.

The viewing and service will take place at the Methodist Church in Sea Cows Bay.

Viewing is scheduled for 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM with service to begin immediately after.

See previous article published September 28, 2017

Passing of 'Dag' Samuels sends shockwave across local & international athletics

The passing of Xavier “Dag” Samuels, during Hurricane Irma, has left the athletics family of NACAC and the Caribbean in a state of mourning.

Whilst the entire local Sports fraternity is still in shock, and details of the funeral are still to be confirmed, Victor Lopez, on behalf of the NACAC athletics family and as NACAC President and Member of the IAAF Board, has expressed his deepest condolences to the family of Coach Xavier ‘Dag’ Samuels.

“We are totally dismayed at the passing of Dag, who was not only a dear friend but was a mentor in advanced courses for the region.For the CAC programme, he was one of the most outstanding coaches for the first level courses. Such course was historic because it was the first official activity held at the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee after it was inaugurated by IOC President Juan Samaranch.”

A father of VI athletics

In conjunction with Reynold 'Rey' O’Neal OBE, he was one of the fathers of BVI Athletics.

“He was one of our most outstanding coaches obtaining medals worldwide with his national athletes and has been standing out internationally for more than a decade. As an example, currently he was training Kyron McMaster, who has the world leading time in the 400m hurdles this year and was the winner of the Diamond League final.
He was a sincere individual, tireless worker, exceptional organiser, great coach and friend.

The NACAC Area and the OECS region lose one of its best treasures as a human being and we will remember him forever. We are all indebted for everything he gave our sport and even more for being an exceptional human being.

With pain in my soul, I write this testimony. I am sure that I speak on behalf of thousands of mutual friends of the brother that left us physically but who will be spiritually present with all of us at all times.”

15 Responses to “UPDATE: 'Dag' Samuels to be laid to rest on October 21”

  • Andrew Cox Sr (28/09/2017, 14:30) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    condolences to the entire family from the Cox family and stay strong because Dag fought a good fight and his contribution is unmeasurable
  • Sigh (28/09/2017, 15:35) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    R.I.P Mr. Samuel , you was one of my favorite P.E Teachers
  • Reply (28/09/2017, 16:33) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    VINO can you please update us asap whenever you know when Dag's funeral is. That info would be appreciated.
    • @ Reply (28/09/2017, 18:42) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
      call the funeral home, but vino is doing a great job is was so sad when they was down just to read the government spin long live VINO the people's paper

      RIP Dag, you will be missed
    • Reply (09/10/2017, 14:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thanks VINO for that update. It is very much personally appreciated.
  • Charley Rose (28/09/2017, 19:14) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am sad at the passing of Dag. He was an outstand coach and many benefited from Day's talent and selfless dedication to track and field.
  • Wille (28/09/2017, 22:35) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    He died at the top of his game. He will always be remembered.
  • a proud bvislander (29/09/2017, 08:13) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    How sad and he will truly be missed...many great memories of the Cane Garden Camp and his wonderful help and contributions...oh my, how sad..I always liked to see him and have a hug.
  • tears (29/09/2017, 08:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sad. So Sad...While u were with us and amongst us You made a difference... My sympathy goes out to your family
  • Memory (29/09/2017, 12:26) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    My sincere condolences to the family of Dag Samuels. I remember him as my childhood friend. Indeed he will be missed.
  • rattie (30/09/2017, 06:35) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hate hurricane irma, it took dag from us.

  • dddd (03/10/2017, 14:02) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Saddened to hear of the passing of Dag. A former class-mate, I ran into him about 4 years ago while I was on Tortola, actually he remembered me before I did. R.I.P. his family and friends "Weeping May Endure For a Night, But Joy Cometh In The Morning>"
  • vg boy (09/10/2017, 12:32) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    RIP Coach....
  • Terrible Loss (12/10/2017, 09:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope I can travel back to the BVI for this Funeral. I am sure that he will be greatly missed not just by his family but by the entire BVI sporting community. Condolence to the family.
  • Tafari Zharr (19/10/2017, 12:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Written Especially for "Da Gee”

    DA-G was an Oracle, a debater
    No mystery, he grew into your history
    Childhood Gregarious; didn’t know he’d be so grand
    His toiling – coaching – Be the Best you Can!
    Dubbing him athletics hustler “defender of the land”

    If I knew
    That birdie tapping on my window Was you
    I would have gotten up from my bed
    Spent the last moments discerning instead

    DA-G was the Express, and the Impress
    Perpetually traversing, he is now turf and time
    A Rolex – impetuously ticking timepiece- BVI no longer behind
    Beyond Records, Guns, Whistles, and Action
    There’s Strength in community -Family- And Hope in Adoption

    If I knew
    How long it would have been Before you flew
    I would have never looked away
    Or missed the things you’d hope to say

    DA-G was debonair, he was urbane
    He was the field, he was country, he was town
    He was East and West, but he was never gone too long
    For whom the whistle now tolls- he’s signaling- “time”
    Hurricanes-a-Comin’-The Warning is Da-G’s- not mime

    If I knew
    That birdie was chiding off this paradigm
    I’d Etch this smile Engraved face, Been Awoke to participate
    Better to Be Early than Late: “There’s never any love in hate!

    Sincere condolences to the family, relatives, friends: Dag was An exemplary man who ran more than he walked and witnessed more races than he could run; He recently introduced me to his daughter; clearly he adored family. When we were kids everything was about Germaine and Dagma whom I never met; RIP Well done my friend. Well Done!

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