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UPDATE: Beach @ St Thomas Bay in VG reopens for recreational use

Residents and visitors on Virgin Gorda can now use the beach at St Thomas Bay in Valley, following water quality test results which show that conditions are now suitable. Photo: BVI Ports Authority/File
The beach at St Thomas Bay in Valley, Virgin Gorda, extending from Fort Point to Collision Point, has been closed to recreational use due to results of water quality testing, according the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration in a press release on Friday, October 16, 2020. Photo: I Love Virgin Gorda
The beach at St Thomas Bay in Valley, Virgin Gorda, extending from Fort Point to Collision Point, has been closed to recreational use due to results of water quality testing, according the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration in a press release on Friday, October 16, 2020. Photo: I Love Virgin Gorda
Cane Garden Bay Beach. According to Laboratory Technician in the Environment and Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration, Ms Atoya George, ministry officials are working diligently to carry out water quality testing on beaches throughout the Territory to ensure the safety of beach goers. Photo: VINO/File
Cane Garden Bay Beach. According to Laboratory Technician in the Environment and Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration, Ms Atoya George, ministry officials are working diligently to carry out water quality testing on beaches throughout the Territory to ensure the safety of beach goers. Photo: VINO/File
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI- Residents and visitors on Virgin Gorda can now use the beach at St Thomas Bay in Valley, following water quality test results which show that conditions are now suitable.

According to a press release from Government on October 23, 2020, Laboratory Technician in the Environment and Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration, Ms Atoya George said, “After continued water quality testing at the various locations along the coast of St Thomas Bay, the results now show that conditions are up to standard for water contact activities.”

The press release said the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration continues to work diligently to carry out water quality testing on beaches throughout the Territory to ensure the preservation of the pristine nature of its environment and protecting the health of the public.

The Environment and Climate Change Unit can be contacted at 468-2700 for more information or to report any concerns about swimming conditions at beaches in the Territory.

See previous article published October 18, 2020

Beach @ St Thomas Bay in VG closed due to ‘elevated bacteria levels’

The beach at St Thomas Bay in Valley, Virgin Gorda, extending from Fort Point to Collision Point, has been closed to recreational use due to results of water quality testing, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration in a press release on Friday, October 16, 2020.

Laboratory Technician in the Environment and Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration, Ms Atoya George said, “The unit collected and tested water at various locations along the coast of St Thomas Bay. The results showed elevated bacteria levels particularly in areas where a ghut exists. We are conducting further testing in the area and as soon as conditions improve beach users will be given the green light for water contact activities.”

Water quality testing

Ms George said ministry officials are working diligently to carry out water quality testing on beaches throughout the Territory to ensure the safety of beachgoers.

She added, “The preservation of the pristine nature of our environment and protecting the health of the public is of utmost importance; our people are our most valuable asset, followed by our environment.”

No bathing @ St Thomas Bay

Persons are asked not to bathe in the water at St Thomas Bay while the beach is closed. Assessment of the area will continue and the public will be advised when the beach is safe and open for recreational use.

The Environment and Climate Change Unit can be contacted at 468-2700 for more information or to report any concerns about swimming conditions at beaches in the Territory.

The Government of the Virgin Islands is working diligently to clean the Territory’s beaches and coastlines.

15 Responses to “UPDATE: Beach @ St Thomas Bay in VG reopens for recreational use”

  • Hmm (18/10/2020, 09:16) Like (7) Dislike (30) Reply
    Because them island people always throwing garbage in the water mahn
  • Disgusting (18/10/2020, 09:27) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Natures little secrets? We can’t even make sure we filter our sewerage water.
    • Humpy (18/10/2020, 21:05) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Raw sewerage is running from both the gutter behind immigration building and the house on the hill.
      People in high places knows that.
      Let's see what they would do about it it's both white people
  • Check CB (18/10/2020, 09:45) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    Can you check the one in Carrot Bay too.... so many people complain about rashes, itchy skin, break out after they use it
  • oh boy (18/10/2020, 09:55) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    I thought the sea used to clean itself?
    • . (19/10/2020, 08:59) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      The sea does. .. But if the flow of water in a certain area isn't consistent, perhaps due to the shape of the beach or the direction by which wind travels, the water can become contaminated.
  • hmm (18/10/2020, 10:17) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    So whose sewage is running into the water now?
  • E. Leonard (18/10/2020, 11:19) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    The sea/water/receiving body is the major draw for tourism for both land and water visitors. Tourism is 1/2 of the economic twin pillars and a major employer; Covid-19 has highlighted its economic importance. Consequently, the pristine nature of the sea must be protected to the maximum extend practical and possible. The sea is the major attraction but polluting it will drive visitors away. Cannot kill the goose that lays the golden egg. What are the potential causes of the pollution?

    Potential causes of pollution include a)discharges from marine vessels, b)illegal dumping and c) runoff from land, e.g., pesticides, oils, brake fluids, insecticides, animal waste, bird waste, raw sewage.........etc. The worst time to go for a swim close to shore is right after a heavy rain; the first flush is nasty. Discharging raw sewage from shore and marine vessels adversely impacts the beneficial uses of the sea, i.e, swimming, fishing, boating and other recreational uses. Moreover, polluting impacts the sea which in turn impacts employment, government revenue, foreign exchange earnings..........etc. Thus, government must legislate and enforce strict measures to protect the sea by improving both runoff from land and discharges from marine vessels.
  • VG (18/10/2020, 13:53) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's a well known fact that raw sewage running in that ghut that passes behind the Port Authority building at St. Thomas bay..but the government wouldn't shut them down.The stench that comes down that drain is breath-taking.
    • Ooohhh. Boiiii (18/10/2020, 16:23) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @VG. Its not the business places alone that may be guilty There are private hiuseholds who pump their septics in the road drains whenever it rains hard enough for the water to carry it away from in front of their proerty
      I saw it with my own eyes in North Valley
  • Tap Water (18/10/2020, 19:27) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    They need to check the water that runs through the taps in Tortola for bacteria also. Lately the water smells like sewerage.
    • Real (18/10/2020, 22:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @tap water its for real though some mornings in CGB running dark stenchy water..
  • Political Observer (PO) (19/10/2020, 07:58) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The late Beryl “Teacher Bev” Vanterpool was championing and shouting from the mountain top on the illegal discharges into the sea in VG before her untimely passing a few months ago. Yet too many just heard her strong voice on environmental issues as just noise and a nuisance, an inconvenience. But the platform and soap box she was on and the campaign and war she waged against illegal discharges was/is real and has serious real life, community and national consequences.

    Today, St. Thomas Bay probably for the first time in history or at least the first time in recent memory is closed for swimming because it is polluted. It was Teacher Bev’s desire to stop the illegal discharges and maintain the pristiness of the sea. However, if the source(s) of the pollution at St. Thomas Bay, VG, along with other areas, is not found and rooted out the problem will persist and more closures will result. This will not be good for the tourism product.

    The support/response for Teacher Bev’s war against pollution was tepid and luke warm. Nevertheless, her fervent and aggressive message against pollution and preserving the environment didn’t pass on with her and is alive and real. Let’s let her message, her passion reverberates and resonates throughout the community and the territory with effectiveness, gaining the focus of government officials.

    Moreover, though the St. Thomas Bay incident is only a single incident, no doubt there are other raw sewage and other environmental challenges in the territory. The BVI is a developing country and safe and proper sewage management is a quality of life and standard of living issue. Sewage management must be elevated to the top of territorial priority list. Health and economy are dangling in the balance. Teacher Bev, rest easy, for Butch is on job.
  • Me (25/10/2020, 16:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pls.tell us what was done to correct this issue.As we in the community know who the culprits are.District rep,At
    large rep./district officer,Sister island cordinator let us hear from U guys.For me the beach is still not safe if u guys don't come forward &present ur findings &list the measures of correction

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