Up to $2000 fine set for violators of COVID-19 Public Health Order

Hon Malone said the order Signed August 1, 2020, reintroduces familiar provisions such as limitations on all gatherings to one person per sixty-four square feet and not exceeding fifty persons at any given time; and in the case of vulnerable persons, limited gatherings to no more than ten persons.
Businesses are also expected to put COVID-19 measures in places such as physical distancing protocols and sanitisation measures and to ensure that all staff and customers adhere to such physical distancing protocols and sanitisation measures.
If a Police or Environmental Health Officer; however, reasonably believes that a person or an establishment is contravening or has contravened COVID-19 guidelines, individuals will receive a verbal warning for the first breach and the second breach, a fixed penalty notice requiring the person to pay a fine of $100 plus mandatory training will be issued.
The fee moves to $200 for subsequent breach under individual status and businesses establishment for the first breach will also receive a verbal warning.
$200 fine for individuals; $2000 for businesses
For businesses facing a second breach, there will be a fixed penalty notice and it will be requiring that the owner or operators of the establishment pay a fine of one thousand dollars, and notice for temporary closure, subject to such mandatory training and implementation of such corrective measures.
Businesses facing a third breach, however, will be issued a fixed penalty notice requiring the owner or operators to pay a fine of two thousand dollars, in addition to an order for the immediate closure of the establishment and the revocation of the Environmental Health Certificate.
According to Hon Malone, "It is my hope that not one citation will need to be issued, not one fine levied, and not one business to be forced to close."
He said that it can only be the case if VI holds its citizens and residents accountable to do the right thing in the best interest of all.



26 Responses to “Up to $2000 fine set for violators of COVID-19 Public Health Order”
what happened to the local returing from overseas who violated iscolation quarrentine mltiuple times ( in VG i think). nothing !
governmeny all talk no action.....
only people who gunna get fined are down island people...hold on...there arent many left !
gotta enforce these laws if they going to work...certainly not enforced during the holidays..SO many people not wearing masks or distancing..police pathetic in their enforcement...
Jesu said I love you! come if you do not know him start to do your researched, The Bible is n0t going away in this new age movement so called, as long ad we live the Bible will be our Judge! Jesus First... call his name he will answer not money it do not solve plague or any infirmity, prayer does! Stop the fine threats nonsense .
Here the Bible says for slaves to obey their master as if he was God himself.
* 1 Timothy 6:1, “All who are under the yoke of slavery should regard their masters as fully worthy of honour, so that God’s name and our teaching will not be discredited.”