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UN reaffirms VI constitutional position & right to self-governance

From left: Deputy Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), C-24 Chair H.E. Ambassador Keisha McGuire and Special Envoy Mr E. Benito Wheatley at the United Nations (UN) Committee of 24’s (C-24) regional seminar on decolonisation held in Saint John Parish, Dominica from August 25-27, 2021. Photo: VI Gov't
The United Nations has called on the United Kingdom (UK) to respect the UN Charter and international law which covers the special rights of the VI and those societies on the UN list of Territories yet to be completely decolonised. Photo: VINO/UN/File
The United Nations has called on the United Kingdom (UK) to respect the UN Charter and international law which covers the special rights of the VI and those societies on the UN list of Territories yet to be completely decolonised. Photo: VINO/UN/File
Deputy Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has welcomed the conclusions and recommendations of the United Nations (UN) Committee of 24’s (C-24) regional seminar on decolonisation held in Saint John Parish, Dominica from August 25-27, 2021. Photo: VINO/File
Deputy Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has welcomed the conclusions and recommendations of the United Nations (UN) Committee of 24’s (C-24) regional seminar on decolonisation held in Saint John Parish, Dominica from August 25-27, 2021. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Deputy Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has welcomed the conclusions and recommendations of the United Nations (UN) Committee of 24’s (C-24) regional seminar on decolonisation held in Saint John Parish, Dominica from August 25-27, 2021.

Dr Wheatley attended the seminar on behalf of Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1).

UK urged to respect rights of VI

In a press release from Government on September 1, 2021, Dr Wheatley said the UN called on the UK to respect the UN Charter on decolonisation.

“The UN via the C-24 has again reaffirmed the right of the people of the British Virgin Islands to self-determination and for self-governance in the territory to be upheld.

“They have clearly called on the Administering Power, the United Kingdom (UK), to respect the UN Charter and international law which covers the special rights of the BVI and those societies on the UN list of Territories yet to be completely decolonised.

According to Dr Wheatley, this includes the VI’s current constitutional position and plans for Constitutional Review.

Matter of possible UK takeover after CoI raised

According to the press release, in his report to the committee on the progress of decolonisation and self-determination in the VI, the Deputy Premier highlighted concerns about the prospect of the territory’s autonomy being taken away following the completion of the ongoing Commission of Inquiry on the islands, despite the full cooperation of the elected Government.

“The sitting Government continues to cooperate with the Commission of Inquiry and is only seeking a just outcome. The process should not be used as a pretext by the UK to take away the autonomy of the local Government or as leverage to compel us to simply do as they wish, as opposed to engaging in dialogue.

“Moreover, the sitting Government should be allowed to exercise the maximum degree of self-governance permitted under the constitution. We are within our rights to do so,” Hon Wheatley said.

‘Plans for Constitutional Review should not be impeded by CoI’

He went on to say, “Furthermore, our plans for a Constitutional Review should not be impeded by the UK on the basis that they want to wait for the outcome of the Commission of Inquiry. The two things are mutually exclusive, and the UK should not be planning to capitalise on the Review as an opportunity to impose on us what they wish or to circumscribe the powers of the local Government. Rather, the aspirations of the Government and people of the British Virgin Islands should be the basis for any constitutional changes, which should proceed without delay.”

In light of the concerns expressed by the Deputy Premier and other representatives of the Overseas Territories which the UN says have yet to be decolonised, the C-24 agreed their conclusions and recommendations of the regional seminar.

The theme of the 2021 C-24 regional seminar on decolonisation was ‘Implementation of the Fourth International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism.’

The Deputy Premier was joined by the Special Envoy of the Premier Mr E. Benito Wheatley.

19 Responses to “UN reaffirms VI constitutional position & right to self-governance”

  • Kodak (02/09/2021, 09:06) Like (2) Dislike (20) Reply
    Time to start the discussion of what colours will we put in the Virgin Islands flag.
    Suggestion: Black for the people. Red for the blood our forefathers shed for us to be here. 4 black stars representing the four larger islands. Green for the land.
    • robocop (02/09/2021, 12:22) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      Green for the money that has been plundered from the public purse, Grey for the smoke that is pumped out of Pockwood, white for the cocaine that is smuggled through our ports
    • @Kodak (02/09/2021, 13:17) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      There are a lot of poor independent countries flying meaningful flags. Politics is the #1 threat to any thought of self determination. The word "self" is normally reserved for the Politicians who become selfish once they gain full control of the country, knowing that they do not have to answer to a "Mother " or a "Father" They then share the newfound wealth of the country with their family, relatives , friends and anyone else who will keep them in power. I fully support self determination but before we start flying or even think about colours, we must fix our Politics. Self should include " all people" regardless of colour or social status. Please take a look at some of our neighbours and further aboard.
  • Bloomberg (02/09/2021, 09:08) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    That does not mean they will adhere to it. The script has already been written and the take over is imminent.

  • ... (02/09/2021, 09:16) Like (3) Dislike (25) Reply
    Independence is a must
    • Biafra (02/09/2021, 13:20) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      I think you mean “Independence is essential “.
      Your tenses are all over the place.
      You’re welcome.
  • Slim Jim (02/09/2021, 10:02) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Be careful, Honorable Minister... you may be reading the tea leaves wrongly. Humble yourself, and you will be exalted... pride goes before the fall.
  • 1st District (02/09/2021, 10:12) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    This highly educated man think that we are safe with the UN. Well here this, they already have boots on the ground in seclusion in the BVI. Trouble coming and they are the ones have us like a set of sheep on a farm!
  • lodger (02/09/2021, 10:20) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    Just hold a referendum and do it! Only our own people stopping us.
  • priest (02/09/2021, 10:23) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Doc when I hear of read the U.N report for myself I will believe you. You are a very good Actor.
  • Righteousness first, independence after. (02/09/2021, 11:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    True, every person deserve the right to choose their own destiny. True, the UK'S government has no right to blatantly withhold the right of the VI people from them, independence.
    But on the flip side, VI government has no right to continue violating the rights of the people that has voted them to defend their rights.
    It is not the UN that is feeling the pains of political mismanagement in the B.V.I, it is the majority of the people that has voted for them.
    Valid. Question: is it fair that you have employed a group of persons to represent you best intrest, and the pay themselves financially, and not you their employer decide their financial worth? Is it "B.V.I LOVE" that huge amount of moneys remain unaccounted for, without probing investigation? Is it right for one-percenters continue uncheck in their discrimination mindset against the underprevilge in the name of so-called good governance? Oh no, this should not be allowed to continue.
    In my opinion, the injustices against the majority of the people of the B.V.I should first be stopped, after that, we have the right to pursue independence from the UK.
    In the order of priorities: Accountability right before right of independence should be preferred at this time in the B.V.I

  • bbc (02/09/2021, 12:23) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    what is the real difference between the united kingdom or the united nations. less talk more positive action by the people and we need to vote for the way forward because the future of this place can not be a political decision

    nothing against NDP but the madness between London and road town began with NDP distancing themselves from the swear in of a new governor. London sent assistance for the people of this territory after the 2017 hurricanes but NDP refuse that much needed help; from then everything mash up

    • josiah'sbay (02/09/2021, 18:12) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @bbc: If the Governors is in charge in the VI how can any government refuse help with out the Gov being okay with it. It's like the COI whatever the result how can the Governor distance himself from the finding particularly when he has so much power here. Why do we always excuse their responsibility to the territory to do their job? Their job is to help govern not to sit back and wait for failures and then attack the Gov.
  • PT9 (02/09/2021, 12:37) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Righteousness first, Independence after, You were talking very good until you said pursue independence from the UK thats all wrong. if you think the government is bad now it will be worse when they don't have to answer to anyone.
    • Righteousness first, independence after. (02/09/2021, 14:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ PT9: My honest respect to you. However, I do understand you, but you don't know why I did used the word pursue. Allow me to say now.
      I know that no time in the future will any government cabinet leaders in the B.V.I agree to and do righteousness in full. So because they will not, independence should not for the B.V.I., because like you I know that their separatist behaviours will hinder righteous progress for all our people.
  • E. Leonard (02/09/2021, 15:54) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Chapter XI of the UN charter has always been consistent in asserting self- determination and self-governing for non-self governing territories. The list of non self governing territories was originally 72; today it is 17, including VI and USVI. As such, it is up to the VI people to pursue self-determination and self-governing. Options include independence, free association, maintaining status quo…..etc. Sooner rather than later, the VI people through a referendum should be given the opportunity to decide the VI status and way forward. A supermajority vote should decide the change in status.
    • Ne Timeas (03/09/2021, 12:41) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      @E. Leonard, well-informed, well said reasoned comment. Though it is there right, too many of my fellow bloggers just hit the Dislike without comment as to why they disagree. IMO this does not contribute to or advance the debate. Blogs can live with dissent as long as there is rational, reasoned and respected debate on all sides. It is easy to tap Dislike and run away. However, readers will be enriched with a robust debate. Another eNews site require one to provide name with comment and the reality it does not get as many comments on issue as eNews sites with just anonymous names. Perhaps, it is time for VI News to do like wise. My take is that there will be fewer commenters but perhaps more substantive, informative and enjoyable debate.
  • PT9 (02/09/2021, 15:54) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    @bbc, And the VIP turned around and did the same thing.

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