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UK PM's office accused of breaching COVID-19 rules to hold Xmas party during lockdown

- Boris Johnson also gave speech @ an 'illegal' gathering
The Conservative Party government of the United Kingdom (UK), led by the controversial Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, continues to demonstrate that they are a law unto themselves, with the latest allegations being that they broke COVID-19 rules in holding a Christmas party at No. 10 last year December when the country was in lockdown and such events were banned. Photo: BBC
The 'illegal' party took place at No. 10 Downing Street on December 18, 2020, and according to the BBC, a source said 'several dozen' people attended. Photo: Britannica
The 'illegal' party took place at No. 10 Downing Street on December 18, 2020, and according to the BBC, a source said 'several dozen' people attended. Photo: Britannica
LONDON, UK- The Conservative Party government of the United Kingdom (UK), led by the controversial Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, continues to demonstrate that they are a law unto themselves, with the latest allegations being that they broke COVID-19 rules when they held a Christmas party at No. 10 last year December when the country was in lockdown and such events were banned.

The party took place at 10 Downing Street, the official office and residence of the UK Prime Minister, on December 18, 2020, and according to the BBC, a source said "several dozen" people attended.

However, Covid restrictions in place at the time banned such events.

The PM, who was not at the party, said no Covid rules were broken but No 10 has not said how party-goers complied.

Meanwhile, the Metropolitan Police has said it does not routinely probe "retrospective breaches" of Covid laws amid calls for an investigation of the No 10 Christmas party held during 2020's restrictions.

Johnson was also allegedly part of rule breaking

The Mirror newspaper, which was the first to report the claims, also said PM Johnson gave a speech at a "packed leaving do" for an aide on November 27, 2020, when the country was in its second lockdown and socialising was banned.

Writing separately to Met Police Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick on Friday, December 3, 2021, Labour MPs Neil Coyle and Barry Gardiner called for a full investigation into whether or not any laws had been broken.

Sharing his letter on Twitter, Mr Coyle, the MP for Bermondsey and Southwark, in south London, said from reading the guidance, he believed "holding these events was a breach of the rules at the time".

He said: "Like most constituents, I followed the rules and did not see my own dad last Christmas and, sadly, it was to be his last.

"The sense of outrage from constituents is palpable that they followed the rules whilst those responsible for devising and enforcing them were breaching them at the top of government."

'No one is above the law'

Also sharing his correspondence on Twitter, Mr Gardiner, the MP for Brent North, in north-west London, said: "I hope you agree that no-one is above the law and your service needs to maintain public confidence that Covid rules apply equally to all people."

In a statement, the UK's largest police force said it was "aware of widespread reporting" of "alleged breaches of the Health Protection Regulations" at a government building on two dates in November and December.

The Met added it was the force's "policy not to routinely investigate retrospective breaches" of Covid laws but said it would "consider" the letters it had received.

Two days prior to the event, London was plunged into Tier 3 lockdown restrictions, which banned people from mixing indoors with anyone not in their household or support bubble.

People were allowed to gather if it was reasonably necessary for work purposes but that would not have included holding a party.

Ironically, the same UK Government that continues to be accused of breaking the country's rules has, is backing a controversial Commission of Inquiry that had been digging for evidence to find whether the Virgin Islands government had been violating its laws or involved in corruption.

24 Responses to “UK PM's office accused of breaching COVID-19 rules to hold Xmas party during lockdown”

  • Rubber Duck (06/12/2021, 07:29) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Now this is real corruption
  • hypocrites (06/12/2021, 07:30) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    The Uk government is a bunch of hypocrites. They trying to find dirt on the BVI when they messy as hell. The BVI is a saint compared to them, who us supposed to be the shining example..yeh right. Only them kind can believe that nonsense. We wide awake!
    • Look See (06/12/2021, 09:51) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      I want to know where too many of us have gotten this thirst for the blood of our black and brown Brothers and sisters...50 so far in the USVi..thousands in the Caribbean by our own hands,our women use their bodies like toilet race of people degrade and destroy themselves worse than the Black race and in these days everyday. We do and continue to do to each other worse than the UK has ever done to us..And always praising and praying before during and after. We are the worse of the worse and have contributed much to our position as scum of the Earth.

  • Sam (06/12/2021, 08:02) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    do you seriously expect anything better from Great Britain the ones that put others into captivity for many many years, simply because of the colour of they skin

    history documents so you can not hide or run from the facts. just because of your complex and the color of your eyes U were forced unto the plantation to cut cane or pick cotton to simulate the british economy back them

    long live united kingdom

    • MLK (06/12/2021, 10:21) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      That is why I know is certain ppl disliking..they out like wolves..but we know our history and can never forget and will never let it repeat
    • @Sam (07/12/2021, 15:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Give it a rest.
  • scamdemic (06/12/2021, 08:55) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Breach ? Lol in these man mind it’s not corruption because to them they know it’s a scamdemic. I would have done the same if I knew it’s a scam. The rules for the 1% ain’t the same as the public
  • Nuremberg 2.0 death sentence (06/12/2021, 08:59) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nuremberg 2.0
  • stop (06/12/2021, 09:03) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Stop worrying about what the UK is doing and worry about yourselves.
    • for real (06/12/2021, 10:01) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Don’t worry about what they are doing across the pond. Why worry about what they are doing. If anything, worry about the locals that is living, working and attending University in the UK.
    • hypocrites (06/12/2021, 10:20) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      How about the UK stop worrying about us and leave us alone with their white supremist agenda
      • @ hypocrite (06/12/2021, 11:24) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
        they left us back them: this territory was branded as a bird sanctuary back then: this territory was removed from british grant-in-aid back then:

        afer the cane cutting and cotton picking industries ran out so did the uk

        the uk only back now because of our offshore industry and the bvi growing & developing economies

        the uk just wants to come back and exploit this territory using their political tactics
        • Weaklings (06/12/2021, 20:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          You do realise that the Uk … I mean city of London and their bankers are why you have offshore business right???… lol Such idiots not realising what the British territories are used for.
  • Come On People (06/12/2021, 09:10) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Don’t you all think it is time to stop worrying and focusing on everything your bosses is doing in the UK?
  • ritter (06/12/2021, 09:10) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Set of oppressors trying to talk about the Bvi shame shame shame on the Uk and the racist coi
  • Interested (06/12/2021, 10:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do we care ?
  • Who Cares? (06/12/2021, 11:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everyday UK this and that....sickening
    • @ Who cares? (06/12/2021, 12:30) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Thanks vino!!! keep pointing out racism and wicked hypocrisy
      • @@ Who cares (06/12/2021, 14:47) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        Stop the madness already. I would agree that racism, and wicked hypocrisy is right in our backyards. I live next to one as we blog who happens to be BLACKER THAN THE TAR THAT IS USED TO PAVE ROADS. She pretends to be friends/best buddies, laughing and smizeing with the woman and is sleeping with the woman’s husband.DIRTY EVIL HYPOCRITE SHE IS. I should put her name on full blast.
  • @@ Who cares (06/12/2021, 13:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    But we are guilty of the same things are we not?Stop talking foolish now.
  • hmm (06/12/2021, 14:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    We have been doing the same thing for almost 2 years now. What's the problem. If the children can do something, why can't the parents?
  • D WIG (06/12/2021, 16:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

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