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UK Foreign Secretary said Premier Fahie’s arrest showed ‘importance of CoI’

- Liz Truss's statements directly contradict Governor Rankin who said arrest had nothing to do with pending CoI Report
UK Foreign Secretary Liz M. Truss said the arrest of BVI Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has shown the importance of the UK-Sponsored Commission of Inquiry in the territory. Photo: Internet Source
Hours before, VI Governor John J, Rankin CMG said that the arrest was a US operation led by the DEA and has not been linked to the Commission of Inquiry report. Photo: Facebook
Hours before, VI Governor John J, Rankin CMG said that the arrest was a US operation led by the DEA and has not been linked to the Commission of Inquiry report. Photo: Facebook
LONDON, United Kingdom – United Kingdom (UK) Foreign Secretary Liz M. Truss said the arrest of Virgin Islands (VI) Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has shown the importance of the UK-Sponsored Commission of Inquiry (CoI) in the territory.

In a statement posted on Twitter, Struss said she was appalled at the charged of drugs trafficking and money laundering, which “demonstrates the importance of the Commission of Inquiry into governance on the Territory.”

Hours before, VI Governor John J, Rankin CMG said that the arrest was a US operation led by the DEA and has not been linked to the Commission of Inquiry report.

CoI report under spotlight 

Struss in her statement further added, “I have spoken to the Governor of the BVI and he will be holding an emergency meeting of the Territory’s Cabinet later today. He will set out next steps tomorrow, including urgent publication of the Inquiry’s report.”

The Miami Herald has said that Hon Fahie, along with the BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) Director Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard was reportedly arrested at an airport after DEA agents posed as cocaine traffickers from the Mexican Sinaloa cartel.

The news of the arrest has since received international media coverage and sent shockwaves across social media with users in disbelief and questioning whether the arrest is part of a grand scheme for the UK to take control of the VI.

Most residents believe the CoI was called by disgraced former Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert aka ‘Gus’ because there was push back on his violation of the Virgin Islands (VI) Constitution and his abuse of power while in office where he acted like he was elected. 

The Inquiry was called on January 18, 2021, in a move that was slammed by CARICOM for being called with no consultation, or prior communication between the UK government and the duly-elected government of the [British] Virgin Islands.

46 Responses to “UK Foreign Secretary said Premier Fahie’s arrest showed ‘importance of CoI’”

  • ? (28/04/2022, 19:27) Like (115) Dislike (22) Reply
    'Disgraced' Governor Jasoert REALLY!!! Who is the disgraced one now?
    • Big balla (28/04/2022, 20:33) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply

      Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of
      "In one of the meetings, according to the court filings, Fahie had pulled out a calculator to work out that his 12 per cent share of the proceeds from selling the shipment in the US would be $7.8mn, agreed to allow the traffickers to use the BVI’s ports and requested an upfront payment.

      Agents arrested Fahie, 51, on Thursday morning after he had inspected $700,000 in cash stashed in designer shopping bags on a plane at Miami-Opa locka airport, part of his supposed pay-off for helping the traffickers, the filing said. “Why am I getting arrested, I don’t have any money or drugs,” the agents quoted Fahie as saying as he was led away."
    • Linda (28/04/2022, 20:56) Like (12) Dislike (49) Reply
      @?. Where is our Premier proven guilty? You sound like one of those in on it trying to frame him so you all can take over swiftly. This has been a long time being talked about and you sound as though you are one of them, already licking your lips to be in easily. I SAY TO ALL B.V.I. PEOPLE, DO NOT SELL OUT OUR LANDS ANYMORE! KEEP YOUR DEEDS AND ONLY LEASE FROM NOW ON! WRITE UP LEASES FOR TIME LIMITS TO STAY ON YOUR LAND, THIS WAY THEY CAN NOT TAKE IT FROM US!!!!! THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL AND WE HAVE TO KEEP OUR EYES AND EARS WIDE OPEN ALL OVER THIS LAND. NOW WE ALL SEE THEY ALWAYS WANTED APARTHEID HERE TOO, TO MAKE COLONIAL TAKEOVER A BREEZE. STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS AND GO INDEPENDENT. DO NOT ALLOW THIS.
      • @linda (29/04/2022, 08:46) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
        Audio and video recordings show his guilt.
      • BuzzBvi (30/04/2022, 14:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Hi Linda. You are welcome to join the real world anytime. Why do folks like you want to keep the corruption and drugs trade going. COI offering us a way out of this pitiful state the current leaders have the country in.
    • Huu (28/04/2022, 22:10) Like (51) Dislike (1) Reply
      What i want to know is, who kill Bob
    • set up (29/04/2022, 07:02) Like (4) Dislike (16) Reply
      Them set up the premier like buju. Stay with and open mind Bvi
  • Ladder (28/04/2022, 19:31) Like (21) Dislike (103) Reply

    This is nothing but a @#%&& COUP by BRITAIN getting help from AMERICA @#%&$.

    • resident (28/04/2022, 21:39) Like (27) Dislike (8) Reply
      Yeah when you hear the evidence you will find out!
      • @resident (29/04/2022, 00:47) Like (3) Dislike (28) Reply
        Evidence can be planted, voice recording can be imitated and persons can be given shorter sentences to testify against the innocent. So is the evil deeds of men with power and money!
    • Oh, Tortola (28/04/2022, 22:01) Like (5) Dislike (21) Reply
      By the British, yes. And America helped them of course, just so they could get their way. Where is our leader now?
    • Rubber Duck (28/04/2022, 22:12) Like (28) Dislike (5) Reply
      You must have used that Ladder to climb up your own backside.
      • Comment (29/04/2022, 00:51) Like (33) Dislike (13) Reply
        @Rubber Duck all you racist residents have no place in our country.
        • Guest (29/04/2022, 08:30) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
          which means most bvi islanders also have no place here...racism is not a white thing, it's a human thing and it's not taught, it's in a human's DNA to be prejudiced
    • @ladder (28/04/2022, 22:18) Like (31) Dislike (8) Reply
      face the facts. its out now. have you seen the arrest Warrent and affidavit ...reads like a novel.
      I.d love to hear Skelton clynes comments now on just how important the COI really dog clearly caught...and not by britain so you cant even blame the colonialist !!
      • @ @ladder (29/04/2022, 01:11) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
        Your people are always rewriting stories….we still don’t believe anything you all say, write or record. You have earned the world’s distrust. Tell us again how wonderful that serial killer psychopath Christopher Columbus was that you all wrote sooo well of. Your lying make-believe history books…tried to brainwash the world to believe he discovered lands that others had already settled. It was just a few years back when you all tried to computer enhance Queen Nefertiti ‘an African Egyptian queen with African features’ into an ugly white woman claiming that this was how she looked when she was living.
      • @@ladder (29/04/2022, 07:34) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        We are not so foolish to believe that. The timing is too perfect.
        • BuzzBvi (30/04/2022, 14:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          The timing is perfect. It clearly shows who our once premier truly is and a it tells us a lot about those that backed him in the past and still do.
  • really ? (28/04/2022, 20:00) Like (41) Dislike (11) Reply
    How can Gus be labeled a Disgrace? I wonder what label we should put on our God-fearing Hon Premiere.
  • really ? (28/04/2022, 20:09) Like (38) Dislike (8) Reply
    How is Governor Gus been termed a disgrace? What shall we label our God-fearing Hon Premiere?
  • Just saying (28/04/2022, 20:19) Like (11) Dislike (27) Reply
    This racist woman is she the judge?
  • Rudolph (28/04/2022, 20:23) Like (27) Dislike (12) Reply
    She couldn't wait to get her claws on this one. - see, we told you. The system here is fowl and we only needed coi to make it official.
    Now wah awyou gon do.
  • Madussa (28/04/2022, 20:35) Like (45) Dislike (32) Reply
    I also think this is a BIG FRAMING SET-UP because our Premier would not play their game. Why did they wait until he was out of the territory, being out of the BVI to try this? They wanted him away from the jurisdiction here to have a fair chance, so they could kidnap him legally saying it was what they accused him of. It has been said for a long time the U.K. wanted to sweep out our government leaders to put theirs in place, to have a complete takeover of the OT's, as though our leaders were all corrupt, ERGO a fast takeover, and we the people would be led to believe he was corrupt, and go along with this piss. We will stand by him all the way until his innocence is proven, and then we all will see the need for our independence, which the UK doesn't want. This is a very sad time for us my people, very sad.
  • please (28/04/2022, 20:38) Like (29) Dislike (4) Reply
    She didn’t say they were linked, it most certainly does show the importance of the COI as well. That you defend this says a lot about your morals
    • @Please (29/04/2022, 01:16) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
      The fact that you can not comprehend what we all have read says a lot about your morals.
  • 999 (28/04/2022, 20:44) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply
    there a document circulating outlining certain levels of conversation between undercover agents and our very own citizens…very disgraceful to the people of the territory….speaking one thing in public yet doing something totally different

    get a hold of that document; from last year this sting operation was ongoing: conversations being recorded::::request demanding money from the undercover agents to get the ball rolling

    the document speaks to a meeting 07 April between our people and undercover agent right here in BVI

  • Angie (28/04/2022, 20:58) Like (7) Dislike (32) Reply
    God help us. We need you now more than ever. Andrew I pray for you and the Maynards as well. God will see us through this.
  • word Sound Power (28/04/2022, 21:13) Like (6) Dislike (16) Reply
    there you go C***y! are you happy now?? or goin to pretend to have some remorse? On tape you wanted the UK to take over; Your getting your wish; But you’re not getting a seat in Government……….
  • Lawl (28/04/2022, 21:15) Like (48) Dislike (6) Reply
    Jaspert definitely knew what was up. Unlike a major part of the local idiotic population. They themselves been talking about Fahie and drugs for years, but still surprised. LAWL.
  • SMH (28/04/2022, 21:38) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply
    The British are coming!!!! The British are coming!!!! Be aware!!! The British are coming!!!!
  • Read the affadavit (28/04/2022, 21:40) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let's wait for the audio & video. That will make it clear.

    Anyone appointed by him will likely be examined very closely.

    Imagine all that corrupt money going into roads, health and schools instead.
  • BARKING AT THE MOON (28/04/2022, 22:05) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    A few days ago while viewing an interview on youtube I took the opportunity to scribble down a few phrases....Bluff & Bluster....We're Stuffed....Perilous Times....Barking at the Moon. I don't know what made me do it but reading today's bombshell news made me reflect back at them. There is something taking place on a spiritual level that none of us can play with. Fasting and prayer have nothing to do with it. It's about doing what is right and just and fair whether its in Ukraine, London, Washington, Moscow or BVI.
    • @Barking at the Moon (29/04/2022, 08:39) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      I believe that fasting and prayer are an important part of any spiritual battle, BUT they cannot be separated from "doing what is right and just and fair". To separate them is to make a mockery of fasting and praying.
  • I guess (28/04/2022, 22:06) Like (29) Dislike (20) Reply
    she has already concluded that the Premier is guilty? It all looks staged!
  • good (28/04/2022, 22:24) Like (45) Dislike (8) Reply
  • Citizen (28/04/2022, 22:37) Like (24) Dislike (25) Reply
    Can imagine what happens if we get independence
  • Ugly comments (28/04/2022, 23:38) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig. Obama (2008).

    Unfortunately the judiciary in nature little secret has a track record of freeing all the kingpin they arrested!

    Refusing the US extradition request and other matters has all lead to this!
  • Statue (29/04/2022, 01:55) Like (23) Dislike (36) Reply
    We need a statue of Gus in Heroes Square.
  • The Nation (29/04/2022, 06:13) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    For this woman to jump and say this not even letting 2r hours pass is quite suspect. The Premier is a diplomat and one would at least expect them to remsin neutral for now and express that he is innocent until proven guilty. But let God have His Perfect Way.
  • Norris Turnbull (29/04/2022, 22:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Entrapment is illegal.
  • concerned citizen (30/04/2022, 00:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We will not approve of political entrapment of our leaders. The current political climate in our island is not a reflection of our people. I read the indictment the DEA was clearly focus on the the head of the country. This is the UK attempt to embarrass our people and take over this territory. The Queen son is embattled in an international scandal and she is doing everything to protect him. America is the biggest drug dealer in the world. We should not condone the behavior of our leaders. However, we should not allow ourselves to be shamed into allowing the UK to take over our territory. Wr have built this island. Our people have worked hard to maintain our island and the values we care about. We should not allow the Governor to decide the legitimacy of our constitution. We are the ones to decide the future of our nation.
  • Framed (01/05/2022, 12:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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