UK approach would be different if VI was majority white– Bishop Cline

“The United Kingdom has not changed its approach to us the Overseas Territory and destinations that have the population with my complexion,” the Bishop said while appearing on the June 17, 2022, episode of JTV’s The Big Story with host Cathy O. Richards.
Stop being a police- Bishop Cline
“If it was the Isle of Man, if it Guernsey, if it was Jersey, if it was any one of their Crown Dependencies, the approach, I believe would be much different,” he said.
He called on UK to have a true partnership with Overseas Territories like the VI and those with a majority black population, rather than being a police.
“And we are saying to the UK, when will you change your ways and instead of just acting like a police, be a partner, be a true partner of the people of your Overseas Territories and we would want to stay.”
As part of its agreement with the UK, the Government of National Unity had submitted a final proposal to the UK government outlining clear timelines on how they will deliver the Commission of Inquiry recommendations but without the need for a temporary partial suspension of the constitution.
UK direct rule not off the table
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG however, made it clear that direct rule was not off the table, but rather held in reserve.
According to the governor, he will formally assess progress every three months before sending a quarterly update to the Foreign Secretary in the UK and this will continue throughout the full period of CoI implementation, which is estimated to be two years in total.
“If the government of National Unity Government fails to deliver any of the milestones without reasonable justification or assess that progress is being frustrated in any way the UK government and I will take action to protect the interests of people here," Mr Rankin has said.
The UK also put in place “a continuing option” of temporary suspension of the House of Assembly, Ministerial Government and replaced with a temporary governor-led interim administration assisted by an Advisory Council, should the Unity Government fail to implement reform.
'No mutual respect'
According to Bishop Cline; however, that approach may not have been the best in the spirit of partnership between the UK and VI.
“You are not demonstrating mutual respect when you want to come with the threat of dissolving our democratically elected government... suspend our constitution, take our Belongership and give it to all your UK citizens, who are you really rooting for?” Bishop Cline questioned.
It should be noted that the current Prime Minister of the UK, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has openly stated in the past that colonialism in Africa should not have ended. His statement has been interpreted by many to be racist.



38 Responses to “UK approach would be different if VI was majority white– Bishop Cline”
mad max
What is more reprehensible that white folks selling off black folks into slavery: human cargo(in case you forgot your ancestors were sold into slavery by the same united kingdom you on here biging up)
These are facts West Indians should never forget because a leopard can not change its spots
Mad Max
U have all rights to your opinion and keep the faith
So-called bishop John Cline, your are a very mentally, and spiritually sick man.
In all you media issues as of late, not once has you mentioned the name Jesus.
You seeks to imposes your opinions on others, especially the weak, and mentally gullible people of the country. You are a shower of hate, and division, rather than and encourager of peace and genuine unity.
You posses a spirit that is not good for you, and others that you are trying to convince.
Instead of you got money, money got you. You are a very disgusting person with a self imposing mindset.
It is too bad that the congregation of church members that you pastoring and are sadly unable to detect your evil deception against better governance for our people of the BVI.
In spite of your selfish mindset. However, God loves us all, only our sins that he extremely hates.
Parna stop with this race talk.... Stop It I never hear more * wid this man
The BVI does not have clean hands; it has governing challenges. As such, the UK must be a straight shooter and fair dealer. The UK failed on both counts. It is clear that the BVI is getting disparate treatment. The BVI should and get fair and equal treatment.