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Two UK specialists brought in to review cold cases- CoP Matthews

– said ‘importing specialists not a bad thing’
Cold cases of the Virgin Islands are still being aggressively pursued to the extent that two specialists from the United Kingdom are on the ground, says Commissioner of Police (CoP) Michael Matthews. Photo: VINO/File
The body of missing man Devern Stanley aka Snoopy was recovered at Rogues Bay, Tortola on July 28, 2016. Photo: Provided
The body of missing man Devern Stanley aka Snoopy was recovered at Rogues Bay, Tortola on July 28, 2016. Photo: Provided
The body of 22-year-old Nickera Smith was discovered at Hawk's Nest on the eastern end of Tortola on March 30, 2016. Photo: Provided
The body of 22-year-old Nickera Smith was discovered at Hawk's Nest on the eastern end of Tortola on March 30, 2016. Photo: Provided
EAST END, Tortola, VI – Commissioner of Police (CoP) Michael Matthews says cold cases of the Virgin Islands are still being aggressively pursued to the extent that two specialists from the United Kingdom are on the ground.

Matthews was at the time addressing residents within the reaches of his voice while at a public meeting at the Long Look Stickett on Monday January 16, 2017.

A cold case, according to Wikipedia, is a crime or an accident that has not yet been fully solved and is not the subject of a recent criminal investigation, but for which new information could emerge from new witness testimony, re-examined archives, new or retained material evidence, as well as fresh activities of the suspect.

There are more than 25 murders still not solved in the Virgin Islands, including that of Kendoy Penn, Nickera Smith and Devern Stanley aka Snoopy.

‘We have not forgotten victims & their families’

The top CoP said, “I’ve just brought two additional officers in from the UK in the last few weeks, experts in crime investigations, one in particular with huge amounts of experience in what we call cold case review. What that means is we’ve start looking back as well as looking forward and we look at those murders and we re-visit those investigations… so we do not forget our victims and their families.”

“I can tell you that there are unsolved murders in this territory where we are fully aware of who we think the most likely suspects of those murders are.

Overseas specialists not on vacation

According to Mr Matthews, lots are being said about training in the RVIPF, stating that police officers have to be sent overseas while personnel are brought here for training purposes, “That’s not a bad thing, providing those officers I bring here don’t believe they are here to sit back and enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the lifestyle and the wonderful welcome from the communities.”

“They are here to work, they are here to pass on skills to help develop officers and the local teams so that the demand from outside becomes less and the growth of skills become more locally.”

I need more locals

In addition to getting external support, Mr Matthews said they are vigorously recruiting new police officers and special efforts are being put toward taking in locals, “I have already got eight young BV Islanders applying and going through the process but I want more and I know it’s a challenge…”

21 Responses to “Two UK specialists brought in to review cold cases- CoP Matthews”

  • while you at it (20/01/2017, 10:14) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bring in some cops to tackle white collar crime in government
  • Problem solved (20/01/2017, 10:15) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Commish (20/01/2017, 10:16) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Make them HOT Cases again. They NEED to be SOLVED and JUSTICE for the FAMILIES HAND-OUT to these evil/heartless murderers.
  • Bizmark (20/01/2017, 10:54) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply

    A certain man in the rvipf nows much about these unsolved murders. Question and Interrogate him

  • kkk (20/01/2017, 10:56) Like (1) Dislike (20) Reply
    Racist move you mean there is no black cops in the region?
    • Really????? (20/01/2017, 11:30) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
      Cop is a profession and not a race. We have a black force and the unsolved crimes are consciously increasing. How do you know that the UK Cops are not black or Indian or of another ethnicity other than white? We are so much more racist than we seem to think.........
      • zeek (20/01/2017, 14:48) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
        @Really. They think the Black cops ere are incompetent. Have you ever seen them send anyone from the UK to investigate other than White? No? I didn't think so!
        • Online Now (20/01/2017, 16:11) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
          @zeek Some of the most senior policemen in the UK are black and from other races. Perhaps they just don't want to come here and deal with your petty mind!
    • HMMM (20/01/2017, 15:30) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      I'm tired of yall dumb comments like this. Not everything is about race. Get that muck out your mind cuz it isn't cute.
  • B Savage (20/01/2017, 11:22) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    If the persons involve in Kendoy murder still here you fools ridiculous
  • hm (20/01/2017, 11:48) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    i realized that some of them officers just want to walk around and act like them s#@$ don't stink just because you holding a badge. instead of hitting on people woman or abusing them badge. They need to either further them skills more or get off the force
  • rewrsdffds (20/01/2017, 12:42) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    I thought I read some months ago that this was being done and assumed that it was already the case.
  • Spy (20/01/2017, 13:06) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Specialists? Try meaningful Community Policing. The key word is "Meaningful"
    • Start With_in (20/01/2017, 18:39) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      While they are here investigating if they find any police officer have any information about those cold cases and say nothing..Deal with them heavy and hard.. there are police who have info and is tight lipped... Working against themselves to benefit the Criminals..
  • big joke (20/01/2017, 13:17) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    RVIPF tried numerous attempts at cold cases reviews, where are the product of such investigation?? they all went cold like the cases themselves, was Mr. Nigel Nevin brought from the UK to head such investigations??? did his trail go cold. was any solved? Did he acquire new leads? or did he enjoyed the SUN SEA SAND and Mollygons.? and was given the portfolio of Senior Detective Inspector. There is an observing trend, every new commissioner goes through this same simulation exercise about cold cases review and in the end, The UK investigators came under the guise of something else using the, Thesis Cold Case investigators, Mr. Nevin was the last candidate. He went as far and told Kendoy Penn family that they are closing in on a suspect, to their surprise, nothing. a cold case that got even colder. How man times does it take to review one cold case is it 1. 2. 3. 4. The Uk investigators come under the notion that the investigation was not done properly and after examination they realize all grounds have been covered, in the end there is nothing that can do and the case becomes colder.
  • Yes (20/01/2017, 13:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Islands Man (20/01/2017, 16:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hehehe just have to laugh! you mean UK Specialist are brought in on usual vacation as usual. Soon after arrival sit in Pussers drinking pain-killer.
    What a waste of money and time.
  • Good Move. (20/01/2017, 18:34) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some of u all just sit back and look for every opportunity to be negative.. A miss spell word u all playing teacher, most u all never even graduate, but glad to show how bright u are .. A constructive subject u all put u all negative spin on it.. This is a very good move and I want to big the commissioner of Police. U R working Mr Commissioner..
  • my 2 cents (20/01/2017, 20:07) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The latest announcement showed the Government and the COP are bereft of ideas to tackle crime head-on,
  • Outlaw (21/01/2017, 14:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why do we have to constantly bring U.K. Officers here to review cold case. I wonder if this is a money making scheme for the U.K. Officers. Some years ago they brought 7 of them here to review cold case, some of them stayed here for up to seven years and were made to work in other areas of the force without solving any of the cold case. One was made senior investigating officer in the serious crime unit and recently left, another UK officer came to fill the vacancy left by him, so now am wonder if they are bringing these so called specialists to review the same cold case that those who came same seven years ago were supposed to review. I wonder why we have to constantly be spending so much with no results and it will appear to me that every time a U.K. COP comes here, they always want to bring in other U.K. Officers to do something. Is it a case they when they are coming they promise their buddy's in the UK that they will set them up with a job when they get here. The thing that really gets to me is that when they bring in these U.K. Specialist the same local officers who work on the case in the first place have to still be doing everything because the U.K. Officers don't have a clue about the BVI
  • rip (21/01/2017, 22:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lois McMillen 15 January, 2000

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