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Trio found with high-velocity ammo in vehicle granted $20K bail

- Cordell Oneal, Kanmi Oneal, & Jelani Christopher plead not guilty
Fromleft: Jelani Christopher, 31, of Cane Garden Bay, Cordell Oneal, 38, of Fresh Water Pond; and Kanmi Oneal, 34, of Pockwood Pond, who are jointly charged with unlawful possession of explosives, have pleaded not guilty and were granted bail in the Magistrate's Court on September 25, 2023. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The three men arrested and charged after ammunition was found in a vehicle they were in while in Road Town on September 20, 2023, received bail in the Magistrate’s Court today, Monday, September 25, 2023.

Cordell Oneal, 38, of Fresh Water Pond; Kanmi Oneal, 34, of Pockwood Pond; and Jelani Christopher, 31, of Cane Garden Bay were all jointly charged with unlawful possession of explosives.

The men pleaded not guilty before Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards.

After the prosecution did not object to bail, Magistrate Richards granted the defendants $20,000 bail each, with one surety required.

The men; however, are to report to the Road Town Police Station three days a week from 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

The defendants will return to court on Nov 9, 2023.

48 Responses to “Trio found with high-velocity ammo in vehicle granted $20K bail”

  • What ? (25/09/2023, 12:32) Like (105) Dislike (10) Reply

    I,m lost...I realy don't understand the system.
    3 guys get arrest with a bag of gun,certainely not to go fishing.
    And all you have to do is pay 20,000 so you can walk around town like a free man?

    • Read (25/09/2023, 13:05) Like (6) Dislike (15) Reply
      Because these are not the same men obviously.....
      • Real People (25/09/2023, 17:28) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Thanks for clearing that up. Reading is the key to understanding
    • and (25/09/2023, 14:08) Like (15) Dislike (7) Reply
      @ what?
      I guess that you can't comprehend because it said that they were with ammunition! Not guns.
      • What ? (25/09/2023, 16:23) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
        And I guess you can't comprehend is ammunition go into brain
        • Real People (25/09/2023, 17:31) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
          A nother fool Again. Trying to link Ammunition and a gun as the same thing.
      • @ and (25/09/2023, 17:04) Like (33) Dislike (2) Reply
        There is NOT and SHOULD NOT BE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!!

        They are not driving around with ammunition to fling at people. It is to go in guns to eventually shoot to kill!!!!!
        • facts (25/09/2023, 17:32) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
          So sorry but there is a difference no matter what you feel or think
          • vi (25/09/2023, 21:00) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
            Check the other news article. It said and I quote from vino, "during the search a loaded magazine with 31 rounds of high-velocity ammunition was recoverd"
        • lmao (26/09/2023, 09:29) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
          Lol is your stupidity boundless?
    • Justice System Has Not Been for Justice (25/09/2023, 17:00) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
      The Justice system has not been about PROTECTING its citizens and it is TIME WE PROTEST!!!!
    • HEAVY EQUIPMENT VEHICLES REMOVE THAT GREEN CLOTH (25/09/2023, 17:20) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      Remove that green cloth on the lamppost across from the new Inn approaching Huntums Ghut.


      All the others seem to have been removed but this one still up when the District Rep seeing it regularly.
    • Real People (25/09/2023, 17:27) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      What bag of guns. Reading is fundamental for the brain. They got arrested for AMMUNITION NO GUNS WAS EVER MENTIONED from time they got locked up . AMMUNITION is BULLETS f**l and you got people here feeling like you know what you wrote.
      • WOWO (26/09/2023, 08:41) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        Do you think charges for ammunition is lest than it is for guns? use your friends and family brain
        • Real Real People (26/09/2023, 19:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          Guess they was goin plant them bullets up Balo grow guns come spring
  • Comment (25/09/2023, 12:37) Like (80) Dislike (6) Reply
    Caught with explosives and are still granted bail and the prosecution did not object?? What kind of backward justice system do we have here?
    • Real People (25/09/2023, 17:34) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      Way you does be when people got arrested with a gun loaded with bullets and still get bail . You got to just born 2023
  • HMMM (25/09/2023, 12:40) Like (45) Dislike (7) Reply
    Jelani I am shocked!!! The Terrorist brothers I am not shocked at all. Kamni use to be so cute lord what happen!? I feel for their mother.
    • smh (25/09/2023, 14:20) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
      All that rum have him looking so old in the face wow
    • @hmm (25/09/2023, 14:55) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply

      you feel for the mother, does the mother feel for society? I am not saying this is her particular case but its impossible that "some" of these parents and siblings are not aware of what their family members are into. Maybe they have talked to them and they are not listening but instead of turning a blind eye to things go to the police parents, even if its your own children, you may just be saving their lives and the lives of another mother's son.
  • mad (25/09/2023, 12:49) Like (88) Dislike (1) Reply


  • Human (25/09/2023, 13:03) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
    Will the other persons who were arrested for the same as they now receive bail. What’s the system coming to well Sir.
  • Ooohh. Boiiii (25/09/2023, 13:07) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    Found with ammo — Get bail — no objection —- They would have to say where or who have the gun(s) for the ammo they toting — is it the SYSTEM or the ppl who “ operate/control “ it?? Soooo many questionable acts —- It just does not add up — nor make ANY sense
  • Mama dem hold papa (25/09/2023, 13:11) Like (41) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is who you for, and who you know. Think an unknown would of get bail?
  • Jelani (25/09/2023, 13:23) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    They say the quiet ones are the deadly ones .....
  • joe biden (25/09/2023, 13:29) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    Them people connected.
  • Chop suey (25/09/2023, 13:43) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    Partna, I really see why the man had chop off your hand some years ago, you too bloodcl@t wicked!!!
    • Real People (25/09/2023, 17:38) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      This f**l wrote cut OFF so which medical facility had put it back on. Yes it was cuff deep not off
  • Jelani (25/09/2023, 13:51) Like (33) Dislike (2) Reply
    Jelani you're a nice young man. So skillful and talented. Don't waste your life trying to be a bad man. You know what it's like now to have your freedom and nice lifestyle taken away from you. Learn from this brother and pull yourself up. You have a great future ahead of you. The others I don't know you but it's not too late.
  • .. (25/09/2023, 13:53) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    Easing the tension up the road good move judge…we need all our sons
  • OB (25/09/2023, 14:03) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    The justice system failing all around! Bail you say!!!!!
  • Real Macoy (25/09/2023, 14:08) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    They got held for ammunition and not guns. Read before you talk.
    The ammunition could be just for one of them, so that's why they have to give them bail to hear what they will say.
    The victim or victims might just plead guilty on their hearing date and hope to get less time for not wasting the Judge time..
    • @ real maCoy (25/09/2023, 17:02) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      What do ammunition go in????????!!!???!!!

      You think they’re driving around with ammunition to fling at people?????!!?!!!

      Stop talking out your behind.
  • Why (25/09/2023, 15:14) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    why these guys carry themselves like this. outrageous.
  • clownssss (25/09/2023, 15:17) Like (52) Dislike (1) Reply
    Lock them up. Jelani throwing a way his life following those 2 nuisances for irene and the rest of WESTBANK. What a shame and disgrace to his family.. dis happens wen you like man
  • KAMNI NAME IS RUM (25/09/2023, 16:08) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    All dah rum got he looking like he is the older brother smh
  • Bob hodge (25/09/2023, 17:06) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lol lol
  • Summary (25/09/2023, 17:40) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    offense to carry explosives so bail of $20K each with surety is legal. Their problem now is staying alive until 9 November and subsequent adjournments.
  • 2023 (25/09/2023, 20:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    On The Road Again….ask Willie Nelson
  • @SUMMARY (25/09/2023, 21:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • WOW (26/09/2023, 03:42) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Two ladies got 100k bail for selling weed. Three men get 20k bail for ammo charges. VI priorities upside down.
  • Jelani sis and mada (26/09/2023, 07:38) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Da why chanie and she mada da be moving sooo....they kno wa he been into.....dont tell me ntn...all a dem wicked....ntn was gd about him
  • cnn (26/09/2023, 11:26) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    This isn't just a National Security Issue, it's also a huge issue for the Island's credibility from an international business perspective. Crime is to high!
  • Fools (26/09/2023, 17:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bvi justice system full of sheep no other Caribbean country would the three them get bail even if one say all is his cause all know what was in the car and the purpose of use bvi is a muck of sheep to much family playing. In the system of justice and then wunna want kill a boy for seat belt violation. poor police looking like IDIOTS doing them jobs and wunna want kill the COP and governor
  • continue (27/09/2023, 09:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    A big ThankYou for posting the photos of the trio of criminals caught and charged of crimes against country and humanity near and far past and present.
    To whom or what do we owe the posting of these criminals as it has not been the practice in these BVI in fact,hiding and protecting the malcritants,purveyors of illicit drugs and murderers.

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