Top of the Baths washroom project contract on 'shaky grounds'
The completion of the facility has been one of major concern for some time now. Approximately a month ago Virgin Islands News Online was given the assurance by someone connected to the project, that it would have been completed within a matter of three weeks given that the government makes the necessary payments in a timely fashion for works done.
However, contacted yesterday, February 19, 2013, a reliable and informed source said the contract is "shaky" and on "slippery rocks".
Asked to give an explanation, the source said the terms of the contract have taken on a new twist, which speaks to the Government allegedly wanting or are making provisions to provide the materials for the completion of the project and will be, or are attempting, to only pay the contractor labour cost. "That’s not going down too nicely, the source said.
Virgin Islands News Online contacted the last known contractor on the project, Mr Wayne O'Neal who, when asked about the status of the project, said "I have no comments." A second attempt to get some bit out of the contractor by asking if he could confirm if the project is complete or nearing completion, again he responded, "I seriously have no comment."
In an effort to further confirm the status of the works, Virgin Islands News Online attempted to garner information from the Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the National Parks Trust but was met with unanswered phones.
Director of Tourism Mrs Sharon Flax-Mars, when contacted, said that while she is not in a position to provide details on the status of the contract and the works of the Top of the Baths project, she is confident that the temporary arrangements put in place are still in operation.
Three weeks ago Mrs Flax-Mars had announced that the tourism board had put in place three porter putties, two for females and one for males, at the location.
She said feedback from her staff indicates that the use of the temporary facility is being maximised. This system will be maintained until the permanent facility is completed.
20 Responses to “Top of the Baths washroom project contract on 'shaky grounds'”
Oh Kneel owes his suppliers and was recently fired from Another major contract..