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Tonight Show's Jay Leno bids adieu after 22 years

February 7th, 2014 | Tags: Tonight Show Jay Leno farewell Jimmy Fallon
Jay Leno (left) will be replaced by Jimmy Fallon as host of The Tonight Show. Photo: BBC

Long-time US television host Jay Leno has taped his final episode of The Tonight Show, with help from a few celebrity guests.

Leno, 63, appeared emotional as he thanked viewers for their loyalty after his 22 years as host.

He was joined by high-profile guests including Billy Crystal, Oprah Winfrey and Garth Brooks.

Fellow comedian and late-night host Jimmy Fallon, 39, takes over the programme on 17 February in New York.

Leno was briefly replaced on The Tonight Show by comedian Conan O'Brien in 2009, but returned to the show in 2010.

US President Barack Obama was one of many to send in taped goodbyes, offering to make Leno an ambassador to Antarctica.

"I hope you've got a warm coat, funny man," Mr Obama joked.

Other celebrity guests on Thursday night's show included Jack Black and Kim Kardashian.

Country singer Brooks closed the programme by performing his hit song, Friends in Low Places.

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