To all the Sista Joyce/s & Brudda Bob/s
Selling out People & Lands for NHI Scams:
Recently whenever we say things can get no worse we see they actually do so when I ask if the Ship is sinking many are quick to say it sank already but instead of manning the pumps Leaders would rather deny Reality even if they too die in the process… This may explain why some are so annoyed with us for saving our People from a man-made National Health Scheme disaster.
We are now beginning to learn that those upset are not limited to Persons directly connected to the New Hospital and Health Services Authority but all those Health Providers who, in their own minds, stood to benefit by inflating the costs of Services without realizing our broke Government would have to sellout its People to provide the Money required to sustain this Web of Corruption.
Their apparent plan to ‘pick the People clean’ may explains their collusion with Labour Dept. in creating obstacles and impediments for those of us refusing to be for sale…They appear not to care less that other Caribbean Countries involved in their own National Health Insurance Scams are already trying to sellout the Lands and Birthrights of its Citizens to feed insatiable Monsters.
If it walks like a Duck (Slave) and quacks like a Duck (Slave) then it must be a …..??
Our own refusal to read, listen and learn programmed us to accept them as Masters and ourselves as Sheep who mistake their Hatred for Love by not realising they only feed us now so they may slaughter us later… Their own attraction to Greed appears so inbred that they will continue pushing Elephants uphill even as the God of Nature exposes them for what and who they are.
We mourn as good People turn themselves into Bad Leaders and we no longer know who or whom to trust… We lament as Icecaps melt, Volcanoes erupt, Earthquakes rumble, People becomes homeless and Children die long before their parents… Many would rather retreat to comfort zones of denial and close their Minds to Facts as they ask When, How and Why?
To many ignore the answers written on the walls of life in the Blood of our People so they retreat from Reality and get upset when I warn of Bling-Bling Jewelry that keep us in chains, National Dress that depict us as House Slaves, Gangster Rap that debase our Women and Children and a sad tendency of our Men to dress in cross stripped polo shirts mimicking Jail Cell Uniforms.
Making Criminals of the Children:
They ignore Research that shows other Races avoiding such Behavior even as we program our Youth to accept Prison as a natural way of Life where too many Brothers and Sisters languish because of wrongful convictions and miscarriages of Justice as our Political, Social and Civil Leaders continue to regard Children as disposable items – Plastic Cups and Baby Pampers.
Career Politicians spend the first 3 years of their Term fattening themselves and making Laws to let our Youth rot in Jail just to prove they have ‘a Nation of Laws’ instead of lifting a finger to set the Children free so they may learn and become ‘a Nation of People’… In their 4th or final year they give Jackasses green Glasses to eat brown Grasses and think sour Lemon is sweet Molasses.
Just as Internet and Smartphones begin bringing a glimmer of Hope to Descendants of Slaves some Leaders are already busy fabricating excuses for invading their privacy and frightening them away from these sources of Information… This intent of Leaders to impose Internet Laws on Kids twice as Computer smart as they are, is just another way of turning our Children into Criminals.
Even some Bar Associations now lament about the level of Crime as they distance themselves from the perception that Lawyers actually benefit from this Crime…All of a sudden they have discovered that Crime means fewer opportunities for employment for our Youth and therefore less tax revenue to provide for Lawyers and other Social Services thus resulting in more Crime.
This Argument is as old as Water and true as Rain but the real failure is their focus on the rotting Fruit while ignoring the perfect Seed inside – By discarding the Fruit they kill the future of the Plant – By overlooking the reasons why Persons may or may not commit Crimes they promote imprisonment which only worsen things since Jails are no more than Universities for Criminals.
Our Children learn by example but they know it cannot be right when the Pre-Oppressed make their livelihood as Enforcers for Oppressor in Missions aimed at destroying their own Brothers and Sisters… They become confused when Leaders claim Success by being Criminals, Crooks and Cronies so that Weak and Poor populate Prisons and Graveyards while Rich and Powerful go free.
Brace to replace 18th Century Colonial Mentality with 21st Century Universality:
We must see Universal Freedom as a continuous Process and not made up of Epileptic Fits and Starts… The disproportionate Prison occupancy of Slave Descendants is not just radically wrong but the prospect for change grew slimmer when Sista Joyce was imprisoned for inability to pay $40,000 for 1-Pound of Grass valued at $5,000 – This is just Social victimization of the Poor.
The absence of mitigating social or physical justification for such draconian punishment should tell us the time has come to request that the Governor void this virtual Genocide of our Young People in the interest of Fairness and Justice…Please be aware, History shows this as one of the few areas where Governors and Deputy Governors can work on behalf of Locals.
Records will show that just as Governors have Powers to block Bills from becoming Laws they possess the Authority to adjust Sentences in favour of Fairness and Justice… Failure to do so would imply ‘colonial injustice and social indifference’, especially if and when they appear more interested in locking up our Children than setting them free – Let’s not repeat Echoes of Slavery.
Our claim of Equality is still baseless when USA statistics show Blacks as making up a minority (?10%) of the Total Population but a majority (?40%) of the Prison Population… Furthermore, even as we celebrate Jackie Robinson’s integration of Major League Baseball statistics show a significant decline in the percentage of Blacks as Professional Major Leagues Baseball Players.
Fact is, my defense is not for Sista Joyce the Individual but for all Sista Joyces and Brudda Bobs still forced into Consequences of Slavery because Actions of Freedom trigger Oppressor to push them into conditions of Bondage – Without correction ours will remain a Country of wasted lives and opportunities unless Leaders learn The act of removing Bad Laws create Good People.
PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programme



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