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‘This is harsh, but you prefer a little increment & no job?’- Premier to civil servants

- said Gov't has to decide whether it can afford to pay increments at this time
Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has said Government has to decide whether it can afford to pay increments without having to layoff employees. Photo: VINO/File
Civil servants' increments for 2016 were first promised by the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government in November 2019, and while the majority have been paid, at least 250 or ten percent of employees who had not been paid were promised they would receive payments by February 28, 2020. Photo: VINO/File
Civil servants' increments for 2016 were first promised by the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government in November 2019, and while the majority have been paid, at least 250 or ten percent of employees who had not been paid were promised they would receive payments by February 28, 2020. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- “This is harsh, but I have to ask you: would you prefer a little increment and no job? Or to hold the increment and have your job and then when we get better, then you get the increments?”

Those were the words of Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) to government employees as it relates to their unpaid increments.

Premier Fahie said the government has to decide if it will pay its employees their increments as promised in light of the difficulties posed by the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic affecting the globe.

Increments for 2016 were first promised by the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government in November 2019, and while the majority have been paid, at least 250 or ten percent of employees who had not been paid were promised they would receive payments by February 28, 2020.

Increments or jobs?

Six months later and affected by COVID-19, Premier Fahie said: “That is the question that I am asking public officers because that’s where we are right now.”

He continued: “So if persons want to bombard the minister for finance and say ‘we want our increments’ I can give you the increments tomorrow, but rest assured that once everybody gets their increments, I have to decide now, based on what’s coming in, and what we just did with the increments, what we are going to do and who’s gone in terms of employment and that’s the reality of it.”

Notably, 2,892 or 90 per cent of public officers have been paid their 2016 increments that had been due since the National Democratic Party (NDP) regime was in office.

15 Responses to “‘This is harsh, but you prefer a little increment & no job?’- Premier to civil servants”

  • Styler (27/08/2020, 11:05) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    Let them choose their poison...they needs to be thankful they still have a job. When National Does of Poison was in Government they could not dear asked for increments.
  • The World Round (27/08/2020, 11:09) Like (8) Dislike (14) Reply
    Take that in ayo a....s. ayo same one be saying send home island people, you all never know you can get send home in your own country, I Ain feeling for Ayo ah bit, Ayo same one bearly have a government and not progressive be begging in a progressive country for bad things to happen to poor people like yourselves
  • Ok boss (27/08/2020, 11:31) Like (17) Dislike (24) Reply
    . I agree with big bossy on this....How about, no work half pay, how about a plan to get money in the treasury....As I see it, we are only reacting, there is no solid plan..
  • Ghost (27/08/2020, 11:32) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply
    I would say get the relief Stimulus monies out to the people and hold the increments..we have been without increments before.. 1/2 a loaf of Bread is better than a whole loaf.. Hon. Premier I know you’re trying and you have a lot on your plate.. I pray God’s Continued Blessings on you and your team.. I Also Pray Strength for the race..
    • @ghost. Dog eat we supper (27/08/2020, 12:43) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      How u think all those Civil Servants home sleeping going get pay for no work. "From that stimulus". So why u think it's on hold,. Sorry, not on hold.. stop. Yep
  • Public servant (27/08/2020, 11:36) Like (50) Dislike (4) Reply
    Let me be the first to say Hon. Fahie. Please use my increment to do something that is needed to help the government curve the problem with covid.

    I am grateful I still have a job and getting paid. Because they should know by now a lot of people are hurting and without job.

    So hold the increment. You will not be the first government to do such. The only difference is this government has a valid reason for such.

  • Gravy Train (27/08/2020, 11:57) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    Too many people on the civil service gravy train. There is so much inefficiency dealing with any Government offices that these people should be grateful they have jobs at all. I think the only reason many departments have not modernised their operations is so they can justify keeping people employed. Any visit to the DMV or Labour is like like pulling teeth
  • CIVIL SERVANT 40YEARS (27/08/2020, 12:18) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    persons working for government be cool increment will come this COVD is a big issue and Government needs the help it can get why you want this goverbment to pay off all the bills that NDP left why civil servants do not go to the NDb members for their increment I left retire and i am still owrd incrument yes I need the money i checked when NDP was there all I get was neverending statements i still have to chech Human resources to see if i can cet my money so cuvil servants hold on and hold out things will work out spend with a measure Trust in God and he will make it plain The last Goverment is to blame for a lot of thye problems we are now facing
    • @we civil servant 40 years (27/08/2020, 14:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You have some valid points. However your grammar is poor.
  • Harsh response(VIP supporter) (27/08/2020, 12:19) Like (16) Dislike (21) Reply
    Good day Sir, I am quite in agreement with your response in a way but you stated before all this that the money to pay increments was already "there" and that it was up to a certain person to pay it. That is over a year now. Here are my questions: was that a lie? Here is a harsh one It has been rumored and I repeat rumored, that a certain barge owner is being paid thousand of dollars per day to do a job that could have cost the Territory nothing. Is that so? if it is then the territory has money.
    • bigga (27/08/2020, 16:07) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree with you they suppose to pay out long time before Covid 19 and yes that person is at fault he Didn’t let go of the money and yes the barge 45000 per day when uk had offer for free
    • (28/08/2020, 04:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      You have $1,000 saved to purchase something (you choose). A real emergency pops up that requires that same $1,000 what would you do. The point here is that you had the $1,000 already (put aside) but had to shift the priority to deal with the emergency and hardly any revenues coming in. Same concept with the increments. Money was there but CoVid came. Which do you prefer be dealt with first? Sounds like you’re saying to turn an eye on covid pay the increments and leave covid fix itself. I am glad the decision was not in your hands.
  • K (27/08/2020, 15:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Boy tola people is d hardest set of nation to please and this is no joke
  • E. Leonard (27/08/2020, 22:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Increment or job? The choice is a no brainer. Job. Government by necessity is a major employer, directly employing over 2800 employees. Additionally, hundreds more are indirectly employed through procurement contracts, eg, goods and services. Government prime revenue stream comes from taxes and fees.........etc. Undoubtedly, government revenue stream has been slowed by Covid-19. Nonetheless, despite reduced revenue, government still has to deliver services, eg, pay civil servants, collect trash, maintain and repair roads, pay police officers and fire officers.......etc. To do so, it has to tap into the non-reserve fund, causing it too to dwindle.

    Moreover, the expenditure is probably exceeding revenue stream and that no doubt can be problematic. If a cistern is leaking more water than is coming into it, the facility owner has a major problem that needs urgent attention . If the revenue stream and expenditure plan continues, government will have no choice but to make some controversial and unpopular structural adjustments. I would take a wild guess that there are already a number of structural adjustment bands on the table. These are unprecedented, tough and challenging times that require strong leadership and tough decision making. In good times decisions are easy but tough times require VI tough decision making.
  • The TRUTH (28/08/2020, 09:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why are the grown supposedly adults in this country so childish?

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