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The husband should remain the head of the home- Allivern Smith-Harrigan

- appeared as a guest on Real Talk with Karia J. Christopher
According to BVI Administration Manager at Banco Popular, Allivern Smith-Harrigan, husbands should remain the head of the home. Photo: Facebook
Allivern Smith-Harrigan was a guest on Real Talk with Karia J. Christopher on the 10 most Influential Women of 2016 on CBN Channel 51 on December 30, 2016. Photo: Facebook
Allivern Smith-Harrigan was a guest on Real Talk with Karia J. Christopher on the 10 most Influential Women of 2016 on CBN Channel 51 on December 30, 2016. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Despite the global revolution on women empowerment and the paradigm shift in the home, the BVI Administration Manager at Banco Popular, Allivern Smith-Harrigan, has joined the conversation, saying her husband is the head of her home.

Smith-Harrigan, was a guest on Real Talk with Karia J. Christopher on the 10 most Influential Women of 2016 on CBN Channel 51 on December 30, 2016. She argued that while the decisions are made together, her husband remains in charge.

“Glen [Harrigan], is in charge of the house, we make decisions together, but at the end of the day, he is in charge of the house. I was brought up, and yes the bible says the man is in charge of the home and when I say that I don’t mean whatever you say goes, but he leads and I follow,” she said.

When asked whether it means giving in when they have the completely different perception on things, Harrigan noted that she has an open mind.

“I know we have a global revolution of women who thinks that I make my money, you make your money, I go east, you go west, and whenever it is convenient we come together in the middle. You don’t believe in that?” the host Christopher asked.

“No, because we have made it too much about you making your money and I making my money, it is about our money,” Harrigan, who has been married for some 18 years, pointed out.

She also mentioned that it is not about spending money and whether it should be done equally since, “It’s not about spending equally, it’s about what is best for the family.”

Separate bank accounts for ‘just in case days,’ yes or no?

“I believe you can have whatever money on the side but is it something that you are hiding? Is it a secret or is it that I am a better saver than my husband? From the time you get married, you are a team. Your way of saving, and my way of saving might be totally different, the whole thing we have to be thinking of the family at the end of the day, not about if I leave I have $50,000 hide away so he doesn't get anything. Things happen in life, and we have to sit down as adults and discuss it.”

Christopher pointed out, however, that when marriages fail the bank is the first place that both partners run to. “Well I can only tell you from my experience, we save as a team, what’s his is mine, what’s mine is his,” Smith-Harrigan responded.

She also said she does have money “on the side” and her husband is well aware of it.

One of the things that Smith-Harrigan believes has helped her marriage to last is spending quality time with her husband, and receiving everything in love.

Communication is key

In terms of sleeping with “big panties, stockings on your head, big t-shirts,” Harrigan said, “you can be comfortable and be me, but be the best me. There are days for that, but every day he can’t come home to meet you in a stocking on your head in a t-shirt smelling Clorox!” she said pointedly. “There are days when he want to come home to meet you as you are!”

Also challenging this remark, Christopher said why should all the pressure be on the woman to keep the spark, look pretty, come to bed in sexy outfits and why not the man as well?

In response, Smith-Harrigan said, “It is true, but I keep saying it is between the two persons. Sweetheart, drop the sweat pants tonight,” she said relating to speaking to her husband, “put on the bed what you want him to wear tonight. Drop the hints! Communication.”

The key to her successful marriage, Smith-Harrigan reiterated, is respecting each other’s personality and communication.

The next Real Talk programme is slated for Tuesday January 3, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. on CBN Channel 51.

43 Responses to “The husband should remain the head of the home- Allivern Smith-Harrigan”

  • big girls rules (02/01/2017, 17:36) Like (32) Dislike (22) Reply
    She thinks this is the 60s or what?
    • real world (02/01/2017, 23:00) Like (8) Dislike (10) Reply
      Good thing we dont listen to women from the sixties. Haha.
    • island man (03/01/2017, 07:30) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
      My people, I realize we have a women revolution because most men has failed you. However, a man is someone with responsibility, leadership, God fearing, Loving, patience and supportiveness. We are not in the 60's! However, a good man is important in the home as such man should love his wife all the time.
      Have you ever wonder why we have such a high rate of divorce and abuse? it is because we are not in the 60's and no one respect the other anymore. If I were your husband you might have think different as we work in equality to have a good home. Then you would have been selfless in our taught and tell everyone My Husband is the head of our home as we work together and hide no secrets... Ladies Love and respect your husbands. We are not in the 60's but moral standards and principles are a reality and still stands...
      Hope I make sense to those of you who just don't have a man because of bad attitude. A real man is head of the home!!!
  • belonger (02/01/2017, 17:46) Like (37) Dislike (22) Reply
    Karia, need work to do, where is the protection for consumer.Everyone who has a BVI passport or US Visa is heading West to Shop, due the fact BVI Merchants killing with prices. We getting good deals for our money down there. We shopping STT big everytime for aint no protection for we home. Talk that not foolishness what u there doing on TV.
    • Hater? (02/01/2017, 19:43) Like (18) Dislike (8) Reply
      It's 2017. You are entitled to do what makes you happy even if it's day job then night job. Get a life and make your own headlines. Karia, you are doing a great job with super television, don't mind the haters.
  • ... (02/01/2017, 17:49) Like (28) Dislike (14) Reply
    A lot of people may bash this piece however Ali you on the money. I had this conversation the other day and that's why a lot of relationships and marriages aren't working. Gender roles have switch. I think it's crazy and I agree a hundred million thousand percent with you.
  • Youth (02/01/2017, 18:17) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    try a real girl next yellow
  • ... (02/01/2017, 18:34) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    As the new year dawns, I embrace a new phase of my life and my service to mankind
  • Really (02/01/2017, 18:39) Like (21) Dislike (5) Reply
    That a real woman talking don't walk ahead of your husband.
  • Eagle Eye (02/01/2017, 18:42) Like (19) Dislike (11) Reply
    Who has the most common sense should be the head of the home.cut out that old historical mind set thank you.
    • @Eagle Eye (03/01/2017, 10:17) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Aand I be t you would think that's You in your relationship right?
  • ,K (02/01/2017, 19:33) Like (18) Dislike (8) Reply
    I Agree. Things Run better.. Some women just too bossy and controlling and just for peace sake the man let it be. Soon after every thing fall apart and the man get blamed...
    • Really? (02/01/2017, 23:03) Like (12) Dislike (9) Reply
      @,K, the damn men is more bossy and controlling. Why food is not ready, where are you, what is taking you so long, you talking to long on the phone, we watching this movie on Tv even if I don't want to watch the damn movie. Stuff like that does set me off. Make me want to grab the frying pan and start swinging.
  • Guest (02/01/2017, 19:43) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    Some men are lap dogs and don't have the backbone to be the head of the household
  • Ms. Diva (02/01/2017, 19:44) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
    She can sit there looking all prim and proper talking that bull...t if she want. I know a few people who have been married longer than she has, has said
    and did the same things that she is talking about and the men left.
  • S B Anthony (02/01/2017, 19:51) Like (7) Dislike (19) Reply
    what backwards thinking you have Allivern
  • teacher john (02/01/2017, 20:02) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    My people my view is that the quality of the lives of our citizens lies in our culture, our educational system, our values and the capacity of each citizen to develop, based on individual needs and sleep on that!!!!
  • chad (02/01/2017, 20:03) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    @ eagle eye ...Are you for real to make a statement like that leave one to question what you think about your self or your partner who have the most common sense ?????????? Like really I guess we know who that is in your relationship...
  • Excellent (02/01/2017, 20:34) Like (22) Dislike (8) Reply
    Great job Aliverne, speak what you believe and blessings on your marriage. Karia, girl you doing the damn thing... proud of you. Don't mind the haters.
  • tretretrete (02/01/2017, 21:07) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
    People like Christopher is on a mission to make man become totally submissive to women. I have realized that her along with many other women in the BVI see men as inferior and have no value other than to keep them on a pedestal to worship. However, in my view they need to realize that there are men outhere who are being abused by women and don't have a voice to express their concerns, especially since the head of the family support unit is bias toward men. Influential people like Christopher and her other diva like followers need to reevaluate themselves and put aside their egos and look at encouraging people through these medium, to find ways to building a more equal bvi gender system, other than trying to establish or build a country that fights about which gender is more superior to the other. This is the only way we will be able to overcome on this matter in this country. This coming from a female.
    • Trump d (03/01/2017, 12:20) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      By the way ms chritopher how you rolling for 2017 m /w drain the pond
  • Jacky (02/01/2017, 23:03) Like (14) Dislike (7) Reply

    I understand that A... has major ma***al and past re******* issues.

    • Ahaaaaa (03/01/2017, 08:15) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
      Been hearing the same thing for a while
      Myself. But, if she want to sit there talking the BS and if it floats her boat, then so be it. LOL.
    • @ Jacky (03/01/2017, 13:17) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      you all need to stop with the LIES
  • She's rude (02/01/2017, 23:13) Like (33) Dislike (4) Reply
    She's rude. Doesn't know how to speak to people.
  • .. (02/01/2017, 23:44) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    Why is this even news ?
  • Sixties child (03/01/2017, 07:54) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    A woman should be able to trust her man in all matters, his judgement, decision making weather emotional,financial or even spiritual. She should be able to accept his weaknesses and know his strengths. The man should do the same for his woman. Each should earn the other's respect and live up to expectation or try to then. It will not really matter then who is in charge or who run things. It is then a matter of trust. The truth is most couples do not trust each other so each try to live independent of the other. I am not an expert in the matter so I could be wrong. By the way the sixties were great years. There are countless relationships/marriage that formed then that are still going strong today inspire of "the many ups and downs" unlike the two minute here today gone tomorrow ones that are going on today. Let the lady carry on with her shown.
  • The Falcon (03/01/2017, 08:47) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    You good "God fearing people" are forgetting that "the man being the head of the household", are not the words of Mrs. Harrigan, but words that come from the Bible.

  • ......... (03/01/2017, 09:20) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Great article that went over most of you all's heads.....What a disappointing bunch. Thought this article would have brought about sensible and constructive discussion but I guess not.....No wonder our society continues to spiral down the drain....
  • The TRUTH (03/01/2017, 09:57) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Submissive men? Where they do that at? SMH. Now sometimes you have to compromise to keep peace but male leadership is always needed. Pure chaos in society.
  • ronnie (03/01/2017, 10:17) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    Any woman want to be equal to me needs to get her own stuff. House, car, AND OTHER SHYTE
    • Ms. Diva (03/01/2017, 13:01) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
      Well Ronnie, this is what I have to say to you. I am over equal to you or any other man out there. You drop a grand on the table, Ms. Diva can match it. I have my own home, car, good paying job etc...see, I am one of those Diamonds you cannot break.I look a challenge in the eye and give it a wink. I'm tough, I'm ambitious and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a, okay. Ronnie, a weak man like yourself, can't handle a strong woman. You won't know what to do with her.
  • Ha Ha (03/01/2017, 11:43) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Lady (03/01/2017, 12:54) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Girlfriend stick to your script
  • Local wife (03/01/2017, 13:18) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    no sah not these half dead men in the BVI. I run things in my house not by soft ass husband
    • Yes girllllll (03/01/2017, 17:06) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ Local wife, I hear that. I also run things in the house. My damn husband see a fly, he flinch. Send him to the supermarket with a list, he mess up. I had to take control because like you said, his A&& is to damn soft.I am the one who run things.
    • Why (04/01/2017, 15:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why did you marry him? To be married? Because being married gives you respectability? So you can call yourself Mrs. So and So? You and Yes girlll down there need to grow the hell up!

      Your stupidity is are saved from the pointing and laughing by your anonymity.
  • Hmmmm... (03/01/2017, 13:25) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Hey, it is her life and if it works for her what business is it of ours to judge her. That's our problem, we are too quick to be negative.
    Alivern is a beautiful person and I love that she is brave enough to speak her choices.
  • No (03/01/2017, 14:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    He suppose to make sure the home is in order how gods want it to be. Rem people the bible says you cannot let your hand know what you are doing. Husband not going to control my money. You work for yours i work for mines we come together to do what ever bills etc.

  • my view (03/01/2017, 21:58) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Relationships have grown to be very selfish. It speaks to how time is evolving. One day we'll return back to the basics of life. The interview was personal. Not a recommendation. This is what works for her! Does that mean my life has to operate similarly? Inherently, we talk about being equally yoked. In my view this surpasses just relgion. Despite transition in roles in today's society, I can still be fair with my husband. We engage situations so we induce compatibility. I try my best not to decry him despite his shortcomings cus just the same I fall short. This is news bcus it's the community in which we live. If this changes someone's view of infidelity or empowers their Relationships- let it be told. We each have a responsibility to bear. Maybe if we paid enough attn to our own the results would not be so disparaging.

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