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Terror & politically correct Insanity

- President Barrack Obama’s reluctance to call ‘a spade a spade’ & respond accordingly to Islamist Terror, has made the world a much more dangerous place
Dickson Igwe. Photo: VINO
By Dickson Igwe

Make no mistake. Donald Trump is right about one thing. Barack H. Obama and Hillary R. Clinton, add a motley mix of European leaders, have made this world a much more dangerous place.

Their politically correct responses to terrorism have tied the hands of law enforcers such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency. The Directors of both agencies have complained that their hands are tied in the present political environment. The perpetrators of the Boston Bombing, the shooters in San Bernadino, and the murderous gunman in Orlando, were all known to these agencies, before the terrorists carried out their terrible deeds.

Add to that a questionable Middle Eastern Strategy, and a foreign policy, that has failed to destroy the terrorist networks plaguing the region, allowing the cancer to metastasise, and threaten western capitals in Europe and North America. The terrorist octopus has grown into an all consuming monster, thanks to Barrack H. Obama’s naïve brand of thoughtless internationalism.

The FBI’s, CIA’s, and US Military’s, hands have been tied from doing anything at all, by a politically correct regime in the White House, that is “extremely sensitive to Moslem sensibilities.” The US Democratic Political Establishment has refused to call the threat to life and limb in the west what it is: RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM. Consequently the US is suffering terribly from the consequences of the sheer stupidity of its security policy.   

This matter was made worse by the fact that it appears that important data on terror suspects and terror plots were wiped away from the databases of various agencies on the orders of “higher ups,” in order to maintain the politically correct modus: The Edward Snowden Effect. Precious knowledge that would make law enforcement much more knowledgeable on the where and when of terror has been lost for good. Thanks to President Obama and his Justice Department.

Now, war is war. And in the present environment, where no one knows when next a jet will drop from the sky, after a bomb is planted in luggage, intrusive intelligence is no longer an option. We will all have to forsake civil liberties if the terrorist threat is to be averted for good.

Add to that, the liberal, leftist, politically correct elite, in the USA, who have decided to frame the Islamist terrorist massacre in Orlando a “GUNS ISSUE.” These members of the chattering classes know full well that Islamic terrorists will get their weapons, whether or not the laws preventing Joe Public gaining access to tools of death are draconian. France and Belgium have some of the strictest gun laws anywhere. Still, terrorists have been able to carry out bloody rampage in these countries.

What Barack H. Obama, Hillary R. Clinton, Angela Merkel, and a host of others fail to recognise is that what the west is facing, is a clash of civilisations: better termed a clash of values. It is an existential threat.

Judaeo Christian values will never be loved by the Islamist. The Radical Jihadist believes that all Christians are heretics, and worthy of death. The value system in many parts of the Middle East is violently against gays, and the tolerant lifestyle of the west. That hate will never diminish.

The reason Europe today is a security mess, with rising right wing nationalism, and hundreds killed by terrorist acts, is a direct result of this political correctness. And that European brand of political correctness is being followed, so it would appear, by US leaders.

You cannot allow aliens with a value system that is diametrically opposed to your own, through your shores and borders and then expect to sleep safely at night.

Now, the nightmare of “Inspired Terror” has visited USA shores.

Much as he is generally disliked, Donald J. Trump is right on cracking down on migration from countries that do not share western values.

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3 Responses to “Terror & politically correct Insanity”

  • boy (18/06/2016, 08:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    When is this mad going be allowed free speech to write about local politricks????
  • are you afraid? (18/06/2016, 10:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We want to hear about domestic politics.
  • socrate (19/06/2016, 19:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Igwe, you are politically correct but philosophically incorrect. You article has outlined a number of contextual issues which "spiderwebbed" in the campaign trail of the season.Remember that the USA is a melting port. Anthropologically,ethnologically and sociologically Donald trump 's rhetoric is not appropriate. We are experiencing a cultural phenomenon between the west and the rest of the world. The west calls it terrorism but how the rest of the world calls it?

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