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Take regular baths, avoid protein-heavy meals during heatwave- BVIHSA

- urges VI to guard against heat stroke
July 30th, 2023 | Tags: Heatwave heat stroke temperature hydration BVIHSA
The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) is urging the Virgin Islands (VI) community to stay cool, hydrated, and healthy as the VI and the Caribbean region continues to experience a blistering heatwave. Photo:
 Instead of large, protein-heavy meals, residents should opt for smaller, more frequent meals to ease digestion and maintain energy levels, BVIHSA has advised. Photo:
Instead of large, protein-heavy meals, residents should opt for smaller, more frequent meals to ease digestion and maintain energy levels, BVIHSA has advised. Photo:
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) is urging the Virgin Islands (VI) community to stay cool, hydrated, and healthy as the VI and the Caribbean region continues to experience a blistering heatwave.

The Authority is recommending frequent cool showers or baths. 

“Cold packs, wraps, and cool towels can also offer relief from the blistering heat. Dressing appropriately can also aid in staying cool. Light, loose clothing made from natural materials is recommended, along with a hat and sunglasses for anyone venturing outdoors,” the BVIHSA stated in a press release on July 28, 2023.

Hydration, avoid protein-heavy meals- BVIHSA

Hydration is another key point in the prevention of heat stroke and, according to BVIHSA, regular intake of water is advised, while drinks containing alcohol, caffeine or excessive sugar should be avoided.

BVIHSA is also suggesting a shift in the dietary routine during the heatwave. Instead of large, protein-heavy meals, residents should opt for smaller, more frequent meals to ease digestion and maintain energy levels.

Safe room temperature

The BVIHSA is also providing guidelines on what to do if anyone feels unwell during the heatwave. “Symptoms such as dizziness, intense thirst, or persistent headache should be addressed immediately. The person should be moved to a cool place, given water or fruit juice, and advised to rest. If the symptoms are severe or last for more than an hour, medical attention should be sought.”

In terms of managing indoor environments, the Authority suggests aiming for room temperatures below 32 °C during the day and 24 °C at night. “This can be achieved by opening windows and shutters during the cooler hours of early morning and night, and closing them during the heat of the day. Unnecessary lights and electronics, which can generate additional heat, should also be turned off,” BVIHSA advised in the press release.

11 Responses to “Take regular baths, avoid protein-heavy meals during heatwave- BVIHSA”

  • H2O (30/07/2023, 11:01) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    What with, Water?
  • Big Richard (30/07/2023, 11:09) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    Regular baths ? If I could only receive regular water without interruptions.
  • water (30/07/2023, 11:42) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    You need regular water to have regular baths. What a joke. People will be all over this
    • @Water (03/08/2023, 05:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are so right! LOL
      I was going to comment on the same thing! Our governments past and present just don’t care enough to make sure we the people get our basic necessities, water, electricity, proper roads…they all get elected with empty promises to give us better living conditions and then once elected, it’s the same thing!
  • Manjack (30/07/2023, 11:52) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Folks, the heat wave is real and it is not discrimination and we ignore its perils at own own risks. Hydrating with water and staying cool are critical to avoid heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and other health risks. See the press release from the BVIHSA on precautions to stay safe and healthy during the heatwave. Hydrate , hydrate!!!
  • None sense (30/07/2023, 15:21) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    When we getting running water for four hours a day????!!!!!!!!!!!?????
    • @ None sense (30/07/2023, 15:58) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply

      @None Sense, so don’t bathe your r@^& and don’t drink about 5 bottles of water per day for your own health and see who gives a sh**wid your ignorant @$&. Ah yu tu chupid!!

  • WHAT!!! (30/07/2023, 15:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Take regular Baths? (30/07/2023, 23:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    How I suppose to wash my @$$ if there's no running water? What a joke!
  • Really (31/07/2023, 08:34) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wake up people. They have heavy metals is the mRNA COVID 19 Mark of the beast vaccine and also our food. The government knows everything about you all and this is why the article is in the News because too many people are noticing this Vax and unvaxx people. Definitely don't soak in your Clorine water, do you see how cloudy and white it looks plus you can also smell it so why would you soak in it so all those chemical can seep into your skin's and pores Wow. Lack of wisdom, understand and knowledge is all what the sheeps have right now. Vaccinated people drink bitter bush and try to build up your immune system by getting used to dirt. Stop washing your hands with all those chemicals so much. Remember it has the biggest Lock down coming ever in fall. It's on the CDC website so go do your homework and if your lazy the news is always talking about it just used your brain and puzzle it in because you need common sense

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