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Syria 'still holds chemical weapons' - OPCW head Kaag

April 27th, 2014 | Tags: Syria chemical weapons envoy stockpile
"The biggest bulk of the chemical weapons material is removed but not yet destroyed." Photo: BBC

The head of the task force in charge of eliminating Syria's chemical weapons says Damascus still holds about 7.5% of its 1,300-tonne stockpile at one site.

Envoy Sigrid Kaag urged the Syrian government to meet a Sunday deadline to remove its arsenal from the country.

All Syria's chemical weapons are scheduled to be destroyed by 30 June.

The Russian-US deal to eliminate Syria's arsenal was drawn up last year after hundreds of people died in a sarin rocket attack outside Damascus.

Syria's chemical weapons

  • 21 August 2013: Chemical weapons attack in Ghouta region near Damascus
  • 14 September: US and Russia agree deal on destruction of Syria's chemical weapons
  • 31 December: Initial deadline for removal of most dangerous "Priority One" chemicals from Syria - missed
  • 4 February 2014: Initial deadline for removal of less hazardous "Priority Two" chemicals - missed
  • 27 April: Revised deadline for removal of all chemical stocks from Syria
  • 30 June: Deadline for destruction of Syria's entire chemical arsenal

The multinational mission to get rid of the weapons is overseen by the UN Security Council and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

"The biggest bulk of the chemical weapons material is removed but not yet destroyed and that counts towards the 30 June deadline. That's why it's so important to get the remainder of the chemical weapons material that is still in one site," Ms Kaag, the head of the OPCW, told the BBC.

She also said the UN was concerned by recent reports that Syrian forces had used chlorine gas as a weapon.

Chlorine was not a substance included in the deal, which is widely seen as having averted US military action against the Syrian government.

US ship MV Ray, where Syrian chemical weapons are being destroyed, docked in Cadiz, Spain (10 April)The US ship MV Ray has been specially fitted out for the destruction at sea of Syria's chemical weapons

Damascus has denied using chlorine gas as a weapon.

Most of Syria's chemical weapons substances exist as separate materials that only create the highly toxic warfare agents when mixed together, according to the OPCW.

Ms Kaag said the facilities need to produce, prepare and launch a chemical weapons attack had been destroyed.

"What remains are the elements of a chemical weapon, but the chemical weapons programme of Syria, as per the current declaration to the OPCW under the Chemical Weapons Convention is no longer in existence," she said.

1 Response to “Syria 'still holds chemical weapons' - OPCW head Kaag”

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