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Sylvanna L. Charles to rep VI @ 1st Miss Elegantly Plus Caribbean Queen Pageant

- Pageant to be held in VI on March 14, 2025
The contestants of the first Miss Elegantly Plus Caribbean Queen Pageant slated for March 14, 2025. From left: Milove J.S. Fontaine of Antigua and Barbuda, Sylvanna L. Charles of the Virgin Islands, Mekelia A. Miller of Trinidad and Tobago, Tinell N. Garland of Turks and Caicos Islands, and Hasanna C.C. Graham of the US Virgin Islands. Photo: Facebook
The Virgin Islands’ Sylvanna L. Charles was crowned Miss Plus World at Sheraton North Houston at George Bush Intercontinental in Texas, USA, on March 12, 2022. Photo: Team of Reporters
The Virgin Islands’ Sylvanna L. Charles was crowned Miss Plus World at Sheraton North Houston at George Bush Intercontinental in Texas, USA, on March 12, 2022. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Former Miss Plus World Sylvanna L. Charles will once again seek to do herself and nation proud when she competes in the first Miss Elegantly Plus Caribbean Queen Pageant on March 14, 2025.

According to information on the pageant’s Facebook page, the event will be held on Tortola in the Virgin Islands. The exact venue was not disclosed.

The Miss Plus World 2022 Charles will come up against 4 other contestants.

The other contests are: Tinell N. Garland of Turks and Caicos Islands, Milove J.S. Fontaine of Antigua and Barbuda, Mekelia A. Miller of Trinidad and Tobago, and Hasanna C.C. Graham of the US Virgin Islands.

Charles pursuing yet another crown

Charles was crowned Miss Plus World held at Sheraton North Houston at George Bush Intercontinental in Texas, USA, on March 12, 2022.

She also won the Cover Girl and National Costume awards at the pageant, which was held over 3 days, March 9 - 12, 2022.

Among the pageant crowns won over the years by Charles are Miss BVI Princess 2005, Miss Teen BVI 2010; Miss Caribbean Talented Teen AXA 2011, 2013 VG Easter Festival Queen and 2017 Miss VG Bold & Beautiful.

She had placed Second Runner Up at the Miss Plus Size Universe International Pageant in St Vincent and the Grenadines in April 2019.

15 Responses to “Sylvanna L. Charles to rep VI @ 1st Miss Elegantly Plus Caribbean Queen Pageant”

  • unhealthy (02/02/2025, 16:17) Like (34) Dislike (22) Reply
    This is very unhealthy to promote over weight glamour to the youth. Really? These children need to learn to eat healthy. Fat babies, fat teens, fat people. So unhealthy. Eat more fried chicken! Eat more candy! Why are we looking up to this? This is not a healthy look nor lifestyle. Thumbs down. They have beautiful features in fat bodies. They should be working on the bodies. To be a healthy example.
    • ... (02/02/2025, 17:37) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      Home girl got a phd in running in shows
    • Sylvanna Charles (02/02/2025, 17:53) Like (22) Dislike (4) Reply
      @ Unhealthy, my picture is posted, drop yours and let me see what you're working with.????
      Or better yet, tell me YOUR NAME! I'd love to bless you with a ticket cause babyyyyy I WANT to give you a show!
      • P (03/02/2025, 13:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        lol opppppsssss cuz hold it down deh buddy lol lol lol but hey she out of place.
    • @ unhealthy (02/02/2025, 19:09) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      Considering the high incidents of chronic illnesses in these Vi attributed to fats a sugar, this embrace as featured beauty is on par with embracing Vibes Cartel and the like as entertainment while activities ascribed to guns gangstas drug and human trafficking become entrenched within our small once upon a time Paradise.. The perversion of mind body and soul is our demonstrated intrinsic need to self destruct.
    • nonsense (04/02/2025, 11:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      When did size make you unhealthy? So, being skinny makes you healthier than a plus size individual? have a seat!
  • Xxx (02/02/2025, 17:40) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fat people have rights to
  • Just to many (02/02/2025, 20:30) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Too many of these pageants. Is there any tangible return on investment for these events?. I know the thinking is to expose and represent the Territory but has 1 single tourist ever come to the Territory based on seeing or attending one of these spectacles?
  • @xxx (02/02/2025, 22:10) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    ,"Fat people have rights " to contribute positivity to mankind.
    To do otherwise is an abominition.
  • l (02/02/2025, 22:42) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    @ Xxx. You are correct. They have rights, lefts, fronts and backs, thighs, and drumsticks. Too much to be parading Fat around.
  • nonsense (04/02/2025, 11:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I bet you UGLY!

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