‘Stop playing politics with our lives’ – VI youth

The young man and others were discussing what seems to be a drastic hike in the number of gun violence in the territory and which they feel is very likely to get even worse as the economy, in their view, has no sighting of “rescuing the frustrations of youths especially”.
Today they are still shocked that there are persons in the VI who are daring enough to gun down persons regardless of the time of day or night and, according to the youths, because of the current weak legislation regarding gun violence, the penalty in the court of law is very weak.
The young man, supported by several others in his company on Monday December 29, 2014 while cooling out on ‘the block’, took offense to the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D Orlando Smith taking the time in his Christmas message to offer condolences to the family of Paul Prentice who was shot and killed in Road Town recently.
"I take this opportunity to reiterate that there will be zero tolerance for gun violence in this community. My Government will therefore amend the Firearms and Air Guns Ordinance in the first quarter of 2015 to introduce mandatory penalties and gun control," said the Premier in his Christmas message.
“That is bull, we needed to see a release where he went to each family and gave his condolences. As I see it, this announcement to amend the Firearms and Air Guns Ordinance at this time is pure politics especially knowing that elections is right around the corner,” the youth, who requested that his name not be published, related candidly to Virgin Islands News Online.
The man added, “This was a issue long time [and] they promised during the last elections campaign that they were going to do it, nothing, now elections coming again is another promise, bull, bull, Mr Premier stop playing politics with people’s lives, stop it, stop it,” said the man who was deeply moved with emotion as he gave his opinion.
The recent brazen gunning down of Prentice in the full view of the public has sparked discussion among many concerned citizens in the VI, including the group of young men. “Look how far it gone, one of the biggest activities in the BVI during Christmas call off, you see the people who involved in this whole mele! Good, that’s how far reaching this gone and now when NDP term almost over they coming to tell me, the people of this VI, after so many other gun crimes that they now looking at amending what? We are not fools Mr Smith, go back to being a medical doctor you use to be a more caring person then [but] now it looks like you lost your heart,” said another man.



16 Responses to “‘Stop playing politics with our lives’ – VI youth”
Remember the Trinidadian who violate his home a few years ago and he was all non-chalant about it. Dont know if I should say wake up from your sleepless slumber, but the bomb is ticking to get you voted out because we youths are not going to take it anymore. We do not want to hear your self serving words no more. Enough is Enough man. Seize the time.
bull p!$$