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Some locals tearing each other down while professing Christianity- Dr Wheatley

- said persons tried to tarnish Mr Carnel D. Clyne’s name to score political points
Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Honourable, Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) says it saddens him sometimes when he sees Virgin Islanders tearing each other down. Photo: Youtube
Mr Carnel D. Clyne was appointed Chairman of the Virgin Islands Festival and Fairs Committee in March 2019. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Carnel D. Clyne was appointed Chairman of the Virgin Islands Festival and Fairs Committee in March 2019. Photo: VINO/File
 Huge crowds gathered at a ticketing booth at the opening of the 2019 Festival under then Chairman of the Virgin Islands Festival and Fairs Committee, Mr Carnel D. Clyne. Photo: VINO
Huge crowds gathered at a ticketing booth at the opening of the 2019 Festival under then Chairman of the Virgin Islands Festival and Fairs Committee, Mr Carnel D. Clyne. Photo: VINO
DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI- “Mr Speaker, it saddens me sometimes when I see Virgin Islanders tearing each other down. Sometimes we maximise our faults and minimise our strengths. Mr Speaker, sometimes we choose not to see the best in each other. We become suspicious of each other, and we, at times, tarnish each other’s good name.”

These were the words of Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) while delivering a statement on the sudden resignation of the Chairman of the Virgin Islands Festivals and Fairs Committee Mr Carnel D. Clyne at the Ninth Sitting of the Second Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) on Thursday, June 11, 2020.

Mr Clyne, according to Dr Wheatley, had made mention of unforeseen personal responsibilities which would impact his performance as Chairman, hence his decision to resign from the post.

Thanking Mr Clyne for his service, Dr Wheatley also suggested that Mr Clyne’s name was deliberately tarnished by persons to score political points.

He also noted that Mr Clyne would have made some mistakes as VIF&FC Chairman as he was not “perfect’ but had nevertheless done a tremendous job at the helm.

“Mr Speaker, some of these persons are members of Carnel Clyne’s community. Some of these persons are Carnel Clyne’s family. Some of these persons even profess Christianity. Mr Speaker, the Bible tells us, 'he who is without sin cast the first stone.' Mr Speaker, I pray as Virgin Islanders that we stop throwing stones at each other."

Let’s have a conversation rather than a witch hunt- Dr Wheatley

Dr Wheatley then turned to the Opposition, saying it seems to believe the 2019 Festival is their way to bring down the government. 

“Mr Speaker, after being a part of a [National Democratic Party] NDP government that did not produce reports in the final three years of their administration, I would be embarrassed to criticise the lateness of this report, which will be laid in a few moments.”

Dr Wheatley said the records will show there was more money spent under the previous administration in some years than 2019 and that records will show that the money spent in 2019 includes hundreds of thousands of old bills from the previous administration.

“Mr Speaker, as opposed to engaging on a witch hunt, let us have a conversation about how we improve our festival celebrations—how we teach more of our history, heritage, and culture, how we have more meaningful participation of our local artisans, how do we become more efficient and effective with our management of money.”

Financial protocols

He added that the VIF&FC, under the leadership of Mr Clyne, developed financial protocols to guide the responsible use of taxpayers money. Other recommendations have been made about buying assets as opposed to renting and booking hotel rooms and flights at an earlier stage.

“Mr Speaker, while the Opposition harp on and on about the money spent on festival, they seem to ignore the economic stimulus that festival provides to the wider population to earn a living and to share in the wealth. It helps to build our tourism product, so we can attract more visitors who will fill hotel rooms, patronise restaurants and other establishments; it supports our rental car operators, supports our taxi drivers, supports our craft vendors, our food vendors, our clothing stores, our tailors, our bar owners, our barbers and hair salons, and much more.”

Meanwhile, Dr Wheatley said the VIF&FC will soon engage the public about plans for the 2020 Emancipation Festival.

See link to related article below:

13 Responses to “Some locals tearing each other down while professing Christianity- Dr Wheatley”

  • Read (14/06/2020, 15:56) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    know where and how your good book comes from and why you follow it so blindly, get over this and you will be free at last.
  • Hmmm (14/06/2020, 16:12) Like (29) Dislike (15) Reply
    The same stone the locals use to knock expatriates. The same stone use on locals. We need to weed out bad mind. It's killing us.
  • Special People! (14/06/2020, 16:39) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    ‘he who is without sin cast the first stone.'

    Gal 3:13 ‘ Curse is everyone hung on a tree.’

    The people of the BVI both citizens and non-citizens - a very peculiar group. This strange and interesting place you call paradise, is it a fraud? Too much hate, greed, crime, adulterous behavior backbiting, Incest, social deviance such as drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, prostitution, corruption... too numerous to mention...

    Minister you are preaching to the choir, and they know themselves. Don’t worry yourself, the battle is not yours it’s the Lord’s.’

    There is a typicality of these behavior present globally. However, Nature’s Little Secret could do better...

  • qc (14/06/2020, 16:50) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
    Clye will be missed Zoe is a good pick
  • Peaches (14/06/2020, 22:11) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    You are correct, Sowande. We are our own worst enemy here in the BVI! I am talking about us local BVISLANDERS!!
  • guy hill (15/06/2020, 01:06) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    You cannot trust everyone, be careful. Even some church folks hate you and grin in your face. Sad but true.
  • Fran (15/06/2020, 08:17) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    What Christianity? Where? All I see is a bunch of back biting hypocrites whose sole purpose is to keep anger and confusion going on. Their sharp tongues are wearing down our good leaders who are trying so hard to keep us afloat. Malcolm X said it best..."Who taught you to hate yourself?" We will never move forward if we keep this up.
  • Truth Sayer (15/06/2020, 10:27) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The populace learn a lot from their elected leaders. The politicians are famous for tearing down one another and even fail to give credit to their predecessor for any good work done. Ye that is without sin cast the first stone! Politicians use the tearing tactics to their advantage for the sake of getting elected so to speak. And then it turns around on them and they cry wolf!
  • truth be told (15/06/2020, 10:59) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Never have I seen a country that tear each other down like BVI, always so much negativity and small mindedness, but most of all so much envy and jealousy. It is so sad.
    • solution (15/06/2020, 14:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You said it so sad indeed....and it comes from some of the same members in Leadership...the intentions of their hearts are wicked.
  • Well Sa!! (15/06/2020, 13:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hit the nail on the Head...…………..
  • down2earth (17/06/2020, 16:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tell me where in the world or in the Caribbean people don't find pleasure in pulling down others ... even Jesus they pulled down! Minister, you don't have a country to run?

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