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Sharia B. de Castro elected President of VIP; Zoe J. Walcott is VP

At the VIP Congress Meeting and Elections at R&R Malone Complex in Pockwood Pond today, Sunday, February 5, 2023, businesswoman Sharia B. de Castro, left, was elected President of the VIP. The Vice President of the VIP is Zoe J. Walcott, right. Photo: Facebook/File
The Executive Members of the Virgin Islands Party, following elections at the VIP Congress on February 5, 2023. Photo: Team of Reporters
The Executive Members of the Virgin Islands Party, following elections at the VIP Congress on February 5, 2023. Photo: Team of Reporters
POCKWOOD POND, Tortola, VI- In a first for the 52-year-old Virgin Islands Party (VIP), two women will lead at the executive level.

At the VIP Congress Meeting and Elections at R&R Malone Complex in Pockwood Pond today, Sunday, February 5, 2023, businesswoman Sharia B. de Castro was elected President of the VIP.

Sharia is the twin sister of Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL).

The Vice President of the VIP is Zoe J. Walcott.

The other executive members are:

  • Secretary: Wandamae Malone (Retained)
  • Assistant Secretary Kimberly Kuntz
  • Treasurer: Latoya Freeman
  • Assistant Treasurer: Terrence Gumbs
  • Public Relations Officer: Stephon D. Mactavious
  • Assistant PR Officer: Delia Jno Baptiste

"We are excited to welcome our Chairman, Dr. The Hon. Natalio D. Wheatley, and our talented executive team," said President Sharia B. de Castro in a VIP press release this evening, February 5, 2023.

Meanwhile, the VIP press release stated that Hon Kye M Rymer (R5) is the Deputy Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party.

According to the VIP, this is a first for the party since, historically, the Constitution did not provide for such a said position.

26 Responses to “Sharia B. de Castro elected President of VIP; Zoe J. Walcott is VP”

  • The watchdog (05/02/2023, 22:43) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    Yea kye
    • ? (06/02/2023, 05:38) Like (15) Dislike (15) Reply
      Is the VIP really ran by the elected Education Minister and President’s family member?
      • Migoman (07/02/2023, 13:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Mommy running he VIP and education ministry. Telling the girls them what to do.
  • good (05/02/2023, 22:45) Like (21) Dislike (10) Reply
    Great news. Congratulations they are moving in the right direction.
  • By Time (05/02/2023, 22:47) Like (20) Dislike (21) Reply
    • X Pats gor shut out. (06/02/2023, 04:17) Like (10) Dislike (19) Reply
      Do they not know that Xpats belonger voters are up in the 40 plus %. No Expat belonger got any execurkve position, clearly sonething is wrong, no reaching out. no inclusion, or thsts the way they want it....
      • @X Pats gor shut out. (06/02/2023, 10:50) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
        You obviously do not know what you are saying because there is more than one person voted in the VIP Executive with expats Belongers background. We are all one. The VIP has been the only party to treat expats fairly and ensure many received their status where the other party mainly gave to the rich especially those in financial services who did not qualify.
        • @@xpats gor shut out (06/02/2023, 16:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Kindly refrain your imagination from claiming " we are all one" . The yearly body count of the corpses of your brothers and sisters places you in a special category of humanity. I am not in the human category of a Kenyan Runner and can never be and neither can the updeislun human life exterminators ever be in the same humaness of a BVIslander. Beyond your understanding and comprehension but it's reality.
  • Good balance (05/02/2023, 22:49) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am glad to see so many women and young people involved and competent to lead. This is a good balance.
  • My advice to you lovely dynamic ladies (05/02/2023, 22:56) Like (15) Dislike (12) Reply
    VIP will get my vote this time, but they have to work on their PR and defend each other better on the street and stop letting the gossip mongers get the false but believable news out on them first or without being challenged. The VIP supporters and executive must improve in this area because the VIP has done more good than bad but others are trying hard (with some success) to make the majority think otherwise. This must change now. Get to work VIP.
  • Keep your eyes on VIP (05/02/2023, 22:58) Like (16) Dislike (23) Reply
    The VIP has led this territory through some of the most trying times in the history of the country and have done fairly well despite the few challenges. They had to deal with all that wasn't done from the damage of the two worse category 5 hurricanes in history. Then covid which rocked all world economies and social fabric and many more. They kept us alive and when compared to most countries big and small they have done fairly well. Congratulations.
  • HMMM (05/02/2023, 23:02) Like (23) Dislike (10) Reply
    The reason the Uk never like the VIP, then and now, is because they work hard for the common man to have the same rights and opportunities as all the status quo whereas the other political parties try to please the UK and the rich among us while trying to fool the majority of people that they are working for them.
    • @hmmm (06/02/2023, 16:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      V I P used the expats to garner votes and to prolong their nefarious illegal activities, VIP
      has sunk the VI to where it is now. The UK recognizes this obvious fact,,, plenty to be c revealed as tim e moves on and with Divine help and that of the UK we will get rid of the VIP demons.
  • DOA (06/02/2023, 00:02) Like (17) Dislike (18) Reply
    Dead VIP
  • hmm (06/02/2023, 00:10) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Great that they put Can’t win out to pasture. They need to bump him right off the next ticket as well!
  • AYO THINK AGAIN (06/02/2023, 00:14) Like (43) Dislike (8) Reply
  • Read & understand.. (06/02/2023, 03:47) Like (21) Dislike (15) Reply
    VIP again doing what they want going against the Law and the constitution...I didn't say it, they said it.. Then again VIP cant find different people, new blood and fresh faces , the same old recycled folks...Them doomed..
  • class mate (06/02/2023, 05:37) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    She has a beautiful personality ????
  • my 2 cents (06/02/2023, 07:16) Like (27) Dislike (11) Reply
    Zoe should have been the president
  • Unvaxx 4eva (06/02/2023, 07:58) Like (14) Dislike (12) Reply
    Vip dead on arrival. Collision government we shall get.
  • WOW (06/02/2023, 08:38) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
    No red skin people? Ahyo prejudice bad! But who run against these people? Was it truly Democratic or did they just put names up uncontested? Handpicked just as the Head Coach did?
  • FACIAL EXPRESSIONS (06/02/2023, 09:52) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    de CASH is saying )>, wah yo think about me now & ZoE , is saying )> well , there you have it , am in charge now
  • Mrs Tubman (06/02/2023, 11:50) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    All I know that the political arena of the VI has been blessed and fortified by the involvement and participation of Eileen Parsons and Lorna Smith MBE...unmatched and unrivaled powerhouses of lasting value to these VI.
  • @ class mate (06/02/2023, 14:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    LOL, I see what you did there
  • yes sah (06/02/2023, 16:55) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Here we go again! This is really a family affair. I guess that Y-O-Let will be appointed as either chief advisor or consultant. Tia ting to talk.
  • What? (06/02/2023, 22:59) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this a family party now. You better be careful how you select your people. Use wisdom otherwise your wisdom will use you. I'm gonna say it again this appears to be a family party one circle the territory will not get a fair chance sorry to say.

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