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‘Set It Off’ is the 2023 VG Basketball League Champion, Sr Skillful ballers forfeit

Set it Off Basketball Team coached by Kennedy H. Bass has been declared the 2023 senior basketball champion in the A division. Photo: Team of Reporters
This is their second straight Championship for 'Set it Off' in the Virgin Gorda Basketball League played at the A. Jeffrey Caine’s Basketball Court following the return of basketball action after Hurricanes Irma and Maria of 2017.
This is their second straight Championship for 'Set it Off' in the Virgin Gorda Basketball League played at the A. Jeffrey Caine’s Basketball Court following the return of basketball action after Hurricanes Irma and Maria of 2017.
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI - Set it Off Basketball Team coached by Kennedy H. Bass has been declared the 2023 senior basketball champion in the A division.

Avoiding a possible clear sweep in the 'Best Out of Five' with Set it Off, up two to Sr Skillful Ballers zero, the match-up last night Friday, December 15, 2023, would have been a decisive game. 

However, Sr Skillful Ballers coached by Ronald Simmonds aka 'Gola', were a ‘no show’ therefore, the game was forfeited giving the Championship to Set it Off. 

This is their second straight Championship in the Virgin Gorda Basketball League played at the A. Jeffrey Caine’s Basketball Court following the return of basketball action after Hurricanes Irma and Maria of 2017.

Only one game tonight B division game to be decided

Meanwhile, last night December 15, 2023, in Game 1 of the B Division series saw a 2:1 in favor of In Da Zone.  The Winning Team last night was Team Elite with 84 points.

Lekoy I. Lennard had 34 points, 12 Rebounds, 1 Block, 3 steals, and 11 Assists while C’Kai Frett had 21 Points, 1 Rebound, 5 Steals, and 3 Assists. Another top player Ryan R. Ramlall came in with 10 points, 3 Rebounds, 1 Steal, and 3 Assists.

In Dah Zone lost with 70 points. Ka’Jeal Telemaque racked up 22 Points, 4 Rebounds, 4 Steals and 2 Assists while Corey K. Clarke  had 16 Points, 15 Rebounds, 2 Steals, and 1 Assist. T’Khoi Richardson came in with 15 Points, 8 Rebounds, and  6 Assists. 

Another match-up game continues tonight Saturday, December 16, 2023, from 8:00 PM at the Jeffrey Caine’s Basketball court on Virgin Gorda in the B Division between Team Elite vs In Dah Zone.


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