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Scooter rider taken to hospital after collision on De Castro Street

The motor scooter involved in the accident on De Castro Street, Tortola, today, July 19, 2019. Photo: Team of Reporters
The scene of the accident involving a car and a motor scooter on De Castro Street, Tortola, today, July 19, 2019. Photo: Team of Reporters
The scene of the accident involving a car and a motor scooter on De Castro Street, Tortola, today, July 19, 2019. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A rider of a motor scooter was taken to Peebles Hospital by ambulance following a collision on De Castro Street, Road Town, Tortola this afternoon, July 19, 2019.

The collision, which also involved a car, took place around 6:30 P.M. in the vicinty of Scotiabank.

It is unclear the condition of the scooter rider.

More details will be provided as they come in.

7 Responses to “Scooter rider taken to hospital after collision on De Castro Street”

  • WHAT!!! (19/07/2019, 20:07) Like (32) Dislike (4) Reply
    Another one , Mr. Premier NO BIGGER BIKES the riders here can’t obey the law and don’t know how to ride responsible please do not maim or kill our young people for the sake of a few votes.
  • Jordana (19/07/2019, 21:14) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    @what.. I concur with all you’ve said .. same thing I said in an earlier blog regarding this matter.. Mr. Minister PLEASE LISTEN.. NO BIGGER BIKES .
  • NICK (19/07/2019, 23:37) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    These immature little showoffs will drop like flies if you give them bigger bikes....skateboards would be a better direction Let's not forget the Sinbad gang days terrorizing the neighborhoods....which is why the 125cc ban was imposed in the first place. The police could not control them thirty years ago.
  • wize up (20/07/2019, 04:18) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    some may recall the days of horse ridding then the mini mokes and Volkswagens: we now have faster cars; as a matter of fact the territory now trailer trucks and big old garbage trucks: there are accidents every day however we still continue to allow bigger trucks and faster cars: one thing with some of we, once we don’t like something we want it gone: it is the person using the bike that causes the problems: some of these bikes riders popping wheelies in the heart of Road Town; riding on one wheel all over the mucking place because law enforcement is no where to be found: People will continue acting the fool because they can continue to get away with their dumb muck: we have siblings of law enforcement officers violating the laws of our territory each and every day simply because there is no one to prevent them: we on our knees over bikes while some politicians gone with millions of our territory’s tax money and every man mout shut!!!!
  • Xxx (20/07/2019, 14:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    another one whats new
  • Hmmmm (20/07/2019, 21:23) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    This is a case where the rider was actually in the right the driver came out of an intersection and hit the passing rider

  • do for do (21/07/2019, 11:16) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr Minister NO MORE CARS EITHER cause these ppl still don't know how to drive or keep their side..every day there's an accident with a car, so do for do ain't no obey!!!

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