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Scooter rider reportedly ‘critical’ after second accident in 2 years

- mother of Kawa G. Williams now pleading for prayers for son
Scooter rider Kawa G. Williams has been left in a critical yet stable condition after what is now his second major scooter accident within two years. Photo: Facebook
Family and friends were left in disbelief when the mother of William has once again called for prayers for her son after he suffered another critical scooter accident. Photo: Facebook
Family and friends were left in disbelief when the mother of William has once again called for prayers for her son after he suffered another critical scooter accident. Photo: Facebook
Kawa G. Williams was involved in a serious accident while riding a motor scooter on Fort Hill on May 18, 2020. Photo: Team of Reporters
Kawa G. Williams was involved in a serious accident while riding a motor scooter on Fort Hill on May 18, 2020. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Scooter rider Kawa G. Williams has reportedly been left in a critical yet stable condition after what is now his second major scooter accident within two years.

Williams on May 18, 2020, suffered life-threatening and traumatic injuries in a Fort Hill scooter accident which saw the young man suffering a fractured skull with crippling damage to the ligaments in his right knee.

Fist accident required surgery in Columbia

The extent of the injuries; which required surgeries that could not be performed in the Virgin Islands, had mobilised family and friends to call for prayers and raise urgent funds via donations and a GoFundMe campaign in an effort to get the young man walking again.

Following the accident, Williams had to be air-lifted to Columbia for extensive surgeries, with NHI reportedly covering 80% of the cost.

While in Columbia in 2020, Williams had received extensive knee surgeries and repairs to fractured bones in his face, including a brain surgery where doctors had to insert a titanium plate to protect his skull.

Williams left ‘Critical’ in latest accident

Family and friends on Saturday, January 29, 2021, were therefore left in disbelief to learn that Williams had once again suffered another critical scooter accident.

“Y'all help me pray for my son who was in another scooter accident yesterday. He is in critical but stable condition,” said his mother Dee Hazel in a Facebook update on, January 29, 2022.

While no further details on how and where the accident occurred, our newsroom was informed of a motorcycle accident at Beef Island on Friday, January 28, 2022.

Our news center will bring more information as it becomes available.

39 Responses to “Scooter rider reportedly ‘critical’ after second accident in 2 years”

  • NHI (30/01/2022, 10:45) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
    I wonder why they put this phrase here

    "with NHI reportedly covering 80% of the cost."
  • resident (30/01/2022, 10:58) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Village (30/01/2022, 11:03) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mother your hands are full but I think your son should be careful
  • HeLL- O (30/01/2022, 11:05) Like (47) Dislike (4) Reply

    leave the youths alone , it is his right to flex off on the asphalt , if he wants to , (one problem though, let his parents pay this hospital bills

  • again (30/01/2022, 11:26) Like (32) Dislike (3) Reply
    at the time I stated that others and myself are the ones paying for his and other recklessness on scooters with only themselves to blame, has he even contributed to the NHI fund and now we allmust pay again, time NHI was restructured or done away with and let people pay for their own medical care at a reasonable copst as its due to these incidents that healthcare has skyrocketed with the NHI
  • My girl (30/01/2022, 11:30) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    My prayers are with him no mother deserves this
  • Winston (30/01/2022, 11:31) Like (49) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well we all know the scooter riders are not the smartest.
  • Truck boii (30/01/2022, 11:47) Like (3) Dislike (16) Reply
    Jah..........this one serious; my blessings I will ask the lord in heaven to sent down my guardian Angel's to watch over him and protect and heal him with all abundance in his name with the most powerful prayer to you and yur son Mrs. Hazel. Always remember that God is on yur side right now no matter wat. I'm terribly sorry fuh yur sons injuries and pain.

    Always have faith and trust in the Lord God becuz he never let us down.!!!
  • my, my, my (30/01/2022, 11:56) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    This does not make any sense.
    • @my,my, my (30/01/2022, 17:47) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
      You would think right? He just got messed up, have steel plate in his head from the previous accident, had to be flown off island to get life saving surgery that could not be performed here and he came right back to doing the same thing. Just say he have to be flown off island again, where is the thousands of dollars going to come from this time?
  • Careless (30/01/2022, 12:22) Like (49) Dislike (1) Reply
    Family members better not ask for more help from the public because he obviously didn’t learn the first time.
  • hmm (30/01/2022, 12:26) Like (42) Dislike (2) Reply
    Sorry but I have no sympathy. You ride around reckless with no care in the world , this is what happens.
  • SMH (30/01/2022, 12:26) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    You cant defeat the demons you enjoy playing with. Unless a real change is made the reaper will have his feast earlier than expected.
  • Oh My (30/01/2022, 13:56) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is so unfair for NHI to be paying for these reckless don't care individuals medical bills. I read earlier the struggles that NHI is presently having, but with these amount of Motorcycle accidents i am sure this is costing NHI Millions. What is the Government doing. NOTHING. I am therefore putting this forward to NHI management the Board and the Government, if these bikes are not license and Insured these individuals should not be covered.
    • Really??? (30/01/2022, 16:07) Like (5) Dislike (13) Reply
      Yeah and fat people, and the un vaxxed, and anyone who eats sugar, deny them all health care and then the system will be fine!!! Oh My - SMDH with your level of ignorance and prejudice.
    • Sorry not sorry (30/01/2022, 20:29) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      I totally agree. Then there's people here who's paying NHI and getting the run around fir treatment they need. Live recklessly you suffer the consequences.
  • Don't give up! (30/01/2022, 13:56) Like (18) Dislike (10) Reply
    I am a mother. I have sons. They put us through a lot. Don't give up on him. I hope that he comes to his senses this time around. Keep warning him, keep praying for him, keep pleading the blood over his life. The enemy is stealing our young men before their time. We must wake up as a nation and pray for them. People of God, we must put a stop to the destruction the enemy is having on our young men lives.
    • Tired (31/01/2022, 22:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      These young sons need to stop being a nuisance to society with their loud mufflers and reckless riding. We are sick of it. Pray for your sons, yes. Train your sons in the way that they should go as well. The lack of sympathy that is sensed is just frustration. We are tired of the behavior of these young ‘men’ on bikes. Parents seem not to be bothered by their behavior. We reap what we sow.
    • Fed Up (01/02/2022, 22:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This like his fourth accident when will he learn?
  • As a mother (30/01/2022, 16:03) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Prayers going to your family
    Speedy recovery for your son.
    Hold your faith in the darkest hour God said he will never leave us or forsake us.
  • The Reaper (30/01/2022, 16:50) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who don’t hear,does feel !!!!!!!!!!
  • risk (30/01/2022, 17:04) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    Motorcycle/scooter drivers should be excluded from NHI medical coverage. Swim on your own risk at the beach and ride at your own risk on land!!
  • @SMH (30/01/2022, 17:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    That was funny
  • Mr Bommacou (30/01/2022, 17:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    In my old school slang- he less on a scooter. Yuh geh liss out once, i can understand, but you get liss out twice- you just less my youth. Either walk, or catch a ride but no more 2 wheels for you. Whats even more sad is the taxpayers gotta pay for that lessness. Man he need to be liss out for good and call it a day.
  • JJJ (30/01/2022, 17:17) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know in life u learn from d mistake u make but sorry to say that this young man don't care about life
  • trut (30/01/2022, 17:45) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Praying is illogical. It will make the mom feel better...That's it.Hope the guy lives and learns.Bikelife ain't for everyone.
  • BuzzBvi (30/01/2022, 17:59) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    Not good for family. But at least another scooter off the road to stop menacing us all.
  • Smh (30/01/2022, 18:26) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Treat everyone fairly, in a way that you like to be treated . Be respectful, aware ,and thoughtful of others . I rode motorcycles when I was younger, did a few crazy things too, however there were not as many vehicles or other motorcycles on the road as we do have now . Young men, I am appealing to you , please be more respectful, responsible and careful.
  • Linda (30/01/2022, 22:06) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Him Again????? His parents have their hands full AGAIN!
  • BAN THOSE DOGGONE THINGS (31/01/2022, 00:02) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    I say for the last time BAN THOSE DOGGONE THINGS
  • That’s crazy (31/01/2022, 00:14) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    Y’all honestly need to leave that island some type of demonic force is going on
  • It’s time for change! (31/01/2022, 09:19) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Raise minimum age to 21 or better still- 25. The government has to make a change because the current system just isn’t working. The negligent riders are kids, wanting to show off to their friends, wanting to race, wanting to pop wheelies, they have no regard for life either their own or others, there is no option other than for the government to take control of this situation and change the rules. When re-licensing each year the scooter should have to pass a maximum decibel test too, again this is another factor that helps them show off (for some reason kids think it makes their glorified hair dryer sound cooler). Please VIP, break the mould - do a survey to cover your backs if you have to.
  • Really (31/01/2022, 09:57) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    It's good to see that women are better drivers on scooters then men because I haven't heard or read about women in motorcycle accidents like I see the boys and men
  • Why (31/01/2022, 13:18) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mother speak to your son instead of "begging for prays and money." I am sick of these irresponsible scooter riders, NOT ALL OF THEM ARE THE SAME! but more so than not!
  • Windy (31/01/2022, 14:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can't fix Stupid
  • NezRez (31/01/2022, 23:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just today, a young man on a scooter passed our cars, stopped at the red light before Rite Way heading east. THIS FOOL WAS STANDING STRAIGHT UP ON HIS BIKE THE ENTIRE TIME. If something has happened to him, I would have no sympathy at all. Does he think this is a joke? No freaking brains at all!
  • Again and again and again (02/02/2022, 15:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope you pull through

    If you do leave the island

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