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‘Scenic’ Carrot Bay Classic set for tomorrow March 11

The Carrot Bay Classic, which is race 2 of the Trident Trust 5K series, is this Saturday, March 11, 2023. Photo: Dean H. Greenaway/Facebook
CARROT BAY, Tortola, VI- The Carrot Bay Classic, which is race 2 of the Trident Trust 5K series, is this Saturday, March 11, 2023.

The scenic course starts at the Carrot Bay Festival Grounds, where athletes run/walk East to turn around a cone at the foot of Windy Hill and proceed along the beautiful North Shore through Carrot Bay, Apple Bay, and around a turn cone at the foot of Long Bay Hill. Road Runners finish 100m past the start line.

The race begins at 7:00 AM; however, power walkers will start from 6.30 AM.

Trident Trust 5K Series

Any 3 races comprise a series. There is no entry fee. Spot prizes will be given at each race, series awards for all runners/walkers completing a series of 3 races and the National Champion awards will be presented at the end of the series. Age group categories are awarded.

The 5k finale on May 13, 2023, will constitute the 2022 National 5k Road Racing Championship. 

Athletes can register at:

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