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Saharan dust affecting VI; Reached hazardous levels- DDM

- said persons with respiratory illnesses should be on high alert
June 21st, 2020 | Tags: Saharan dust hazardous respiratory illness DDM
A hazy West End, Tortola, due to Saharan dust today, June 21, 2020. Photo: VINO
On June 18, 2020, NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite captured this visible image of the large light brown plume of Saharan dust over the North Atlantic Ocean. The image showed that the dust from Africa’s west coast extended almost to the Lesser Antilles in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Photo: NASA Worldview
On June 18, 2020, NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite captured this visible image of the large light brown plume of Saharan dust over the North Atlantic Ocean. The image showed that the dust from Africa’s west coast extended almost to the Lesser Antilles in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Photo: NASA Worldview
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Department of Disaster Management (DDM) is advising persons with respiratory ailments to be on high alert as Saharan dust travels across the Atlantic Ocean and is currently impacting the Virgin Islands.

According to the DDM, today, June 21, 2020, for the past few days the skies over the VI have been very hazy because the dust levels have become hazardous.

“This means visibility is impacted and those who suffer from respiratory illnesses should be on high alert and dust accumulation both indoors and outdoors can be expected,” DDM stated.

Dust can prevent hurricanes from forming- Weather experts

Normally, hundreds of millions of tons of dust are picked up from the deserts of Africa and blown across the Atlantic Ocean each year. That dust helps build beaches in the Caribbean and fertilizes soils in the Amazon. It can also affect air quality in North and South America.

Rick Davis, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s Ruskin office, said the slow-moving dust is “robbing the air of all its moisture.”

The good news there is that tropical storms and hurricanes rely on air that is both warm and moist in order to form.

21 Responses to “Saharan dust affecting VI; Reached hazardous levels- DDM”

  • Lord o (21/06/2020, 18:12) Like (4) Dislike (28) Reply
    Hmmm. I heard that a hurricane is cooking, blending in the Sahara's ..Its like a Snake that will make Carona virus look like an Ant....hmmm. Lord have mercy on us...Lets start praying
  • Not true (21/06/2020, 18:33) Like (5) Dislike (17) Reply
    Dust form some the most deadly hurricanes...That so call weather expert better go and come again
    • @ Not true (21/06/2020, 20:05) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      Have you read this editorial? Where in it the expert stated " Dust form some [of] the most deadly hurricanes?
  • Sad (21/06/2020, 18:48) Like (2) Dislike (32) Reply
    They bring obeah to the bvi now
    • @sad (21/06/2020, 19:49) Like (27) Dislike (6) Reply
      obeah is a african practice . Christianity is not Africa practice .Know your roots . Obeah and voodoo was demonized because it was use to help the slave revolt against the oppressors (whites) . The bible was originated in rome and was beaten into the slaves to control and alter their future . WAKE UP .
      • No (21/06/2020, 23:38) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
        I don't Know what roots you have but obeah belongs to ham's people. We are not the same people.Enlighten yourself brother or sister. You are lost and if you are a true descendant of ham then carry on. But if your forefathers were taken on slave ships and yokes were put around their necks until they were destroyed, Taught a new language and are still at the bottom of the ladder then you need to remove yourself from such. Iesus originated in Rome. The replacement name is what makes it a new religion. Do not spew nonsense. Some of you think that you know history but are just as lost. Any ways if you are caught up in Kush continue on dear. Africa is a big continent with many countries and different languages and you don't even know what language you used to talk and where you used to live. You so want to be an egyptian to practice lawlessness . The creator is real... The bible has been tampered with by Scribes and names have been transliterated.. You have alot to learn... And to the idiot above, I guess the obeah was brought to the entire caribbean....
      • @ @sad (22/06/2020, 07:35) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        Why then does the Bible describe Jesus as a black man? You don't think a white man bible should say he had white skin with blonde hair and blue eyes? The original statutes in depicting jesus and mary were black. Come again.
        • Hebrew (22/06/2020, 08:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

          Yes, well said. , imagine this:

          Revelation 1: 14-15 - "the hair on his head was like spun gold, and his eyes were like blazing sapphire, deep and blue as the sea. His feet were like opal, pink and glowing brightly in the sun".

          I guess they could not write blasphemy like that because they did not have the original.
  • flUffy (21/06/2020, 19:51) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    LISTEN!! I just wish I could take some of your folks phones and privileges away!!Gosh man ..the things you all come up with to post in these comments are mind boggling..(the obeah part)
  • Off Island.. (21/06/2020, 19:52) Like (28) Dislike (3) Reply
    Need to come home to secure my home before hurricane up the place please....I have 4 months back rent to pay plus other bills, im sure they are a lot more like me with the same issues....Open up, please, let us back in to take care our responsibilities, The BVI is our home...
  • priest (21/06/2020, 20:11) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    I cannot remember this dust affecting us so badly as it has. It really looks ominous.
  • NezRez (21/06/2020, 21:01) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    That dust was thick. At first I thought rain was coming....and then.....DUST! Run for your lives...LOL LOL LOL
  • Just saying (21/06/2020, 23:04) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope when people fall sick y’all don’t tell the Public it’s covid19 because we know y’all be lying
  • rewrsdffds (22/06/2020, 07:37) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Welcome Africa... The difference between that dust and slavery is that dust coming here freely.
  • Surprised (22/06/2020, 14:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • island man (22/06/2020, 14:18) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    They need to provide some of those mask for the outdoor workers.
  • stating the obvious (22/06/2020, 16:30) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    DDM is totally useless. The report on the Sahara dust was put out weeks ago stating the increased intensity which would run for at least a 2-3 week period.

    As per usual they are not the governing body that produces or weather forecasts and rely on Antigua for everything. If you are not prepared do not take responsibility for a field you do not understand.
  • choke (22/06/2020, 22:24) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    We are still being chocked by the Governor and his office regardless.

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