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RVIPF urges contractors to mark tools & equipment

-Following increase theft & recovery of stolen construction tools
November 20th, 2021 | Tags: RVIPF theft construction Virgin Islands tools
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force has issued a warning that with increased theft of construction tools and equipment, contractors should put systems in place to ensure their equipment are easily identifiable. Photo: Internet Source
The force noted that while the recovery of stolen construction tools is also on the increase, contractors must explore ways to mark their equipment. Photo: VINO/File
The force noted that while the recovery of stolen construction tools is also on the increase, contractors must explore ways to mark their equipment. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force has issued a warning that with increased theft of construction tools and equipment, contractors should put systems in place to ensure their equipment are easily identifiable.

The force noted that while the recovery of stolen construction tools is also on the increase, contractors must explore ways to mark their equipment. 

"Identifiable markings such as carved initials of the tool owner, or other detectable engravings would be very helpful to police as they track the perpetrators of these crimes," the force said in a November 19, 2021, release. 

Record serial numbers - RVIPF 

Additionally, contractors were urged to ensure that they record the serial numbers of their tools and keep these numbers in a secure place in case the items are stolen and later recovered.

Tool theft is a popular way for thieves to make a cash on stolen equipment, one of the most permanent solutions for tool marking is to engrave a unique number. 

Persons can also opt to use a metal stamp to brandish their tools with their initials or company name. 



5 Responses to “RVIPF urges contractors to mark tools & equipment”

  • Native Senior Citizen of the BVI (20/11/2021, 12:22) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    RVIPF, your many services to our community you are welcome, and right. Your are encouraging tools ownners to mark their tools, and retained serial numbers. Thanks you. However, be wise not to place photos on the site that show the thieves what tools to use how to remove the marking.
    This is not a criticism, but rather good advice.
  • obeah man (20/11/2021, 13:47) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Alyo come unto me and I will fix the problem.
    • @obeah man (21/11/2021, 08:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are no better than a crack head trying to score a hit. Damn opportunist trying to scam people during the Holiday season with the OBEAH BS.
  • one eye (20/11/2021, 14:07) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    The police need a local chief
    • @ one eye (20/11/2021, 18:25) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      the police needs to be visible lots of madness going on because the criminals know they can get away with the bad conduct

      some of the criminals have police on the payroll read the news

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