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RVIPF reviewing unsolved murders, cold cases for deeper probe- CoP Collins

- UK Investigation Officer & Cold Case Review Officer will work with DPP office on cases
Greater emphasis will be placed on unsolved murders and cold cases in the Virgin Islands (VI), with deeper probes to come as part of a new commitment by the recently appointed Commissioner of Police, Mr Mark Collins. Photo: Twitter
Local male Cardinal Roberto Fahie aka 'Wolf', left, of Rogues Bay who was found dead at Windy Hill, Tortola on May 26, 2011, and local male Jefferson Mark Joseph, right, who was gunned down in the vicinity of CSY Dock at Baughers Bay on April 16, 2017. Photo: RVIPF/File
Local male Cardinal Roberto Fahie aka 'Wolf', left, of Rogues Bay who was found dead at Windy Hill, Tortola on May 26, 2011, and local male Jefferson Mark Joseph, right, who was gunned down in the vicinity of CSY Dock at Baughers Bay on April 16, 2017. Photo: RVIPF/File
Vinci National Deverson Williams who was killed in March 2021 and businessman Earl D. Hodge aka 'Bob' slain in February 2021. Photo: VINO/File/Provided
Vinci National Deverson Williams who was killed in March 2021 and businessman Earl D. Hodge aka 'Bob' slain in February 2021. Photo: VINO/File/Provided
 Everton McMaster Jr and Matthew D. Daly aka 'Shorty' who were also both gunned down in 2020. Photo: VINO/File
Everton McMaster Jr and Matthew D. Daly aka 'Shorty' who were also both gunned down in 2020. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Greater emphasis will be placed on unsolved murders and cold cases in the Virgin Islands (VI), with deeper probes to come as part of a new commitment by the recently appointed Commissioner of Police, Mr Mark Collins.

The Commissioner made this announcement during an address to members of the Rotary Club of Tortola on July 8, 2021.

CoP says cases have been personally reviewed

“I want you to be reassured that since coming here, I have personally reviewed every single one of the outstanding murders we’ve got since last September and I am confident that a number of those will be brought to fruition soon with charges being laid,” he said.  

The Commissioner said that coming out of the UK is a Senior Investigation Officer and a new post of Cold Cast Review Officer has been created at the RVIPF, to assist with staff support relating to investigations.

“That Cold Case Review Officer will work with the DPP’s officer with the Senior Investigation Officer, and we will start to re-open some of the outstanding cases we’ve got in the RVIPF.”

Mr Collins said that he remains confident that some of the outstanding cases will be detectable.

“So that’s a really important step forward as a start to, I think…  give greater confidence and satisfaction to our community that we are looking at some of these cold cases as well,” he said.

Unsolved Murders

Meanwhile, over the years, the Major Crime Investigations Team at the RVIPF has requested the public’s assistance in identifying the perpetrators responsible for some high-profile murders.

Some of the murder victims include 23-year-old Melissa Spence, a native of Trinidad; Kendoy Penn of Old Plantation; 46-year-old Julio Pineda Ceasor of Greenland; and Nyron F. Ollivierre, a native of Trinidad.

Others include Cardinal R. Fahie aka 'Wolf' and Jefferson M. Joseph killed on April 16, 2017, and May 26, 2011, respectively.

According to police records, the oldest of the unsolved murders from those listed is from September 21, 2004, some 17 years ago when a construction worker attached to a house project at Little Bay observed the body of Spence being thrown against the rocks at the bay in that area.

A year later on September 18, 2005, at around 1:00 am, the victim, Kendoy Penn, was on his way home, driving his vehicle when an unknown individual shot him. Penn succumbed on September 22, 2021, while on life support at the then Peebles Hospital.

Recent Killings

More recent murders include the shooting deaths of Vincentian Deverson Williams, who was killed in March 2021, and businessman Earl D. Hodge aka 'Bob', who was slain in February 2021.

The force is also looking into the 2020 deaths of Everton McMaster Jr and Matthew D. Daly aka 'Shorty', who were also both gunned down in the VI.

It should be noted; however, that Mr Collins' pledge is also something that the previous Commissioner, Michael B. Matthews, made; however, results are yet to be seen.

23 Responses to “RVIPF reviewing unsolved murders, cold cases for deeper probe- CoP Collins”

  • No secret (14/07/2021, 07:35) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Even the dirty cops know who responsible for these heinous crimes
  • for sure (14/07/2021, 08:11) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fact: This new CoP is about balance. You do the crime you are to pay the cost. I love how he’s rooting out the baddest and seeking for true justice
  • pure talk (14/07/2021, 08:22) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
    matthew can in with the same level of conversation and after his 5 year term in office not a dam thing was done, as a matter of fact under mike matthew tenure as CoP gun crimes went up; aggravated assault and murder went sky high and no questions were asked of him

    while matthew held the post of top cop a drug bust was worth more than solving murders in our territory big international press conferences after a drug seizure but not 1 word from him or the same big press conferences regarding updates to families about the unsolved killings in the british virgin islands

    no one have the balls to stand up and question anything the Englishmen says but have such bad things to say about your own country

  • Nature (14/07/2021, 08:23) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    it have numerous murders not mention,which needs serious investigation
  • oh boy (14/07/2021, 08:49) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    No secret. I hope that you and your clean cops knows the people responsible for those murders. But again the dirty cops knows themselves are and why they are dirty.

    To you, Mr No secret, on the other hand every time you all talk about corruption the only set of people that are corrupt is the Police. Why do you all forget to mention CUSTOMS AND IMMIGRATION. Is it because they are from the BVIs.

    No excuse under the face of the Sun for Cops to be dirty or corrupt but what are you all doing as a society to put an end to it since you all know which COP is dirty. Action speaks louder than words.

    Well Mr. Secret the Police is no more Corrupt than CUSTOMS AND IMMIGRATION. Also remember that the Police, as corrupt as they are, they are the only Department that lock up their own.

    I know that the Police don't get paid for extending criminal time at immigration. They don't get paid for allowing criminal to come into the territory.

    The Police don't get paid for allowing illegal stuff to come through customs at the ports.

    Compare to other countries where the Police can go into immigration and customs as part of their duties, they can not do that in the BVIs. So, No secret come again. I know that you all don't like the truth but that is the Gospel.
    • omg (14/07/2021, 11:59) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      You know a lot so go talk to the commissioner on his personal number, or is propaganda you spreading
    • @oh boy (14/07/2021, 12:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      What do they need to go into Immigration and Customs for? Them already cirrupt and not trustworthy. within the Force, need Say.
  • Fats (14/07/2021, 08:52) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
    Mr Commissioner I will like you to know one thing and pit that in your Pipe and Smoke it. " Your white cops and in no way better than our local black cops". That has been proven Tim and time again.
  • wow (14/07/2021, 09:08) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Without substantial proof and Coroner's report being made Public Franklyn Malone's death should be ruled as suspicious and unsolved. Don't expect the Public to take the Police Word that it was natural causes. We not All Guilible.
  • wow (14/07/2021, 09:23) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    ASK the force when last the called the victim's families???
  • mileage (14/07/2021, 09:52) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mileage assination should be investigated too that was a set up to look like it is solved even a blind person can see tthat.
  • Webster (14/07/2021, 11:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don’t recall seeing Ashburn Dawson’s name on any of the lists. He was shot down on 10th March 2017. We were under the impression that this murder would have been an easy solve. Who would have known it would be a cold case, which the chief has obviously forgotten as well!
  • Green Justice (14/07/2021, 12:25) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mr. Collins, you keep repeating things that we have been hearing for years. Bad apples and reviewing cold cases and at the end of your tenure whenever that is the only success you would have achieved is to find a few more bad apples and add them to the 9 you mentioned, You stated during your speech with your buddies at the Rotary that people are stopping you on the street and calling you on the private number you gave them some interesting things (about bad apples). How come none is giving you information on these unsolved murders?
  • Hanibalis (14/07/2021, 13:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cold cases . Mr. COP I hope you keep your promise to the people of the BVI. You said you personally reviewed the cases and discovered clues.
  • look (14/07/2021, 14:03) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr commissioner not all police officers are bad but the biggest problems are are in that DEPARTMENT where evedance have been tampered with that is the reason for a lot of unsolved mysteries
  • ABC (14/07/2021, 14:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Also don't forget Franklyn Malone aka Body.
  • musa (14/07/2021, 14:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    the pass bass say to get a dog to protect us form high power guns tell us your plans please
  • Easy to solve (14/07/2021, 21:16) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What about the Baronville woman who was shot outside her home? Does'nt she matter as well
  • Forbidden Truth (15/07/2021, 06:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Commissioner of Police.. I earnestly wish you the best if luck.
  • Jen (19/07/2021, 09:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Am looking for some changes here in the bvi. Too much corrupt people working in the government systems,plenty people know what happened but to scared to open up to say something because they are scared of them life been taking away.
  • RVIPF is a joke (09/08/2022, 05:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what a joke,,,investigating what? RVIPF is a joke you guys can't solve any crimes, some of you are involved in the crime and the others just dont' give a damn. laziest police force in the world. this is a joke. please stop insulting we the people of the VI with this nonsense cause y'all don't be doing yall job. waste of time and tax payers dollars if you ask me.

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