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Ron R. Potter In! Moleto A. Smith Jr Out! as Chairman of BVIHSA

The Appointment of Ron R. Potter would mean current Chairman Moleto A. Smith Jr will be exiting the post after being voted in on July 29, 2023, in the House of Assembly. Photo: VINO/File/Facebook
According to the House of Assembly Order Paper for Fourth Sitting of The Fifth Session of The Fourth House of Assembly of The Virgin Islands where Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Marlon A. Penn will move a motion for the appointment. Photo: VINO/File
According to the House of Assembly Order Paper for Fourth Sitting of The Fifth Session of The Fourth House of Assembly of The Virgin Islands where Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Marlon A. Penn will move a motion for the appointment. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - A former Chairman of the British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation (BVIEC), Mr Ron R. Potter, will now stand at the helm of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) as Chairman for a period of three years, starting March 15, 2023.

This is according to the House of Assembly Order Paper for the Fourth Sitting of The Fifth Session of The Fourth House of Assembly, where Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) will today, March 9, 2023, move a motion for the appointment.

The new appointment would mean that current Chairman Moleto A. Smith Jr will be exiting the post. Mr Smith's appointment was approved in the House of Assembly on July 29, 2021.

The appointment of Mr Potter is being done under section 5(3) of the BVI Health Services Authority Act, 2004 (No. 14 of 2004) which provides for the management of the BVI Health Services Authority by a Board.

“WHEREAS section 5(5)(b) of the said Act provides that the Minister of Health and Social Development shall, after consultation with the Leader of the Opposition, recommend to the Cabinet the appointment of one person as Chairman of the Board,” the Order Paper noted. 

Potter background-Accounting guru

Mr Potter has over 25 years of experience as an audit and advisory partner in the offshore financial services industry, including investment funds, fund administrators, and trust companies.

An indigenous Virgin Islander, he graduated as a Valedictorian of the then BVI High School and obtained an Honours Degree in Accounting from the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, and the professional accounting designation, FCCA.

Mr Potter also served as Chairman of the National Bank of the Virgin Islands and is currently a Director of the BVI Health Services Authority and was a Past President of the Rotary Club of Tortola.

24 Responses to “Ron R. Potter In! Moleto A. Smith Jr Out! as Chairman of BVIHSA”

  • Lb (09/03/2023, 12:23) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    Marlon taking care of his campaign manager
  • Accounting guru (09/03/2023, 12:47) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    same people different payroll
  • asking for a friend (09/03/2023, 12:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does BVIEC have a legitimate board or an illegal board. Was P Smith appointed by the Governor or by Kye??
  • Minister's Decision.. (09/03/2023, 13:08) Like (20) Dislike (5) Reply
    Making these moves few months before election. I wouldn't want this Job. My Minister is out and I am out. These political jobs aint stable jobs ..
    • BVI Citizen (10/03/2023, 06:57) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Well sah if he’s so good in accounting how come Tarris Hiil the family business gone down the drain and can’t catch itself. Just asking
  • Really Now (09/03/2023, 13:13) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply
    If he is an accounting guru then why is he not the minister of finance. The previous one was an arithmetic teacher, this present one attended math class and you sending a guru to run the hospital. Only in the good old bvi.
  • At ya (09/03/2023, 14:03) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    Ron another wise of time!!!
  • Oh My (09/03/2023, 14:13) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
    This is from bad to worse.
  • My Take (09/03/2023, 14:14) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    Another political appointment.
  • Hmmmm (09/03/2023, 14:19) Like (10) Dislike (7) Reply
    This guy is overrated and a good talker but a complete failure.
    • friend (10/03/2023, 11:46) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      did ron do you something because you talking a pack of shiite...if you dont like the man jus say so....dont lie on him...your shiite is not so.
  • Throwing a Party (09/03/2023, 14:20) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Those who have eyes will see Under Smith there was all kinds of back room Manuvers and underhanded behavior. Staff morale had never been lower! long before the new funeral home opened yesterday they were in the hospital on the governed facilities doing a body with full knowledge of Smith who only cared about being found out, Those with ears will hear In her speech the owner thanked the head and the hospital morgue staff for all of this help. Proof positive of the favoritism and bias that runs rampant in our hospital. Public servants assisting a private busines
  • More trouble (09/03/2023, 15:02) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    Marlon is not serious about fixing the hospital and Healthcare with this pick. The hospital is a disaster and this move is one to further protect those who have it in the disaster it is in.
  • Lilly (09/03/2023, 15:08) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Favouritism and biases run rampant everywhere my friend, private sector, private sector and everywhere in between.
  • hmm (09/03/2023, 15:36) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    The rot in that institution is well entrenched. Jesus himself would have a hard time ridding it of its demons. They poison everything with their wretchedness
  • Leopard never changed spot (09/03/2023, 15:46) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    Mentality of NDP-Administration
    Always removing people
    Only vip under A Fahie watch believe to allow them others to be in charged inspite of the party they support
  • que (09/03/2023, 16:01) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Someone with medical experience should be chairman of the medical Board. Mr. minister you are dealing with peoples health. Do not put that young man to fail. You must understand what a life and death situation is.
  • question (09/03/2023, 17:43) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why is there anyone with the qualifications to lead the board?
  • the best (09/03/2023, 18:19) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    This is the best news I have heard in a long time. Ron is a proven mover and shaker. He will do an excellent job - of that I am 200% certain.
  • E. Leonard (10/03/2023, 09:09) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ron, congrats on your being appointed as Chairperson of the BVIHSA, the most challenging among all BVI boards and statutory bodies. Healthcare closely and directly touches the lives of all BVI residents who will be depending and expecting you to deliver high quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare. You have the trust, support, and confidence of government and by extension the people that you can deliver. Do your best and make things happen.
    • Familia (10/03/2023, 09:35) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Family supporting family with an escape hatch when things head south. The BVIHSA is a tough job. Over the last several years, it has had several chairman. Typically, when job frequently cycles through leaders, the question is can the job be done as structured. The structure of the BVIHSA needs to be looked at. Is it the talented people that is crashing and burning or it is the structure of the organization that is the challenge.
      • Management Science (10/03/2023, 11:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Familia, you are into something whether the job can be as structured. Let’s see what Ron can do.
      • @Familia (10/03/2023, 12:32) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Famili, nothing wrong with fam supporting fam. Division is an inherent problem in the BVI. And the UK exploits that division, that crab in bucket mentality. They sit back sip tea while we tear down each other; Willie Lynchism gone wild.
  • Political Observer (PO) (10/03/2023, 20:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The CEO of a health system doesn’t necessarily have to be a health professional, though it could helpful. An experienced and knowledgeable professional manager can be just as effective. Nevertheless, the other members should health professionals, in addition to lawyers, business professionals, private sector professionals, etc. Each board member should have certain strengths. Stacking the board with unqualified political cronies add little to its effectiveness. Another blogger noted the BVIHSA may not be manageable. For starters, it is poorly funded. NHI though well-intended is missing the mark. Inadequate funding will be an anchor around any chairman ‘s neck. It needs to be revamped. This should be a top priority for Mr. Potter. Another weakness is the training, recruitment, and retention. This problem is not unique to the BVI. It is an inherent in small locales. We cannot adopt sydtem from large locales wholesale. They must be adapted to a particular locale. There are more challenges but more time.

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