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REPORT - Lease holders owe Wickham’s Cay Development over $1M!

The Wickham’s Cay Development Authority is a statutory body of the VI Government that depends on the monies collected from rent and premiums to finance the authority. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- As documented by management and staff of the Wickham’s Cay Development Authority, one major issue faced by the Authority is when it is time to collect rent and premium from lease holders, where they avoid payment which has resulted

This information was released by the Wickham’s Cay Development Authority in their Annual 2011 report which was laid in the House of Assembly on July 24, 2012.

The report stated that lease holders failed to honour the agreement as set out in their leases. It was understood that in efforts to collect the money, the authority sent out statements regarding balance owed and telephone calls were made, but all were unsuccessful in encouraging lease holders to pay their debts.

According to the summarized report, in negotiation with Government officials in 2010 and with the help of the Attorney General’s Chambers, a letter was drafted to be sent out to lease holders to encourage them to pay their outstanding rent and premiums, but with instruction coming from the Premier at the time, Hon. Ralph O’Neal, he advised that the letter be sent out at a later date because of the problems faced by the economy.

“We had made several attempts to further discuss the situation with the Premier but unsuccessful since the government’s four year term was about to expire,” read an excerpt from the document.

The authority is still in the process of trying to collect the monies due and is dependent on the premiums and rents collected from the leases for their survival, according to the report.

Wickham’s Cay Development Authority is a statutory body of the Government of the Virgin Islands established in 1974.

The Authority is solely responsible for: acquiring take on lease, purchase, hold, manage and enjoy any property and sell, let or otherwise dispose of the same; borrow money for the operation of any authority; enter into any contracts and make, draw, accept or endorse negotiable instruments.

10 Responses to “REPORT - Lease holders owe Wickham’s Cay Development over $1M!”

  • LOL (26/07/2012, 09:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    More demons from the last administration coming to haunt us, they really do need to be held responsible.
    • facts man (26/07/2012, 18:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      but the NDP supporters never pay they own most of the lots on wickhams cay
  • Smh (26/07/2012, 09:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The problem with these Government Agencies is that for years they send out these notices most of which are ignored and no serious measures are put in place to collect these monies, most times they are people we know and dont want to "mash their corn" so to speak - they are someones family, cousin, brother, or they no someone in Government who gets involved and causes us from collecting the funds. Sad to say this has been going on for years and now we are feeling the effects, bottom line is it is OUR fault. We need to realise in order for us to continue to be employed we need to collect this money. I have seen it happen. It depends on who is the Head of the Department (PS) and whether they are stern in collecting these monies. If they are going to fear bein hated or disliked and back away from collecting from certain individuals, how is the system going to work? Every department/Ministry in Government does this, they keep making exception for friends and business men not realising that they are hurting themselves. Charge accounts are set up for businesses but are not collected. Leases etc are not being paid but still the lease holders are collecting rent, there are other ways to collect these monies indirectly and we need to put our foot down and dont give them the service or other approval unless they have paid off their depts. One thing I notice in the BVI is that they, especially those who making it dont like to pay their bills or pay people. Thats why the Government is in the state that it is in. And you can take that to the Bank.
  • ooooo (26/07/2012, 10:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    some of these people really ridiculous.....they are making big money from those buildings and still dont wanna pay......this happened because politicians give friends and family first opportunity to the plots that were available....if you think i lie, check to see the land owners and the political connections
  • on the ball (26/07/2012, 10:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    and dem rent s high and dem aint paing the tax payers?? shameful
    • pay day (26/07/2012, 23:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You people not paying for your spot on the Cay are freaking amazing!
  • Tax Payer (26/07/2012, 12:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is very typical. People here simply do not pay their bills, it's like part of the culture now. Government, in many instances allow it because of politics. And that's ALL governments. So let's not get twisted. Imagine saying the economy bad so don't send the letters now. The didn't pay when the economy was good! The more money they have, the less they are paying out. It's sick and sad. To get your money out of folks you have to get a lawyer, PAY THEM, and go to court for years. In the end, you owe more for that process than you are owed by the dead beat who isn't paying you. When I see the names of companies listed as Sponsors for entertainment events, who owe money to hard working people all over this country I am sickened. I'm still waiting to see a government with the guts to take on a better business bureau to enforce good business practice and consumer protection. Politicians only concerned about getting re-elected so they could make all that money they come in contact with.
  • grace (26/07/2012, 15:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That nonsense has been an on going problem, and because the people who own the buildings on Wickham CAY are friends and families of the politicians, government can't or won't make them pay for their leases. Ok so phone calls were made and notices sent out, but no positive response from these dead beats. I have a solution. Hold the rent payments for those delinquent in paying until the amount that they owe are satisfied. Come on Attorney General, get on with this. It is not illegal. If this is the only way to get them to pay up then do it. Politics should play no part in this. How is government going to operate as far as paying salaries, building the infrastructure (roads, sewer, healthcare etc)? People want government to do everything, and they don't want to do their fair share. People of the BVI YOU HAVE TO PAY YOUR TAXES, LEASE AGREEMENT FEES, HOSPITAL BILLS and all other fees that might be incurred for business related expenses owed to government. When government can't make payments to the contractors you see them ADMIN Complex with their faces long. Where the HELL is the money going to come from if we don't pay what we have to pay to the government? You people need to wake up and stop being so damn money hungry and selfish. Peoples you can't take money to the grave with you, so stop the greedy, money grabbing selfishness. It is these characteristics why people steal and don't pay their bills. Make a concerted effort to change this mentality so that we can enable our government to do what they have to do, and what we expect them to do. After all this is said, I do acknowledge that there are people who legitimately need government help, but we who don't should give thanks that we can function independently, and don't take advantage. We can also show gratitude by extending a helping hand to a needy person when ever possible. Be your brother's keeper not your brother's slayer.
  • ta ta (26/07/2012, 18:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why am I not surprise the rich wants to get richer while the poor rot!
  • rent high (26/07/2012, 23:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don’t have a problem with some of them not paying but dealing with some of them as month end come they calling you for their building rent

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