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Ready for School! Tech Institute at Baugher’s Bay cleaned & repaired

Classes slated to resume Tuesday, Jan. 8
The freshly cut grass at the Technical Institute in Baugher's Bay as seen on Friday, January 4, 2012. Photo:VINO
Workers seen with a welding plant in the school's compound. Photo:VINO
Workers seen with a welding plant in the school's compound. Photo:VINO
BAUGHER’S BAY, Tortola, VI – Final preparations were being completed on Friday, January 4, 2013 for the resumption of classes at the BVI Technical Institute located in Baugher’s Bay.

Classes at all public schools, including the Technical Institute, are set to resume next Tuesday, January 8, 2013 according to a recent press release from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

When this news site visited the institute at Baugher's Bay, the grass was freshly cut on the lawns of the school, and welders were seen wrapping up their repair duties at the school’s compound for the day.

Students attending the school were placed last term at the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall as a temporary measure while repairs were supposed to be done at the original location.

During the school term, a respiratory problem developed that reportedly caused many of the persons inhabiting the building to become ill; this included both students and teachers of the school and reportedly forced several persons to seek medical treatment as well.

The air was reported to be very "stuffy" and constantly filled with dust but it is unclear how this had affected the overall attendance at the school.

Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron V. Walwyn confirmed in the House of Assembly on December 18, 2012 what this news site had first reported about the students being relocated from the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall to their previous location in Baugher’s Bay as a result of the health concerns.

Hon. Walwyn said, “we moved the students to the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall in anticipation of starting some of the works there [at the Baugher’s Bay building], but we had to take the decision to move them back… because of some respiratory problems that were taking place there.”

Some observers felt that the Sir Briercliffe Hall that temporarily housed the students was poorly ventilated and was not a conducive environment for learning.

11 Responses to “Ready for School! Tech Institute at Baugher’s Bay cleaned & repaired ”

  • vip (06/01/2013, 09:26) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    was myron experimenting?
    • farmer brown (06/01/2013, 16:05) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Myron and the teachers are at war he need to go back in his shell..he lil wicked self go a lot of people upset!!!
      • GoonSquad (06/01/2013, 19:30) Like (0) Dislike (20) Reply
        and you need to go back under the rock from whence you came!!!
        • @ goonSquad (07/01/2013, 18:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          I see hate, bitterness, acrimony, animosity and a man completely out of control...SO YOU AND MYRON GO UNDER THE ROCK AND DO YOUR DO DEY!
  • ausar (06/01/2013, 16:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not only should the interiors be upgraded Minister but the periphery, my in serious disrepair.

    Windows and railings look like they're ready for the Sotheby's!
  • What a shame! (06/01/2013, 17:11) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Myron turn off hot & sweaty to give us a new technical school. Send the teachers & students down to the Cultural Center he said for 6 months. Now they gone back Baugher's Bay& the place worse than first. All of Myron's actions were pure old talk.
  • Not good at all (06/01/2013, 17:18) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    I heard that the reason the Technical school wasn't fixed or improved was because the Premier refused to give Myron the $1.5mil he needed to do it in the manner that Myron promised. Now I see in the 2013 budget that the Premier only give Myron $700,000 which can do hardly anything. Myron now promoting the project with the money he got as phase one of the project. Myron you need to put Orlando in his place.
  • crazy man (06/01/2013, 20:53) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    here we go again with this crazy man Myron another cycle of lack of long-term planning...I will like to know the cost of the repairs with the kick back added in!!
  • new level (07/01/2013, 07:53) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    When you talk about corruption on a new level check the NDP. These guys trying to make us beleive that the VIP was so bad but what I am seeing & hearing about the corruption in & by the NDP is very alarming but they will get away with it while telling everyone to keep focuss on the VIP & who ever else that dosen't support them while they running away with the Treasury of the people. This is a new level of corruption. This is real corruption.

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