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‘Put immigration issue to rest for a while’– Hon Maduro-Caines

- Says gov’t should have prioritised 'born here' children & immigration backlog first
Sixth District Representative in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines. Photo: Facebook
In the second of a series of Opposition led meetings this time at the East End/Long Look Community Centre, Hon Maduro-Caines joined Opposition Leader, Marlon A. Penn (R8), as well as Third District Representative, Hon Julian Fraser RA and Representative of the Second District, Melvin M. Turnbull aka ‘Mitch’ on Thursday, May 30, 2019, to deliver scolding criticisms to the VIP’s ‘Fast Track’ Initiative while echoing sentiments that the programme should be put to rest for a while. Photo: Facebook
In the second of a series of Opposition led meetings this time at the East End/Long Look Community Centre, Hon Maduro-Caines joined Opposition Leader, Marlon A. Penn (R8), as well as Third District Representative, Hon Julian Fraser RA and Representative of the Second District, Melvin M. Turnbull aka ‘Mitch’ on Thursday, May 30, 2019, to deliver scolding criticisms to the VIP’s ‘Fast Track’ Initiative while echoing sentiments that the programme should be put to rest for a while. Photo: Facebook
According to Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines, Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) should have called an informal meeting with his cabinet and the Opposition, “let us go through these things step by step and come to some kind of terms and agreement… but we weren’t even [given] that opportunity to speak about it or to have that conversation before it was brought to the House and that to me should have happened,” she said.
According to Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines, Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) should have called an informal meeting with his cabinet and the Opposition, “let us go through these things step by step and come to some kind of terms and agreement… but we weren’t even [given] that opportunity to speak about it or to have that conversation before it was brought to the House and that to me should have happened,” she said.
EAST END/LONG LOOK, Tortola, VI - Sixth District Representative in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines has finally broken her silence regarding the Virgin Islands Party’s (VIP) ‘Clear path to regularisation: Residency and Belonger Status Programme,’ led by Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1).

In the second of a series of Opposition-led meetings, this time at the East End/Long Look Community Centre, Hon Maduro-Caines joined Opposition Leader Marlon A. Penn (R8), as well as Third District Representative Hon Julian Fraser RA and Representative of the Second District, Melvin M. Turnbull aka ‘Mitch’ on Thursday, May 30, 2019, to deliver scolding criticisms to the VIP’s ‘Fast Track’ Initiative, while echoing sentiments that the Opposition should have been consulted and the programme should be put to rest for a while.

Country @ Crossroads - Hon Maduro-Caines

“Our country presently is at a crossroad, and I call it a political storm so to speak and a piece of legislation like this [Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act], you cannot just take this willy-nilly and make amendments without coming to the people first,” she lashed out.

Hon Maduro-Caines implored the VIP administration to “get the people’s views and opinions,” and then bring an amendment to the house, “but you cannot leave out your people,” the HoA representative said.

She said further, “While I don’t have a problem with certain persons becoming citizens of this country, there is a way that we have to do things, it has to be done in order. We have to take a holistic approach of what we’re doing and what we’re asking. It has to benefit the people of these British Virgin Islands and we cannot continue to rush and make decisions like these, these things take time.”

In questioning the ability of the government to execute the project, Ms Maduro-Caines asked rhetorically, “But can we honestly do this in two to three weeks, can we honestly make a comprehensive decision on a piece of legislation like this in a couple of weeks?”

With an affirmative "No!", she replied, “I do not think that the people have heard enough or have gotten to the point where they are satisfied with what is being proposed in this piece of legislation, I am not.”

Understanding the 'rush'

Further, according to Ms Maduro-Caines, “I am still trying to understand the rush in this piece of legislation to the House that we were asked to do the First, Second and Third Readings in one sitting."

Following public backlash over the Bill entitled Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act, 2019, a Motion was moved and passed for the Second and Third Readings to be taken off the Order Paper on May 17, 2019 and then the planned collection of applications from persons seeking Residency or Belonger status was postponed indefinitely on May 23, 2019, to allow the government to seeks public opinion to chart a way forward.

However, as of May 28, 2019, the 2nd & 3rd readings of Immigration (Amendment) Act had returned on the Order Paper for the upcoming HoA sitting of June 3, 2019, leading to more backlash as to whether the Premier is indeed listening to the people. 

According to Hon Maduro-Caines, the Premier should have called an informal meeting with his cabinet and the Opposition, “let us go through these things step by step and come to some kind of terms and agreement… but we weren’t even [given] that opportunity to speak about it or to have that conversation before it was brought to the House and that to me should have happened,” she said.

Put Immigration Reform to Rest - Maduro-Caines 

Further, Hon Maduro-Caines implored that the issues is pitting expats against expats and VIlansders against VIslanders, “We have persons who were here with applications 20, 30 years waiting. How does it look that someone came here 15 years and have the same… well, not the same because they are still in there waiting on their applications to be approved but 15 years as opposed to 30 years. [It is] not really fair to those who have been here,” she said.

Before the February 25, 2019, VIP elections victory, Hon Maduro-Caines’s political party, the National Democratic Party (NDP) Administration had presided over a huge backlog of immigrants seeking to get regularised in the VI. 

“My opinion is that this needs to be put to rest for a while,” the district representative said while noting that the immigration backlog and ‘born here’ children should have been dealt with first.

28 Responses to “‘Put immigration issue to rest for a while’– Hon Maduro-Caines”

  • my 2 cents (31/05/2019, 07:00) Like (26) Dislike (36) Reply
    Her husband is an " island man" she should be ashamed of herself being against people from the Caribbean
    • Outspoken (31/05/2019, 08:57) Like (18) Dislike (12) Reply
      @ my two cent. Not only that, her mother is also an island woman.
      • @outspoken (31/05/2019, 10:22) Like (20) Dislike (10) Reply
        And that is why she is showing concern regarding the matter. She never said she was against expats and their born here children of which she is one. She is saying let’s do this thing the right way ...

        Andrew Fahie does not appear to be a straightforward person. Why doesn’t he COME OUT and fully explain to the people why he still pushing ahead despite hearing their concerns. Why doesn’t he?
        • Reply (31/05/2019, 11:26) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
          Does the NDP have any history of doing anything right? For God Sake
          • @Reply (31/05/2019, 13:03) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
            Does that justify the other party to do things wrong? SMDH!

            Normally, you write good blogs but this one smells foul!

            Be objective! Can’t go wrong!
        • Outspoken (31/05/2019, 12:13) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
          You can stop there, technically she is totally against it. If only we could have look into people’s heart and read their mines
          • @outspoken (31/05/2019, 14:50) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
            You could read her mind ... look closely at what you posted!

            You more sound like you have a personal beef with her. And don’t ever tell me where to stop!
    • @my 2 cents (31/05/2019, 09:41) Like (16) Dislike (7) Reply
      You dam* well know what she is getting at. She is saying address this matter in just democratic way. Not in a bully style way. First, second and third readings in one sitting. Why why why the rush? There are a number of matters to take care of including immigration issues on a whole, labor issues, economic and financial issues. Why not look at the top 5-10 issues of the Territory and address the citizenship / belonger issues in line with these? Has the government determined what the real backlog of applications are in relation to status? Wouldn’t it not be best to address these, particularly for those persons who have been here more than 15 years? Shouldn’t the issue of status be addressed in a systematic manner? What about the statuses of the dependents if these persons, especially dependents born in the Territory of expats not yet regularise? She is right, a WHOLISTIC approach is needed! The Government is in there for 4 years. I am not saying though they should take fours years. But a timeline of COMPLETELY addressing the issue should be put in place!

      You too full of confusion. Her husband is an island man? Her mother was an island woman from St. Kitts.
    • @my 2 cents (02/06/2019, 20:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I was at that meeting and she did not speak negative about expats. She spoke in favour of those who have applications in for a long time should be the ones to be fast tracked. Deal with those first then deal with the children who are born here to expat parents. That don't sound like someone against expats. I am not from here and she willingly help me with my status. Open your eyes and see what the premier is doing. Charging $1500 for a process that normally would cost $810. Hello my expat Caribbean really think he cares about you getting your status? Ask God for a spirit of desernment
  • Jaigon (31/05/2019, 07:24) Like (38) Dislike (4) Reply
    I must admit that some of the things she said am in agreement with but with other things for eg meeting with the opposition first, I wonder if she for real. Maduro-Caines remember you were with a government for 8 years and most things were done in secret, when the people found out about it, it was already a done deal, the two members Opposition then were treated like puppets. You had never open your mouth and tell your colleagues to include the two members opposition. They could not even convene standing finance because the NDP members willfully failed to show up now you coming chatting piss that government should have involved the opposition
  • Yuck (31/05/2019, 07:25) Like (32) Dislike (11) Reply
    I am so dam ashame of them four representatives. Sad day for the BVI. I would rather worship than going to that hatred meeting. All respect lost here especially for that woman and the the ring leader. Mitch a man of clothe now a man of sin. Crucifying for power. Didn’t the Bible teach you the earth belongs to no man. Very disgraceful.
    • So (31/05/2019, 10:02) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
      It does not matter what or who u ashamed of. It is obvious that u one of those who can’t vote and don’t care about the process and implications
  • maybe? (31/05/2019, 07:55) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
    Maybe Andrew wanted to include this "achievement" in his " First 100 days in office report?
  • Troublemakers (31/05/2019, 08:49) Like (22) Dislike (6) Reply

    All you see was a bunch of disgruntled NDP supporters at the meeting. They don’t know how to accept a loss. Trying to make everybody miserable. Turning the people against each other. Felt like it was the city of ninevah. God soon send a Jonah to warn all You wretchedness. Thank God Fraser, Marlon Mitch and Alvera are not the government. Set of power hungry cr**ks.

  • please (31/05/2019, 08:52) Like (13) Dislike (16) Reply
    She always post about god but did not come to the premier service last night for unity. They should all have been there. Should be ashamed of themselves
    • @Please (31/05/2019, 09:48) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      How many wicked evil doers make claim about worshiping God? Some even quote he didn’t call the righteous but sinners. Go to the worship places and see. No need to be anxious about her posts. It has worst than her and you might be one. One finger pointing outwards but four pointing inwards.
    • VI Gyal (31/05/2019, 10:13) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
      Hon. Caines always have Unity service each year...more than one for a year. How many did VIP or Andrew attend? There is one Sunday by the Stickett in Long Look, I invite you to attend. Bring VIP too.
  • Dumbos (31/05/2019, 08:55) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply

    Any representative who sit theire and let people disrespect the premier not worth following. What happen to constructive conversation. That dirty gurl talking crap she no go call the Premier honorable. All you troublemakers sit up there enjoying it. Tell the people when they wrong. Look wha following all you. That c hodge lady got authur hodge slave murder mark all over her. She’s like a black form of a white master. $%^^& all you. Resign from office now sick oppositions.

    • Strups (02/06/2019, 08:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      We are not sheep. When the premier steps out of line he must be told. That man is not a god.
  • asking for a friend (31/05/2019, 09:03) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Poor Alvera who wrote her speech?
  • Yes (31/05/2019, 09:31) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    It was a good little session and I am proud that the Opposition is willing to unify and work across party lines to try to have this important issue addressed in the most practical way.
  • WHY WORRY? (31/05/2019, 09:37) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let not your heart be troubled. They are trying to fight what God has already established. Continue to pray and seek the face of God in regards to this matter. God is just exposing the heart of every mankind to us.
    We now know where we stand in the BVI.
    Lets continue to pray the will of the lord will be done. God looks at the heart while man looks at the faces,
    God will fight for his people!!
  • wize up (31/05/2019, 09:40) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    how comes this new opposition is suddenly so Community minded: however to this day maduro; Turnbull; Penn have not enlighten our people about those aeroplanes: missing sewage money; the school wall or pier park(there are still several queries associated with tax money over their 8 years in government: it will be great hearing from this new opposition, simply to clear the air and finally Dispel all the rumours about tax money Mismanagement over eight years)
  • GG (31/05/2019, 10:05) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
    God bless Fahie for turning this light on now we see all the Snakes in the dark..
  • Serious (31/05/2019, 10:11) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    What is wrong with people in this place. It is shameful the way this ISLAND is going . It seems as if they need a heavier rude awaking come on BVI we are better than this let us unite together to get this place on the right track unity is strength.
  • native (31/05/2019, 11:40) Like (9) Dislike (10) Reply
    Listen up you disrespectful people, all of you who are writing these disrespectful blogs about our BVI elected government representatives are obviously non belongers and need to be sent home. You are the kind of immigrants who we don't need to have here in the BVI. Coming here to the BVI to work and earn a living to help yourselves and your families is a privilege not a right. If you don't like the situation here, go to hell back home! This is the home of BV Islanders, not your home, I am sick of your disrespectful behavior. I don't know why the paper would allow such disrespectful remarks to be published. If you cannot come here and be respectful to the people here and try to live like the natives, go home we don't need characters like yours here.
    We just replaced the NDP government because we want better government, transparency and accountability. We don't expect the same behavior or worse from Andrew Fahie and his puppet followers. If the VIP government does not intend to represent the interest of BVI nationals, then they need to resign right now, don't let us have to force them out in disgrace. They must shape up or ship out, it will not be business as usual. Those of you immigrants who don't want good government in the country and live in harmony with the people here, go home, we don't want your type here. How would you like a bunch of immigrants come to your country, rule you, manage you and take over your country. What you don't like, don't try to give. Shut up and let the natives freely express themselves. If you don't like it go home. Otherwise you are welcome.
  • Trojan horse (31/05/2019, 16:01) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    What needs to be put on the fast track is the revocation of the naturalization law. Any other change will only lead to a delay but will not make a difference in the final outcome of Virgin Islanders loosing control of their territory. Let us stop playing with ourselves and face the reality, albeit a hash reality but we have brought it on ourselves. In the end we are going to be the laughing stock of the whole world.
    All other countries in the world, the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, France, Germany and many others, are taking steps to limit immigration because they know what its going to lead to. Do we know more than all these much more experienced countries or are we doing this to support the short lived careers of a few people. There is too much at steak for only a few to gain.
  • Be Humble (01/06/2019, 07:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Brothers and Sisters from other Caribbean countries be humble. The process needs to slow down for the livelyhood of all. The BVI past Governments have failed to deal with such matters over the years- which leads to this present turbulance. Meetings such as these are necessary i'm sure we all agree.
    My apologies to Caribbean brothers and sisters - unfortunately you've been dragged into our house-cleaning matters .

    On the otherhand BVI islanders are very concerned about the country losing its serenity among other things.
    This present Government have alot to deal with presently and this can be only done by conversing ..first of all. We have come to many crossroads of many decision making and I pray that God will see us through in these beautiful British Virgin Isles

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