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Public needs to ‘buy into’ proposed RVIPF changes- Elvin G. Grant

Talking Points co-host Elvin G. Grant has told Governor Daniel Pruce that the public needs to buy into his proposed changes to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF). Photo: Internet Source
(L-R) Talking Points co-hosts Damion C. Grange, Violet Thomas Gaul, Governor Daniel Pruce and co-host Elvin Grant on Talking Points on January 27, 2025. Photo: Facebook
(L-R) Talking Points co-hosts Damion C. Grange, Violet Thomas Gaul, Governor Daniel Pruce and co-host Elvin Grant on Talking Points on January 27, 2025. Photo: Facebook
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force falls under the Governor's Office in the Virgin Islands. Photo: RVIPF
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force falls under the Governor's Office in the Virgin Islands. Photo: RVIPF
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Talking Points co-host Elvin G. Grant has told Governor Daniel Pruce that the public needs to buy into his proposed changes to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF).

Governor Pruce was Talking Points’ guest on Monday, January 27, 2025, on ZBVI 780 AM where he discussed his first year in the office of Governor and his plans for the Territory during 2025.

The proposed changes Grant told the Governor are underpinned by what the public perceives the RVIPF to be. 

“You’ve underlined recommendations, you’ve outlined the process by which you think you’re going to get there, but there also needs to be the buy-in from the public to believe that the force would be able to carry this out,” Grant said. 

Pubic needs to be ‘part & parcel’ of process- Grant

Grant also highlighted a key point from Acting Commissioner of Police Jacqueline E. Vanterpool’s press conference on January 15, 2025, where it was revealed that several police officers were arrested for Breach of Conduct. 

He also pointed to former CoP Mark Collins’ controversial tenure where some charges were levied against him. “There was a report conducted, that wasn’t released to the public,” he reminded. 

The Office of the Governor is responsible for the police force. 

Grant went on to tell Governor Pruce the public needs to be “part and parcel” of the process and proper communication is needed to explain effectively what the proposed changes are so that “we understand and we buy into the changes that you’re proposing”. 

‘I agree’- Gov Pruce 

Governor Pruce told Grant that he agrees with his statement, “I think you’re absolutely correct on that front and, again, one of the important priorities for myself is just really building the sense of security and law and order in the Virgin Islands.”

Governor Pruce also said that while the police play a critical role in attaining this goal, they are not the only solution source. 

“There is a lot that we can do, which has nothing to do with frontend enforcement, which will contribute to bringing our crime stats down and strengthening law and order,” the Governor said. 

He explained that in the United Kingdom, there are models where police work with local schools, hospitals, and mental health institutions to create a partnership to help deal with issues not only once they have arisen but to help prevent them. 

“An important strand for me in the work moving forward would be engaging with Premier, colleagues in Cabinet, and partners beyond government to help develop that whole of community approach,” Governor Pruce assured.

4 Responses to “Public needs to ‘buy into’ proposed RVIPF changes- Elvin G. Grant”

  • next (29/01/2025, 10:05) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
    Please tell this fake English talking Uncle Tom to get lost. I hear he wants to run for election but he wouldn’t even get back his deposit.
  • 2024 (29/01/2025, 14:46) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The young man needs to us the people how some police end up before the court while the one on several charges gone back Europe Scott free
  • Ho (29/01/2025, 18:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    David Archer do the right thing with your dirty cop, and remember to keep GOD in your prayers
  • guy hill (30/01/2025, 06:57) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Law Enforcement with all the new Amendments to the Police bill still needs to develop a culture and be steadfast in it, where the corrupt officer fears the incorruptible officer and not the other way around. Conversely. They all, from the Governor's office down need to Act and be seen to be acting within the LEGAL ASPECTS of the Law at all times. With God's help. Be Brave.

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