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Premier Wheatley proposes agriculture drive where all citizens plant a tree

- says overall output could contribute to VI’s agriculture yields
The Premier, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) was at the time speaking during ‘Let’s Chew on the Issue’, a panel discussion with other VIP 2023 elections candidates and live-streamed on Thursday afternoon, April 6, 2023. Photo: Facebook/File
Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley has proposed an agriculture drive where all citizens of the Virgin Islands can be involved by planting a tree in their years and contributing to the VI’s overall agriculture output. Photo: Facebook/File
Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley has proposed an agriculture drive where all citizens of the Virgin Islands can be involved by planting a tree in their years and contributing to the VI’s overall agriculture output. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has proposed an agriculture drive where all citizens of the Virgin Islands (VI) can be involved by planting a tree in their years and contributing to the VI’s overall agriculture output.

The Premier was at the time speaking during ‘Let’s Chew on the Issue’, a panel discussion with other VIP 2023 elections candidates and live-streamed on Thursday afternoon, April 6, 2023.

“Let's take something like orchards, right? We don't have big acres and acres of land to put orchards, but everybody could put a fruit tree in their backyard and we can buy”.

The Premier share an example of a friend with a fruit tree in their yard, where the in-demand fruit was rotting on the ground.

“I went up by a gentleman, a good friend of mine, and he has a huge avocado tree in his yard, and I literally saw like dozens of avocados rotting on the ground and the tree had hundreds of avocados.

Generating income from agriculture - Premier 

“I said, I wonder If this man understands how much avocado costs in the supermarket, I wonder if this man understands on this tree, just right now you have thousands of dollars,” he added.

Dr Wheatley said if everyone in the VI plants an avocado tree and given how popular avocados are in the world, it could generate a lot of income.

The premier added that if avocados were locally produced, it could mean millions of dollars being pumped into the VI's economy.

34 Responses to “Premier Wheatley proposes agriculture drive where all citizens plant a tree”

  • 3 blind mice (11/04/2023, 09:47) Like (40) Dislike (47) Reply
    • No comments on Lorna (11/04/2023, 11:19) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
      Lorna, why can’t we comment on your paid news article. Presumably in your Ivory Tower you don’t care what we think.
      • @No comments on Lorna (11/04/2023, 12:20) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
        I do not see why it was necessary to do an article on herself when her campaigning should be about what the TEAM will be doing together. This one rub me the wrong way and I am now concerned.
    • 2 blind mice (11/04/2023, 15:20) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      I think Nat Turner is the real deal! Uhuru! VIP problems was before the young leader, I am still supporting only him..
  • Voters in the BVI (11/04/2023, 09:53) Like (19) Dislike (27) Reply
    Let us all ride the blue Wave and elect competent people to run our affairs......VOTE PVIM ON THE 20TH AND 24TH OF APRIL 2023
    • @Voters in the BVI (11/04/2023, 13:08) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      You really want to be talking about PVIM right now under any topic pertaining to trees? Their problem will not be planting them. Their problem will be removing them from the middle of the water.
  • Informed (11/04/2023, 09:59) Like (26) Dislike (5) Reply
    I'll plant a tree when the grass along the roads is trimmed back. Let's say its a carbon footprint exchange. Or perhaps we plant them in the pot holes. Then we can have new forests around the island.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (11/04/2023, 10:18) Like (31) Dislike (4) Reply
    Too little, too late, outgoing Premier.
    99.9% of our food daily consumption in the BVI has been imported, and continuing for the foreseeable future, facts.
  • PT09 (11/04/2023, 10:18) Like (27) Dislike (17) Reply
    Natalio D. Wheatley I can’t believe that this man is our Premier, what the BVI has come to.
  • Boodoop, Accident! (11/04/2023, 10:18) Like (25) Dislike (4) Reply
    On behalf of the accidental premier because he might end up saying this tomorrow, "I made a mistake". Good night.
  • RedStorm (11/04/2023, 10:20) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Too late! The bigger picture has to be accomplished first before the small one are input. Management 101

    The people at Paraquita bay still waiting for water.
  • @ 3 blind mice (11/04/2023, 10:25) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    Sounds personal to me. You can't even tell us why?
  • stupid (11/04/2023, 10:55) Like (18) Dislike (7) Reply
    Accidents happen all the time people. We learn from it and we move on. On election day we the people of the bvi will move on from this poor government. It is only then we will plant a tree for new beginnings.
  • resident (11/04/2023, 11:02) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
    Strupes. These people have every idea in the book but as soon as they are elected they get amnesia. Waste of votes. The BVI deserves better leadership
    • Hmm (11/04/2023, 13:37) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      That idea is for everyone, so before he get amnesia like you say at least he told everyone to do something useful. planting a bearing tree is a good idea he doesn't have to go in your land and plant it for you.
  • Hmm (11/04/2023, 11:05) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    the man have a point. Plant a tree that you can gain something out of it. a breadfruit, plumrose, mango, orange, lime or lemon etc etc
  • my money (11/04/2023, 11:51) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    "Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has proposed an agriculture drive where all citizens of the Virgin Islands (VI) can be involved by planting a tree in their years and contributing to the VI’s overall agriculture output."
    You have given millions of dollars to farmers and fishermen, did the farmers not plant anything?
  • Tafari Zharr (11/04/2023, 13:03) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    By Tafari Zharr

    What’s better than buying a plant and sticking it near a window? Besides Singleminded -Nothingness! Growing better together.

    Planting roots is conducive to living green beyond planting a tree. Planting roots is an extension of life. Plants like humans and other creatures need to be nurtured and fed and protected. We all need sun water and food and the abundance of which prevents us from being vultures or cannibals. The good thing about some species we can channel each other to occupy the space called habitation.

    The VI can be a tourists vacay but it’s our habitat. Everyone caring about Planting is good. I think this is one area where we can seize good stewardship for finding common ground to merge foreigners and expats with natives towards finding solutions and a path forward as stakeholders to grow a staple economy.

    Togetherness, is how we rebuild and repurpose our infrastructure, rebrand our reputation, uplift the spirits of our “spiritual”local norms, and bring community back to unique experience.

    Community farming and Gardening Requires Shared Reciprocity between residents and good stewards. Farming herbs and spices, what ever we can produce for farmers market. Becoming a plant based society is doing something else to sustain a healthier lifestyle. Cleaning up the environment and aggressively addressing pollutants and other dangers that hinder good food production is equally important. Of course, people need clean quality air and water - equally critical for best outcomes at preventing diseases, cancer, and other environmental causes health concerns.

    On the other hand, when I think about citizens planting a tree the first thing that comes to mine is everyone not a citizen, all citizens don’t have access to land to plant anything.

    I don’t think that we’re trying to reconcile plant life with people; as the plants we’d be interesting in growing will be herbs and staple vegetables that can thrive in our terrain.

    Because we import so much of our food - we ought to be worried about the future of food insecurity for all residents of the Virgin Island.

    Perhaps now is a good time to find a balance between expats and citizens everybody eats all the time. But with any food shortage some people won’t eat all the time.

    Good stewardship might include a first step to secure lands for planting. Block parcels of land for kitchen gardens in each community near major streets would be another resource for community engagement where people from everywhere can take a stake in getting to know each other to come together for common good- our communities are too divided; how are we addressing the divisiveness? It starts with how we change how we don’t welcome others, even those we procreate with.

    So, if we goin’ plant , leh we plant! - let’s dig deep into what where, why,, who, when and how much more we really will commit to cultivate for a happier, healthier Virgin islands. Living green beyond planting a tree is a good model for grow better together - just suggesting a small - consolation - a step towards acceptance!
  • Jokes... (11/04/2023, 13:56) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    If we can find 5 acres of land to plant just Avocado and Coconut , those are the two fastest sellers on a local scale and through out the whole caribbean...Jelly water and Avocado. Plant in away that we have year round.. Below and between those Trees we can drop in Pumpkin and water melon...We good to go..To me this is as easy as ABC. Just the will and desire...Stop joking and giving election gimmicks..
  • Smhhh (11/04/2023, 13:56) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    We should plant a tree in every pothole. East end will be the best place to start.
  • Potential (11/04/2023, 14:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its not too late at all. This is a side effect of having many people living in apartments with no space to grow, also a side effect of allowing apartments to be built with no grow space. Most people do not have space to plant a tree. There are no designated areas for public foraging and planting.

    Hmm we have to consider the Premier though afrocentric is not a farmer & some older politicians who are too old to take a fall in nature are content to say "back in my day we used to ....." bla bla.

    Theirs was the generation that dropped the old ball for a new one. Instead of using the new technology & education to improve the old ways.

    Think how easy life would have been if arawaks, caribs or newly emancipated people had half the tech & medicine we have.

    We have all these laws now, yet there is probably not one law mandating planting of a tree. Period.

    Look around at what already produces naturally, protect them, make use of it and multiply them. Ideally farming can be passive & productive. This goes for fish too.

    Has government identified annual & natural opportunities at sea and provide education on access & preservation of the relatively free meals?

    Are there any edible sea plants & opportunities to farm them passively?

    When the fry come in massive numbers yearly & the pelicans feast have we considered encouraging participation in the feast? Iv heard older folk used to eat the fry at certain times battered & fried or in a patty. People in Alaska as seen on tv hunt, fish & store it up out of necessity.

    Has government taught the people how to fish or given them lines & nets? Does every household have a net?

    I feel entitled to asking all these questions because not only does government pays for consultants our lives at stake in every single theoretical emergency where food cant come in... It could be the next pandemic.

    We need leaders who will be curious about our physical survival as if there's a random deadline & not acting nobles who have their priorities mixed up.

    In a real emergency there should be tools, processes and space if needed to allow people to 'work' together voluntarily for the benefit of the community.

    No one wants there to be cries to send us aid or we'll starve if government doesn't strive to find a solution while its not a problem. Rather than government ministers traveling to Europe and America go to the tropics around the world and come back with ideas na.
  • K (11/04/2023, 14:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am glad he is talking about it. The same attitude of not valuing those avocados is what has allowed us to go down hill encourage a change in attitude. Im sure he would stoop down to pick up a dirty $20.

    Legalized cannabis will lead to more interest & participation in farming naturally.
  • HMMM (11/04/2023, 14:49) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sounds good but I need water to for the tree, I barely got to bathe ma skin. Wuk on it for we nuh
  • stoner (11/04/2023, 15:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I just planted 6 "bushes" the other day.
    • @stoner (11/04/2023, 16:06) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Funny. Well, sowande was for the Bush last time around. This time he for the tree. Progress?
  • Madussa (11/04/2023, 17:15) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Most BVIlanders have a small piece of land. I remember the years I used to go to agriculture and purchase so many good things. Over 25 years ago, I even bought fruit trees and planted them in my own yard, which years later now, has been flourishing. I have a 1/2 acre parcel, a small amount just for our family. Bananas, star fruit, mangoes, basil, palm trees, sour sop, lemon grass, aloe plants, passion fruit on the vine, spinach, scallions, carrots, tomato, potato, and limes. It is a shame that in 2023, we are being told to plant in our own yards for survival. My garden is small, too small for selling, but crammed full of nutritious things for my family to survive. If overseas stop shipping to the BVI, will you be able to survive? Start growing in pots, that's what I did, then transferred them to the ground.
  • cut and paste (11/04/2023, 18:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Green means GO.. it start GOne too. When is the 24th so they can go and be gone.
  • Yes (11/04/2023, 19:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Agriculture needs to be imperative in all schools.
    Nowadays the fruits and vegetables that are imported, they only last for couple days before they start to rotten. We need to try and plant some of those stuff here instead of importing
    We can do it
  • THESE JOKERS (11/04/2023, 20:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • bvi (12/04/2023, 08:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    He was was and .not the only one whi made a mistakw,,,lets hear what you have to say for some night ago the doc. Puckering the thet made a huge mistake in the ndp gov... and now you give the same mistake goverment a chance to be reelected now how silly is this
  • mister (12/04/2023, 09:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Trees need water to grow.
    No water available ,not even to take a bath.
    Piss will kill the tree.
  • Where 2 plant (12/04/2023, 10:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    They say they giving us land at Pariquita bay farm to cultivate,but the farmers are building second homes there so they renting out their original homes.
    How come he saying plant an Avacado tree now when he has already laid out his plan to make millions from his legal ganga farms. He should be encouraging us to cultivate the Sensimania, for the BUDS.
  • I wid you (12/04/2023, 10:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did you give"The Farmer Of The Year" that piece of Land as an Agricultural prize?
    well come up on my Marriquana Cultivation field an give me my worth. 666 large producing plants ,and 1000 young sprouting , plus 186 seeds just sewn with the last moon. Just need lil more help with watering,so bring your truck. Lenten season hot and hard.

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